Chapter 211: "Project Stigma exp"

Seeing Prometheus walking further and further away, Bronya could only bit her lip helplessly.

Prometheus is right. In this unfamiliar place, acting randomly would only be detrimental to oneself. In the end she had to follow Prometheus words whether she wanted to or not.

Moreover, Bronya did not feel any malicious intentions from the other party. That's why after Bronya thought for a moment, she chose to follow her.

"Wise choice." Prometheus praised her.

"Where are we going?"

"Of course the outermost dimensional point in this bubble world. But before that, I have to tell you a few things."

Get to the top of the hill, and see a wide altar. Prometheus stopped, and she turned to look at Bronya.

"First, you are dead."

"I know what you are thinking, but listen to my explanation first. To control the power of the Herrscher of Reason, your death is necessary."

"Secondly, I said earlier that we are in a world bubble, but we are actually also inside your herrscher core. In simple terms, this world bubble is your protective mechanism before you are truly ready to deal with them."


"Yes, 300,000 consciousness fragments that exist within the herrscher of reason's core."

Prometheus looked at Bronya seriously.

"Thirdly, Misteln, that woman is not actually your enemy. Sometimes she speaks directly without going into great detail which makes people confused and feel strange about her. However, she will never hurt you."

"The reason I'm speaking up for her is because if you make peace with her, and follow every instruction he'll give you later, then it will really save all of us time."

Bronya: "...."

Putting together all the available information, and felt that Hare had no basis for hating her. For the time being, Bronya will believe what Prometheus said.

"Then what should Bronya do?"

Prometheus replied: "At this time, Misteln has already used a small part of the stigma project's computing to hack your herrscher core, and turned 300,000 consciousnesses into her [seed of idea]."

"You yourself understand that the power of the Herrscher of Reason and the stigma project are the same. They can both create stories, but stand on two different spectrums."

"One is an independent narrative that doesn't require [superpowers], while the other is an independent power that doesn't require a [story]. However, despite their differences, they can combine, just like the Herrscher of Origin powers."

Although Bronya didn't really understand what Prometheus said. She still listened wisely.

"I won't discuss this in more depth since you still don't understand. In essence, you will now face the power of 300,000 Consciousnesses, the Herrscher of Reason, and also the stigma project simultaneously."

"But, you don't need to be afraid. As long as you follow all my instructions, then everything will be fine."

Hearing the tone of certainty in Prometheusbvoice. Bronya raised her eyebrows slightly, confused.

"Why do you want to help Bronya?"

Prometheus was silent: "I think that's actually a not very important question. But I will answer it to resolve your suspicions."

Prometheus thought for a moment to form her words.

"I shouldn't have appeared here. As a [audience], I should have sat in the audience. But because of the actions of those puppets, I now have to become a [director]."

"You can think of me as a correction system, or a supervisor. If something goes wrong, then I'll show up to fix it."

Bronya's eyes lit up slightly: "That's why you appeared in this place. What are you repairing?"



Prometheus rolled her eyes: "Further explanation will only confuse you. So let's stop here. Stay focused on your problem first."

"As an AI that can contain the herrscher core to create a divine key, I can help you to change the composition of the herrscher core of Reason."

"Do you know metamorphosis simulation?"

Bronya nodded slightly: "Bronya has read it before. Does this have anything to do with computer model algorithms?"

Prometheus shook her head: "Close enough. Although this technology cannot be compared with actual [metamorphosis], it can explain how the stigma project algorithm can affect 300,000 consciousnesses."

"You need to use the Herrscher of Reason's power to imitate the [opposite signal] of the code that the stigma project uses, then concentrate that power to apply pressure."

Bronya opened her eyes wide: "Using a stigma project to fight 300,000 consciousness, isn't this called borrowing an enemy knife?"

Prometheus shrugged her shoulders: "My creator would say that this was not a cunning move, but a wise one."

Couldn't see the change in expression on Prometheus face, or the feeling of guilt. The corner of Bronya's mouth twitched slightly.

"Now, let's move on to the next problem. Namely imitating signals in the opposite direction."

"Bronya Zaychik, get ready, I'm going to give you all the code bases I know."

Bronya: "Still using code?"

Prometheus nodded: "After all, the stigma project originally came from a genetic engineering project. Besides..."

"Code, is the most powerful [narrative] tool a human can mastered."


Prepared herself, and received super large data through project bunny, and after that it was passed into her mind. Bronya slightly furrowed her brows, and she held her head dizzily.

"The basic logic of the stigma project is existence. This is the basis on which imagination is created and the beginning of all abstract concepts."

"Essentially, the two most important qualities of existence-- essence and change."

"[Think] is the core unit of the stigma project. Thought enlightens people and reflects the so-called [truth]"

"Even though it's counterintuitive, it's a way to dissolve the boundaries between reality and imagination."

"In the stigma project, [life] is the most immediate thought, while [absolute] is the highest thought."

"This project brings the absoluteness of life to build imagination. Allows one to free oneself from the individual, and become a reality that [transcends] oneself."

"And the usual price of [transcendence] is death. And for the stigma project itself, the death of the soul means the progress of the soul."


"Because of this Bronya must die... Right?"

"You know now."

Managed to digest all the code base provided by Prometheus, and understand the goals of the stigma project itself. Now they will go to the next stage.

"With your Herrscher power, later you need to recapture 300,000 thousand consciousnesses so you can become a complete and real Herrscher of Reason again."

"But... That's too much."

Prometheus shook her head: "There's no need to bother looking for all the points. We're also short on time. You just have to look for the heuristic algorithm of the main path. The rest will be later Misteln will guide the 300,000 consciousnesses to come to you."

"From here, if everything goes successfully, then the Herrscher of Reason can become the foundation for transcending the stigma project, and metamorphosing into the Herrscher of Truth."

"Herrscher of Truth...?"

Have a lot of questions, why does Prometheus know all these things, as if she is sure that she will succeed in metamorphosis. Bronya swallowed all the questions, and she followed prometheus.

Walk towards the end of the hall. Bronya saw a space crack that looked like a diamond appear in front of her.

Bronya, who had just learned metamorphosis simulation, and the stigma project algorithm, felt a little strange.

"This is a memory fragment...? But why does Bronya feel like there's something strange mixed in there?"

Prometheus: "Good, it looks like you really understand using the stigma project to distinguish existing memory fragments. Come in, She's waiting for you there."

"You mean Misteln?"


Trusting Prometheus words, and walked closer to the memory fragment. Bronya touched it, and she immediately entered a fairly empty room.

If you wanted to describe this place, then Bronya could say that this was an empty room, without boundaries.

There is nothing here.

Everything was very quiet, even the chaotic memories that existed in the memory fragments, did not exist at all.


Called Hare's name several times, and decided to wait for her arrival as promised. Bronya, who continued to wait, began to take a deep breath.

"It's been two hours... It seems you really don't intend to come."

Looking at the endless empty space around her. Bronya sneered.

"Bronya doesn't know who is telling the truth, or who is saying lie. But if you really think you can trap Bronya in this cage, then you are wrong."

"If you still don't want to answer, then Bronya will force in."

"Project Bunny..."

"Full attack!"


Shattered the boundary of the illusion, and saw a light crack towards the memory fragment, appearing before her. Bronya, with calm footsteps, went in there.

She obtained a memory fragment.

A memory that comes from her past.

"Bronya, do you like the birthday present?"