Chapter 190: "Vipralopa, good job!"

When the giant snake fell from the sky, its heavy body collapsed several high-rise buildings like it was destroying a sandcastle on the coast.

An earthquake and cloud of dust followed when the Honkai beast hit the ground. Due to the severe lack of honkai energy, the body of the Honkai beast also began to slowly shrink.

"{Hey, can you two hear my voice? Still alive? It's connected, right?}" Thea's innocent voice immediately sounded in both of their minds.

Aurora: "Ugh...."

Kiana: "My head..."

When Selene attack came, the concentration of honkai energy in Nagazora City dropped to its lowest level. Not only did the Honkai beasts die, but the two of them also almost died on the spot.

The basic strength of the valkyries is honkai energy itself. Apart from that, the Kaslana gene in their bodies also contains quite a large proportion of the Honkai beasts gene.

So, when that pillar of light fell from the sky, Kiana and Aurora felt like their souls were being purified.

They both almost enter heaven and hell.

"Ugh, are you stupid! You're trying to kill us!" Aurora shouted angrily.

"Big Sis, are you still angry? I'm really sorry, I won't steal anymore! Please forgive me!" Kiana also started to regret it.

Hearing the moans of her two younger siblings, as a kind sister, Thea chose to ignore them.

"{Well, you're both alive. Then everything's fine.}"

Saying those words casually, Thea continued her business.

"{Selene was successfully fired, and it will take a while to replenish its energy. Since this is also the first test attack, we have set the attack intensity to the lowest level but on a fairly large scale.}"

"{In other words, it is very likely that the honkai beast vipralopa is still alive. Please carry out a survey and determine its current condition.}"

"{Don't worry, even though the Honkai beast is still alive, its strength must have weakened quite a lot after being hit by Selene attack. If you are really sure you can kill it, then just do it.}"


Can't refuse, because this job involves everyone. Even though Aurora hated being told what to do, she currently decided to solve this problem once and for all.

Aurora could feel Thea helping them to restore their body condition using the power of the stigmata. Taking advantage of this, Aurora, who had recovered a little, immediately opened a portal.

"My servant, answer my call and come here!"

"{.... W-Wait a minute your majesty the queen, the fried chicken hasn't been picked up yet!}"

"Hurry up!!"



Waited for a few moments in silence, and finally saw the chibi version of Bella, coming out of the portal carrying a spatula, kneeling in front of her. Aurora, who saw all this, somehow felt even more tired.

"Bella awaits your majesty's orders!"

Aurora sighed: "Never mind, throw away that spatula in your hand, and change into the form of Benares. Take me to a high place!"

"Yes, my queen!"

Waiting for Bella to change into dragon form. Aurora climbed onto her back, and she looked at Kiana with a confused look.

"Huh? Why did you come up?"

"I wasn't invited?" Kiana looked at her sister in disbelief.

"You can't even fly! What if you suddenly fall!? Head towards the castle ruins, and look for the doll's remains! Don't let her escape!"

Pushed back by Aurora, and saw Aurora flying into the sky together with Bella to look for the snake monster. Kiana, who was left behind, kicked the pebbles on the ground in annoyance.

"Why am I always not invited... Is it because I'm the youngest? Hum, just wait until I have my own mount..."

Even though she knew that this was all for her own good, this still couldn't prevent Kiana from feeling annoyed and angry.

Safety is safety.

Being invited, and not being invited, is another matter.

Sighed for a while, and after that went to the area of ​​the former Homu castle, and looked at the building debris scattered around the edge of the big hole. Kiana summoned her greatsword, and she started digging.

Honkai beast vipralopa: "ROARRRRR!!!!"

Bella: "ROARRRRR!!!!!"


Keep digging, and occasionally look at the battle in the sky in amazement. Kiana now really felt very jealous.

If only she could fly....

Maybe she can be invited later.

Evil Vill-V: "Hey here! Over here! Quickly dig me up! Yes, right under your feet!"

Kiana: "Wait a minute..."

Found that she didn't need to look, because this criminal was very cooperative. Kiana continued digging, and she was finally able to find Evil Vill-V's body among the rubble of the building.

Nothing like the fleshy body she imagined. After her body was half destroyed, Kiana realized that Evil Vill-V's body was actually just a robot that had many complicated components inside.

She stomach is wide open, and its gear wheels and severed electrical cables give it a strange cyberpunk feel combined with smooth human skin.

"I'm here! I-I-I'm here! I'm here!"

"Is this thing broken?"

Couldn't believe that the enemy she had been fighting all this time was actually just a broken robot. Kiana confirmed once again, and she really felt that this was indeed the Evil Vill-V that she had fought at Homu castle.

Thinking back to the fact that this was the thing that caused Mei to be eaten by the Honkai beast, and it was unknown whether she was still alive or not, immediately made Kiana very angry.

Hitting her head hard like her father often did to repair old things. The robot's eyes drooped, and its body began to shake violently.


"Gess! Why turned up volume!"

Feeling annoyed, and at the same time feeling frustrated. Even though she didn't know where the real Evil Vill-V had gone, Kiana decided to contact Thea first.

"Big sis, I found...."

"{Kiana dodge to the side!}"


Feeling confused by Thea's sudden order. Kiana looked back, and she saw a large mouth that was opening wide, coming towards her very quickly.

Kiana's pupils shrank.

Evil Vill-V: "I'M HERE! I'M HERE! I'M HERE!"

Honkai beast vipralopa: "AAAHHHH!!!!"