Chapter 04 — Compensation

Wen Yu didn't look at the broken apple skin on his hand. His eyes finally moved to see Chi Zhengzheng's face.

The old Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng had met but barely ever crossed paths, he was too busy, and someone like Chi Zhengzheng didn't leave any mark on his memory.

Even when she became his fiancée today, he had not taken a close look at her face.

Only now did he get a good look at her.

The Chi family's genes were excellent, and Chi Zhengzheng had obviously grown up with the advantages of the Chi family, with delicate features and picturesque eyebrows, especially her big round eyes, making her look younger than her actual age.

Her skin was fair, her nose was small and straight, and her lips were tiny because she was currently without any make-up, and because of her injuries, her skin color looked a little pale.

Her hair was thick and waist-length, a little messy from lying down for a few days, and the few strands of curly hair sticking up made Wen Yu, who was somewhat finicky, couldn't help but frown and want to hold it down.

Just looking at her face, simple and clean, she looked harmless, but her round eyes looked like they were filled with fire, making the whole person glow.

When he looked at her, he saw her eyes sweeping below Wen Yiran with a rather disgusted face.


The corners of Wen Yu's emotionless face couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth.

The entire person looked down upon felt like gasoline was pouring onto a fire, exploding.

How was he unattractive and unskilled?

Short-lasting and lacking in quality?

His head was filled with these two sentences, like a stick continuously hitting his head, and his head was buzzing.

Wen Jingsen and Xu Wei were also stunned. Whether what Chi Zhengzheng said was true or not, these words were undoubtedly heart-piercing for a man.

The person being spoken to was their son!

These two parents trembled a little, staring at Chi Zhengzheng with murderous intent.

"Pfft–" Chi Zhouchen didn't hold back.

Although he was also shocked and on good terms with both Wen Yiran and An Qinru, he just couldn't help but laugh out loud when he heard Chi Zhengzheng's words.

It was this laugh that woke up the crowd.

"Chi Z-Zhengzheng! Y-You, don't talk nonsense!" An Qinru's eyes suddenly turned red, her face burning hot.


Chi Zhengzheng pursed her lips and spoke slowly –

"Brother Yiran, we're like this. I feel sorry for Sister Zhengzheng!"

"Be good, Qinru. I only love you."

"Oooooooh, Brother Yiran, I love you so much."

"Qinru, I love you too, only you!"

"Brother Yiran…"

She was repeating what they said when they were in bed!

She really heard it all!

An Qinru's face went white all of a sudden. Her eyes were overwhelmed for a moment.

"That's enough!" Wen Yiran interrupted her with monstrous anger: "Chi Zhengzheng, you were actually eavesdropping?!"

Chi Zhengzheng: …

She didn't say anything but only looked at Wen Yiran with an expression of "What are you talking about?"

Wen Yiran froze and then realized that he was entirely in the wrong.

How could she be eavesdropping when she was in her ward?

Wen Yiran's face became even redder, angry and furious, but she still couldn't help but pick on Chi Zhengzheng: "You're a girl, how dare you remember all this… and, and… it's all nonsense! Nonsense!"

What could he say?

He wanted to defend his manly dignity, but Chi Zhengzheng had already said that, so he couldn't shout that he was "good looking and useful" and "of quality." Could he?

How the hell was he supposed to say that?

But if he didn't say it, it was like he was choking on his breath, so angry that he couldn't even breathe.

"Shut up!" Wen Jingsen yelled at Wen Yiran.

His face was ugly as hell, and he gave Wen Yiran a fierce glare.

In front of the Chi family, it had simply brought too much shame to their Wen family!

It didn't matter what kind of affair Wen Yiran had, even if it was with An Qinru, but he shouldn't have messed around in Chi Zhengzheng's hospital room, and Chi Zhengzheng had overheard it all!

Now that Chi Zhengzheng had said it all, Wen Jingsen felt his face had become sore.

And those words "unattractive and unskilled" were just like stepping on the face of the Wen family!

Chi Yan and Ding Yijun looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces.

They thought Wen Yiran didn't want to be with Chi Zhengzheng just because he didn't like her, but they never believed that An Qinru would be the reason!

Ding Yijun was in disbelief, while Chi Yan gave An Qinru a cold look.

But it was also a bit… unrestrained for Chi Zhengzheng to say such words.

"Zhengzheng! You're a girl. You can't say everything!" Chi Yan glared at Chi Zhengzheng.

Chi Zhengzheng rubbed her nose.

Even if she did say it, they dared do those things. What did she dare not say?

"Chi Yan ah, this boy of ours has been spoiled by me! Luckily for Zhengzheng, her fiancé is now Yu, who is honest and won't mess around!"

Wen Jingsen pulled out a smile and looked at Chi Zhengzheng again: "Zhengzheng ah, this time it is our family that has wronged you, for this cooperation project is between our two families, so our family will give Zhengzheng one percent of the profits."

It was the start of a deal.

This was to put things to rest and seal Chi Zhengzheng's mouth.

They didn't want to make a scene. They didn't wish the Wen family and Wen Yiran to lose face.

Wen Yiran was the future heir of the Wen family, and their family's reputation was at stake. If such unpleasant and confusing news got out and the shareholders found out about it, there would really be something to say.

Therefore, he would instead use his money to smooth things over and not spread the bad news about Wen Yiran. He also smoothly allowed the marriage of the Chi and Wen family to pass from Wen Yiran and Chi Zhengzheng to Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng.

Chi Yan's ugly face also looked a little better.

Wen Jingsen was an intelligent businessman. He knew what kind of benefits he could offer to appease the matter.

"Yiran and Zhengzheng are already a thing of the past. We will go back and educate Yiran properly, Chi Yan. Do you think this is okay?" Wen Jingsen added.

Xu Wei's face was ugly as she gave An Qinru and Chi Zhengzheng a cold look.

She was obviously very unhappy with both of these girls! She wasn't happy with Chi Zhengzheng's incoherence nor with An Qinru's calculations.

Indeed, no matter what Wen Yiran had done before, it was all in the past. They were only engaged to be married, and now they weren't even engaged to be married, so it was indeed not good to pursue Wen Yiran's matter.

Getting an extra one percent of the profits was the most appropriate compensation.

Chi Yan pulled the corner of his mouth and said: "That still depends on Zhengzheng's opinion."

After saying that, he gave Chi Zhengzheng a wink and told her to respond.


Regretfully, Chi Zhengzheng, who was not yet familiar with this father-daughter relationship, did not grasp it and thought that Chi Yan wanted to hear her opinion.

So she said: "What profit, forget it. I just want Wen Yiran and An Qinru to earnestly apologize."

So she said: "What profit, forget it. I just want Wen Yiran and An Qinru to earnestly apologize."

– Also, she considered it as an apology to the original body.

"You!" Wen Yiran's eyes widened.

Chi Yan also froze and tried to speak, then thought of something, sighed lightly, and stopped talking.

Zhengzheng was indeed wronged this time. One percent of the profit was quite a lot, though…

In the end, the Chi family wasn't that bad.

Just let her breathe.

Xu Wei hurriedly said: "Yiran, why don't you hurry up and apologize to Zhengzheng."

Her eyes swept towards An Qinru, and she said in a cold voice: "You too."

"Mum, I don't want to!" Wen Yiran was unwilling. Making him put his head down to apologize to Chi Zhengzheng was far worse than being stabbed!

Once his head was bowed, how could he have any face in front of Chi Zhengzheng in the future?

"Wen Yiran, apologize." Wen Jingsen also spoke up.

An Qinru's face was filled with tears. Wen Yiran could hold his neck and not apologize, but could she?

She looked at Ding Yijun, and the other party misplaced her gaze.

An Qinru cried even harder. She cried without making a sound, as if she had suffered countless grievances, and slowly walked over to Chi Zhengzheng's bed.

"Sister Zhengzheng… I-I told you before, I really didn't mean to… I've always rejected Brother Yiran… I'm sorry. Sister Zhengzheng, I really didn't mean to disrespect you."

She bent down, and tears fell onto the floor.

Everyone in the ward and those peeking from outside watched as she lowered her head in front of Chi Zhengzheng.

In this instant, the humiliation in An Qinru's eyes reached the breaking point.

Chi Zhengzheng…

How did she become so different?

She had never won against her before, but now, it was she who had to bend over, and it was Chi Zhengzheng who won big.

She simply dreaded thinking how she could appease Chi Yan and Ding Yijun afterward!

Chi Zhengzheng had really changed.

After An Qinru apologized, only Wen Yiran was left.

His heart ached for An Qinru, and he hurriedly helped her up. Wen Jingsen and Xu Wei looked angrily at his hand holding An Qinru.

Wen Yiran bent down perfunctorily: "I'm sorry!"

Chi Zhengzheng wasn't satisfied.

But this apology was a kind of consolation to the original owner.

All Chi Zhengzheng needed to do was watch this realistic eight o'clock show of a man and woman with cold eyes and see what they could come up with.

The Wen family left, leaving Wen Yu to look after his "fiancée."

Chi Yan and Ding Yijun went to see the Wen family off. Also, they took An Qinru with them, apparently to "ask" them what was going on between An Qinru and Wen Yiran.

Only Chi Zhengzheng, Wen Yu, and her useless brother, Chi Zhouchen, were left inside the ward.

Chi Zhengzheng didn't dare to look at Wen Yu. She lacked confidence.

Chi Zhouchen looked at Wen Yu and said: "You and Chi Zhengzheng are quite a match."

No matter how expendable one of them was, and no matter how useless the other was, they were both very good-looking. Far better than the male and female stars on TV.

The two sat together in perfect harmony.

Chi Zhengzheng: "…"

She glared at Chi Zhouchen.

This damn brat was really testing being on the edge of death!

If he died, fine, but he didn't need to drag her into it!

Chi Zhouchen put his hands in his pockets, looked at Chi Zhengzheng again, and suddenly said: "See, I told you that you were no match for Cousin Qinru. Your fiancé has been snatched away. What a disgrace to my Chi family."

He paused and added: "But what you said today was bold enough to make them apologize. That's quite an achievement, not putting a few hundred million dividends in your eyes."

In the eyes of a teenager, there couldn't be anything more important than getting rid of their anger.

Money or whatever, to a rich youngster who wasn't short of cash, it didn't matter at all.

Chi Zhengzheng's legs were a little uncomfortable, and she was about to lie down to rest when she heard those words and sat up straight again with wide eyes: "What did you just say? A few hundred million in dividends?"