Chapter 296: "Kevin become Fusion Soldier"

As Yssring said, Mei wouldn't be angry.

Even after learning that Kevin would undergo surgery to become a fusion soldier, she joined the team secretly.

Mobius didn't know whether she should say Mei was a cruel or caring girlfriend.

To make Kevin a fusion soldier, they didn't need to take a whole month like MOTH did. However, the problem they are currently facing is choosing which honkai beast gene Kevin will use.

Parvati, an ice-type Honkai beast, was used in the original story because it was needed to counteract the seventh Herrscher's attack.

But now, since fusion technology had matured somewhat, and there was no need to rush, they had many options to choose from here.

This made Yssring a bit dizzy.

If possible, Yssring wants Kevin to combine himself with Vishnu's genes. A honkai beast that can absorb the abilities of the honkai beasts it has eaten.

This is also the basis of the chimera project.

But after thinking about it for a while, Yssring chose to give up. Vishnu's genes are too advanced for Kevin at the moment.

Although this young man had been mentally beaten by a cruel society, the willpower he had gathered at this time was still not enough.

The trauma is still not deep enough.

In the end, Yssring chose to combine Kevin with Parvati's genes, which were exactly the same as those in the original story.

This operation will be carried out in a closed room which has very thick defenses. Beyond the polymer glass, Mobius controls a robotic hand to perform remote surgery.

"Anesthesia has been injected, starting the first phase of fusion soldier surgery."

Under Mobius' control, the robotic hand inserted a syringe into each vital point, and through the attached tube, the honkai gene serum formula began to be slowly injected into Kevin's body.

After carrying out genetic adaptation trials, now it is time to adjust the compatibility between the honkai genes and Kevin's genes.

The higher the better.

"Compatibility 80%"

"Compatibility 85%"

"Compatibility 90%"


Every second that passed made everyone in the room quiet.

Both Yssring and Mei didn't move an inch. Even their breathing seemed unbearable as if their breathing could interfere with the data results.

Maria and Elysia were assigned to protect the safety of the researchers, even though they didn't really understand, they both also minimized the sound they made.

Except for Mobius slightly excited voice, everyone else became quiet.

"Compatibility 94%"


At 95% compatibility, the fusion cells can be said to be stable and the operation can be said to be successful.

But as Murphy says, things can go wrong, will go wrong.

"Compatibility 93%!"

"Compatibility 88%!"

"Compatibility 84%!!!"

At this moment, when the compatibility dropped suddenly, Kevin who was on the operating table began to have very severe convulsions.

It was like he was having a nightmare.

Ice frost began to appear around him, and it began to freeze the robotic arms hanging around him.

The success rate of becoming a fusion warrior is 80%, and this is all purely theoretical data only.

Even though the success is high, there is still no definite guarantee.

Yssring suspects that maybe Kevin met Fu Hua before carrying out the operation where he was blessed by the African chief.

However, compatibility cannot drop to 75% because that would make Kevin become a new Honkai beasts. If Kevin dies here, then she and Thea have to prove whether the grandfather paradox really exists or not.

"Don't panic, use inhibitors."

Following Yssring's orders, the inhibitor was used, but it only stabilized for a while.

Maybe it was because the conflict within his body made Kevin feel a lot of pain. Kevin, whose body turned into a half Honkai beast, began to roar ferociously, and broke the restraints pinning him to the operating table.

"Compatibility 78%"

Looking at Kevin who was slowly starting to lose his sanity, and the data that was decreasing, Mobius could only sigh helplessly.

"Should we eliminate him?"

At low compatibility like this the chances of saving it from genetic collapse are even lower. Elimination is the final way to cause as little damage as possible.

However, Yssring rejected this proposal.

"No rush, we still have special inhibitors that haven't been used yet."

Hearing this, Mobius became confused.

"We have a special inhibitor? Where did this thing come out from? Why didn't I know about it?"

In the next moment, Mobius understood what special inhibitor Yssring was referring to.

Who knows since when, Mei, who has been with them, is now in the detention room.

Elysia wanted to stop Mei from committing suicide. But Maria, who had received orders from Yssring, stopped her immediately.

"Why did you stop me?"

"The doctor has her own plan. Trust them."

The focus returned to the very cold and gripping detention room.

Mei stood in front of Kevin, and she could feel her whole body emitting a dangerous warning, like a small animal afraid of a predator at the top of the food chain.

But even so, she did not back down.

Mei didn't even change her expression one bit when the cold started to freeze her skin.

"Kevin, do you still remember your promise to protect me?"

Those simple words managed to attract the attention of the snow monster who had lost his sanity.

Every step, the floor he stepped on turned into ice cracks due to the extreme cold temperature.

The monster slowly approached Mei, and Mei still didn't move.

When the monster stretched out its sharp claws with a cruel look on its face, Mei saw the hand pass over her head, and the big hand slowly bent, hugging her from behind.

A large head, cold as a block of ice, began to rest on her shoulder quietly.

"Mei... Why you don't run..."

Mei finally hugged Kevin back.

"Since you have dared to die, why should I be afraid to die? Do you now remember me as your girlfriend?"

"... I did not... mean it..."

"I dreamed... I couldn't see you again..."

Mei smiled slightly.

"But it was all just a dream, right? I'm here, right in front of you."

"That's enough, you need to rest. Just leave the rest to me, you've worked hard."

Those soft words came out of Mei's mouth which made Kevin's cold heart slowly become very warm. Closing his eyes comfortably, Kevin's body slowly began to go limp.


For some reason, the temperature in the room and the cold expression on Mei's face melted a little.

"Compatibility 97%, fusion successful."

These are the words spoken by Yssring. As for Mobius...

"What the Fuck!?"

Dirty words started coming out of her mouth.

Mobius couldn't believe what she saw. Can we still play like this?

The question is biology, but the answer is theology!

This makes absolutely no sense!!!

As for Yssring, she didn't mind this at all.

Otto himself has proven that will can create a miracle. Just look at him climbing the Imaginary tree in the original story.

Even if the theory is wrong, and Mei is ultimately killed by an enraged Kevin. The main body can bring Mei back to life.

Since mastering the method of life and death, she didn't take death seriously at all anymore.

Even the valkyries who died due to the Herrscher of Thunder have been revived. What did she need to be afraid of in this world?

"The operation was successful, please archive the recorded data into a file for me to review. Besides, aren't you going to separate the two of them? Mei almost turned into an ice statue."

Hearing what Yssring said, this time everyone finally came to their senses.

Mei was currently completely motionless because it wasn't that she wanted this moment to last long, but that was because her body was almost frozen!

"Move! Give the emergency patient a way!"

"Jesus Christ, her fingers are covered in frostbite, what should we do? Amputation?"

"Don't dare do that, put them both into the nutrition cabin first!"


Seeing the chaos caused by Mei, Yssring could only drink her bitter coffee calmly.

As for Mobius...

She was still stunned.