Chapter 08 — No way, Chi Zhengzheng. She really was the prettiest one.

Wen Yiran was sensitive to the fact that the living room became quiet for a moment as soon as he finished asking this question.

Wen Sisi's face was full of anger, and everyone else also averted their eyes, not daring to meet his.

Something suddenly froze in his heart.

Wen Yiran's brow furrowed up with a serious face: "What's going on?"

Wen Sisi said angrily: "Brother! Chi Zhengzheng actually said that you… said that you…."

She paused, somewhat unable to speak.

But Wen Yiran and Wen Yu both instantly thought of the phrase "short-lasting and lacking in quality" that Chi Zhengzheng had been talking about…

It was almost too familiar!

Wen Yu: "…"

He didn't hold back, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

"Wen Sisi!" Wen Yiran's hand clenched and subconsciously growled, forbidding his cousin to say it.

"What are you yelling at me for, Brother Yiran? It's obvious that Chi Zhengzheng made up the rumors saying that you are unskilled!" Wen Sisi shrank, very unhappy, trying her best to control her tone.

Their family relied on Wen Jingsen's family, and she would have to rely on this cousin in the future, so naturally, she wouldn't make him angry.

However, Wen Yiran simply wanted to strangle her after she said this. His eyes also stared at her with a deadly glare.

Wen Sisi backed away two steps in fear.

Wen Yiran was shaking with anger. When he looked at the others and saw that they were all reluctant to meet his gaze, he became even more furious, his body trembling slightly and his face swelling red.

At that moment, he wanted all these people to disappear!

"Chi Zhengzheng! She's talking nonsense! She's slandering me because I broke off my engagement with her, Chi, Zheng, Zheng!" While gritting his teeth and trying to find an explanation for these people.


Others were talking one after the other-

"Yeah, what can't that Chi Zhengzheng person do!"

"She's just talking nonsense. We don't believe her."

"Yes, none of us will believe her!"

"If she repeats it in the future, we'll make sure to stop her."

Their mouths said this, but inside their eyes, it was clear that they were looking at Wen Yiran with surprise.

You really couldn't see… that the heir of the Wen family was unskilled in bed!

The women didn't believe Wen Yiran's explanation. After all, the "one billion" and "apology" that Chi Zhengzheng said were true!

Chi Zhengzheng liked Wen Yiran so much, so if it wasn't for something that made her change her mind, how could she have torn her face off and changed her attitude entirely towards Wen Yiran?

How could they believe Wen Yiran's words?


Wen Yiran naturally sensed that none of them were convinced and was so angry that he trembled even more, and his face turned white.

How could he explain this kind of thing?

Did he have to show them how he was in bed one by one?

Wen Yiran was so angry that he fumed with rage, his hand clenched into a fist, and with a black face, he rushed straight out towards the door.

He was going to kill Chi Zhengzheng!!!

Chi Yan and Ding Yijun had just returned from picking up Chi Zhouchen.

Initially, it was Ding Yijun who picked him up, but Chi Yan happened to pass by the school, so they brought him back together.

"Have you been under a lot of pressure to study lately?" Chi Yan asked.

Chi Zhouchen nodded with disinterest.

Ding Yijun was suddenly distressed: "I told you that it would be fine to go to an international high school in the first place. You had to let him go to some public high school, and now that he's in high school, the pressure is just too much!"

Chi Yan wasn't impressed and waved his hand: "You shouldn't indulge him too much. Zhouchen is good at everything, but he isn't calm enough. Going to a public high school and taking the university entrance exam seriously is to improve himself."

"What's the point of improving himself? In our families, very few of us have gone through any high school exams. Look at Wen Yiran, who learned the business from a young age and could touch the company as soon as he came back from abroad, and he didn't have to suffer the hardships of high school." Ding Yijun chattered.

In her opinion, high school was just too tiring.

Chi Yan didn't relent. He naturally had his own considerations.

Although Chi Zhouchen didn't want to go to high school, he was already in, and Chi Yan wouldn't take him out again, so he had no choice but to adapt.

In fact, high school would be tiring if you studied, but as long as you didn't study, high school was actually not that tiring.

Chi Zhouchen was obviously the type of person who didn't like to study.

Several people were talking when they went inside. An Qinru ran down the stairs in tears, bumping right into Ding Yijun.

She froze, her voice hoarse. "Auntie, I'm sorry…."

Ding Yijun was not angry but only anxiously asked-

"Qinru, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying like this?"

Upstairs, Chi Zhengzheng was preparing to change her clothes.

The original owner was the eldest young lady of the Chi family. Her family was still treating her well; the room was as big as Chi Zhouchen's, and it had a cloakroom, bathroom, balcony, and everything else.

She had never seen such a big room before.

In her previous life, Chi Zhengzheng had lived at school. After graduation, she rented a one-room apartment not far from work to conveniently commute to and from work. However, her one-room apartment was obviously not as big as this room.

She looked around the room with an appreciative eye and looked for clothes from the cloakroom.

The original owner's clothes were all rather gorgeous, not her usual style.

Chi Zhengzheng sighed.

At that moment, Chi Yan's loud and angry voice rang out from downstairs-

"Chi Zhengzheng!"

Her hands paused slightly as she let go of her clothes. Still wearing her hospital gown, she went downstairs.

Sure enough, An Qinru was hugging Ding Yijun and crying, Chi Yan looked at her angrily, and Chi Zhouchen had surprised eyes.

Seeing her in her hospital gown, Chi Yan froze slightly. The anger in his eyes disappeared for the most part, and he frowned and asked: "Why are you still wearing hospital clothes?"

"The hospital didn't have any clothes for me." Chi Zhengzheng said.

Her voice was naturally soft. The original owner didn't like this type of voice. She always pushed her voice up and became a bit sharp, always tending to sound "arrogant" and "unreasonable."

But Chi Zhengzheng had no such consideration, her voice was her own, and she spoke normally.

When Chi Yan heard this, he paused and looked at Ding Yijun, who also tugged at the corners of her mouth in embarrassment.


Had even forgotten to have someone send Chi Zhengzheng's clothes to the hospital.

It wasn't enough that no one picked her up when she was discharged from the hospital. They even forgot to send her clothes!

For a moment, the two of them were somewhat silent.

An Qinru cried again.

Ding Yijun hurriedly said: "Zhengzheng, why were you talking about Wen Yiran again in front of so many people? Didn't you promise not to say anything anymore?"

"I didn't promise." Chi Zhengzheng looked at them with a bewildered expression.

What Chi Yan and Ding Yijun wanted to say got stuck in their mouths. Yes, it wasn't explicitly promised, but wasn't that what it meant at the time!

They wanted to scold her, but when they saw her clothes, they remembered the grievances she had suffered.

Chi Yan coughed and sat on the sofa, pointing to the opposite side, and Chi Zhengzheng also sat down honestly.

Only then did he speak slowly: "Zhengzheng, I know you're angry, but the relationship between the two families must not be broken. Isn't it embarrassing for Yiran to talk nonsense in front of so many people? And it's not good for others to spread rumors about you."

They expected Chi Zhengzheng to make a scene again. After all, she was consistently bad-tempered.

But across the room, Chi Zhengzheng nodded honestly: "Okay, I won't say anything from now on."

Anyway, everything that should be said had been said, and everything that should be known had been known.

Chi Yan didn't expect her to agree so readily, his expression relaxed a little, and he went on to say-

"You're my only daughter. I don't want to see you suffer. You and Wen Yu will break off the engagement when the time is right. But for now, you must come with me to the Wen family and apologize to Wen Yiran."

Chi Zhengzheng continued to agree very simply: "Sure."

Compared to Wen Yiran's stifling at the moment, doesn't she just say sorry?

It was her win.

On the side, An Qinru was taken aback.

Her pair of eyes couldn't help but widen as if she couldn't believe her ears.

Such a matter had passed so lightly?

Why didn't Chi Zhengzheng make a scene this time? Why was Chi Yan suddenly so forgiving?

At this time, she realized that it was a real father-daughter relationship. When Chi Yan was angry in the past, the original owner would be a hard-headed person. Chi Yan, who eats soft food but refuses hard food, will get even angrier.

who eats soft food but refuses hard food: can be persuaded by reason but not be cowed by force

Today, Chi Zhengzheng was still wearing a hospital gown, and her voice sounded very gentle. Hence, Chi Yan naturally softened his heart and softened his attitude.

"Go and change your clothes." Chi Yan said.

Chi Zhengzheng nodded and stood up, ready to head upstairs.

However, at this time, a person suddenly rushed in outside the unlocked door, like a cannonball, with a wave of monstrous anger straight at Chi Zhengzheng and exploded at her sight.

– It was Wen Yiran.

After he rushed over, he reached out and pulled Chi Zhengzheng's arm, squeezing it so tightly that it looked like he wanted to strangle her to death.

"Chi Zhengzheng!" He gritted his teeth and raised his hand, trying to hit someone.

"Wen Yiran!" Chi Yan's face turned pale.

Ding Yijun subconsciously pushed An Qinru away and lifted her foot, also hiding her face.

Chi Zhengzheng was so shocked that she didn't react.

But another hand stopped Wen Yiran.

After that hand clasped his wrist, he couldn't move.

– It was Wen Yu.

Wen Yu had also come in the right after Wen Yiran, and when he saw him raise his hand, he immediately stepped in to stop it.

"You, let go!" Wen Yiran roared in anger.

Wen Yu frowned, his face sank, his expression condensed, and he looked a little scary.

He didn't say anything, only clasped his hand a little tighter.

"You let go of me! I'm not done with Chi Zhengzheng, this, this bitch!" Wen Yiran lost his temper.

He had lived to such a great age, all the suffocation he had suffered recently, and Chi Zhengzheng was simply driving him mad.

Compared to the previous Chi Zhengzheng, who was following him, pleasing him, and finding trouble. This Chi Zhengzheng now simply made his nerves jump back and forth on the edge of madness every day.

"Brother Yiran, calm down…." An Qinru hurriedly spoke out.

If Wen Yiran hit Chi Zhengzheng, that would cause a lot of trouble!

Chi Yan also calmly pulled Wen Yiran away. Ding Yijun pulled Chi Zhengzheng away, then stood before her and blocked her behind. Even Chi Zhouchen's careless face became unsightly.

"Let go of him." Chi Zhengzheng pursed her lips.

Wen Yu looked at her.

She had stepped out from behind Ding Yijun and slowly walked towards Wen Yiran.

Her lips were tightly pursed, and her face was still a little white, yet her cheeks were floating two abnormal shades of red – that was anger.

Chi Zhengzheng's spine tensed up, her hands clenched into fists. Still wearing her hospital gown, but with an indescribable stubbornness, she walked step by step in front of Wen Yiran.

The red in her cheeks was like a burning fire, the blackness in her eyes was like ink that could not be melted, and she walked fearlessly.

At that moment, even Wen Yiran froze slightly, realizing for the first time that…

Chi Zhengzheng was really like the people around her said.

She was the prettiest one in their circle.