Chapter 241: "Back to home"

After saving their little friend, Thea also had something she needed to take care of at home.

So after handing Elly over to the enthusiastic Hare, Thea told Kiana to hurry to St. Freya.

"Mama, I'm home!"

Entering the house, and suddenly being greeted at the door by a warm hug, Thea couldn't help but smile a little.

"I'm fine now, mama. Don't worry anymore."

"Thank goodness mama daughter is fine." Cecilia hugged her tightly.

While she was in a coma, Thea learned from Kiana that Cecilia was the one who often visited her in the ward.

Even though she is happy and at the same time feels warm because her family really cares about her, Thea is currently also worried about Cecilia's health condition.

Theresa told her that she had fainted twice this week. The accumulated anxiety and stress have piled up very high.

Through the stigmata connection they have, Thea knows that Cecilia feels guilty for not being able to protect her child.

However, from the start, when Bianka was born, she only hoped that her children would be ordinary people and live happy lives.

Cecilia is a kind person.

She couldn't bear to see people around her get hurt.

As a source of trouble, Thea had to immediately tell her mother that she was okay.

"What about your body condition? Why are you sitting in a wheelchair?" Cecilia wiped away the tear marks on her face, and she asked worriedly.

"That would require a long explanation, but right now I'm fine, don't worry too much."

"Can it be cured with the power of the Abyss Flower? Then mom will immediately do the treatment!"

"I told you it's okay! It's not a physical problem at all!"

Thea could only raise her voice helplessly.

The real body is a Stigmata that lives in the Imaginary space, while the physical body that walks in the material world is just the clothes.

Thanks to the gift that Evil Vill-V gave her, now her real body is in terrible chaos.

The stalled assimilation procedure had resumed, and caused her original body to absorb various kinds of power from Kaslana's space stigmata, the Stigma project, and even the sea of ​​quanta.

Thea didn't dare touch this giant melting furnace, she was afraid that she herself might be forcibly melted by her own body.

All she could do now was take the initiative to cut off all available resources.

In other words, the stigma project must be stopped immediately.

Thea also wants to ask Kevin for help in severing her connecting with Kaslana's stigmata space. But, after giving guidance to Kiana, this person disappeared again, who knows where he went.

In the end she could only rely on herself.

"Really? Are you really okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine mom."

"But your face looks very pale."

"Mama's face is also pale, please rest."

Talking back and forth was like playing badminton, and in the end finished throwing. Cecilia smiled in relief, and she shook her head.

"No, you happen to be here, how about we eat together? Mama will cook dinner today!"

"That's not necessary..."

In her current state, eating would just be a useless act. However, she no longer has a sense of taste or the need to replenish her body's nutrition.

The energy potion developed by Schicksal is enough to meet her body's needs for 7 full days.

But, with Cecilia's overflowing enthusiasm, Thea could only accept it helplessly.

"By the way, is Sirin still upstairs? I hear she haven't come out of her room for a month."

Cecilia became sad again: "Since you were in a coma, she hasn't come out of her room at all. She's probably still scared because of that incident."

"I understand, I will immediately persuade her to come out." Thea's expression also became serious.

Go upstairs, and stand in front of Sirin's room. Thea snapped her fingers, and Kiana immediately kicked the door hard.


With wood dust flying, and the lights being turned on. The dark room suddenly became brightly lit.

"What are you doing!? You broke my door!!"

Sirin, who was shocked, shouted frantically.

"My silly sister, I don't care what feelings you are feeling right now. I just want you to know that even though I am in a wheelchair, I am superior to you!"

"You lazy scourge that makes mom even sadder, now hurry up and take a shower and clean yourself, or I'll force you out!"

Kiana: "Right! Right! Don't force us to take action!"

Sirin: "Ugh... Why is it always like this..."

Sirin, who saw her two sisters acting like mafia gangsters, could only bite her lower lip tightly.

They are always like this.

Imposing their will on others. Doesn't care about her feelings, and is always selfish.

Seeing Thea who was sitting in a wheelchair but still had an arrogant aura when facing her...


Sirin felt a little relieved.


"I understand! I understand! You don't need to count, I'll be out soon!"

"You all get out of my room first!!"

Expelled her two sisters from her room, and after that took a quick shower. Sirin, who had finished dressing, sat on the living room sofa with swollen cheeks.

Thea glanced at her.

Sirin, the puffer fish, immediately deflated.

"W-What's wrong?"

"Come with us, let's take a short walk outside. Your loner smells too bad."

Sirin: "...."

Forced once again, and unable to refuse for fear of the consequences. Sirin could only put on her cold jacket angrily.

Today has entered December, where the weather is starting to get colder. Plus global warming has increased significantly, it is predicted that temperatures in the next few days will drop drastically.

Cecilia: "I've contacted the others to go home immediately. You three come back before nightfall."

Kiana: "Yes mom, we'll go first."

Go outside, and look at the snowflakes falling from the sky. Thea exhaled hot steam, and she tried to stand up.

Kiana immediately helped her.

"Sis, is this okay?"

"It's okay, I'm in a wheelchair not because I'm paralyzed. I just can't control my body movements."

Having an unreal feeling like someone who had ataxia controlling her body, Thea stood up with difficulty, and she held Kiana's hand tightly.

"Help me so I don't fall."


Hold each other's hands and let Kiana work as her wooden stick. Thea was finally able to stand steadily.

"Let's go."

"Ugh, where are we going?" Sirin asked in confusion.

"Didn't I say we were going for a walk? Let's spend some time together."

"As a sister of course."

Thea smiled slightly.