Chapter 11 — Did you run away from home? What a coincidence, me too

Chi Zhengzheng: ???

These shoes were 26,000???

Okay… being an engineering graduate, Chi Zhengzheng's basic arithmetic was quite good, so… 6,899 plus 3,999 plus 13,100, plus 26,000, equaled 49,998.

This figure was instantly calculated inside her head.

She might have dwelled on it if it were just a few thousand yuan. At almost 50,000, she wouldn't even need to think about it.

The corners of Chi Zhengzheng's mouth slowly revealed a brilliant smile, almost dazzling the shop manager and the shop assistants. Her lips opened slightly, "Thank you, I don't…."

"Check out." Wen Yu stood up and handed out a black card.

The moment she saw the black card, Chi Zhengzheng noticed that the shop manager's eyes lit up, the bright kind, even brighter than when she saw Chi Zhengzheng, a great beauty.

Then Chi Zhengzheng watched as the shop manager took the card and took Wen Yu to check out.


"Wait! I…"

Wen Yu didn't stop walking and was already on his way downstairs.

Chi Zhengzheng immediately followed with her high heels, "thump, thump, thump" she went downstairs in a hurry.

Before the shop manager swiped his card, she rushed over, took out her card, and let out a long breath: "Swipe mine!!!"

The shop manager was stunned. She looked at Chi Zhengzheng and then at Wen Yu.

"Hurry up, swipe this." Chi Zhengzheng insisted. Her voice suppressed her feelings. She felt like she was about to fall apart.

"Okay." The shop manager looked distracted, but she busied herself with changing to swipe Chi Zhengzheng's card.

When she was escorted out by the shop assistants, Chi Zhengzheng was dressed exquisitely, carrying two bags in her hands, one with slippers and one with a hospital gown.

Her eyes glanced at Wen Yu with a resentful look, sending cold daggers.

It's all his fault!!!

If it weren't for him, how could she dare buy such expensive clothes and shoes!!!


Great, the pocket money that was transferred for the month, only 2 yuan, was left, not to mention renting an apartment. It wasn't even enough money to buy a meal.

She kept sending cold glances.

Wen Yu seemed to notice it. He turned his head to look at her, his eyes tinged with some confusion, "What's wrong? Not happy?"

Chi Zhengzheng smiled, "Happy, I'm way too happy."

Wen Yu was even more puzzled.

He clearly sensed… that she was miserable at the moment, so why didn't she admit it?

Before he could figure it out, not far away, a man dressed in a suit walked over quickly.

The man's footsteps were practically inaudible when he walked in front of them.

"Bring it over." Wen Yu said.

Secretary Ning came forward with a respectful attitude, "Mr. Wen, this is Baisheng's contract…."

His eyes couldn't stop glancing at Chi Zhengzheng. With some shock, he couldn't hide.

"Continue." Wen Yu took the folder and flipped through the contract.

Secretary Ning hurriedly retracted his gaze, suppressed the "what the f*ck" that was surging in his heart, and said coldly: "The conditions we have proposed have not changed. Baisheng is willing to give in. It has also been going forward according to what you proposed…."

Wen Yu nodded his head as he flipped through the business report.

He was so handsome, especially when working seriously. The male lead of this novel was full of buffs and full of aura. The whole person was permeating sharpness. With his head slightly lowered and slender fingers flipping through the contract, Chi Zhengzheng could see his exquisite face from her peripheral vision. His deep features were capable of charming anyone.

Chi Zhengzheng was almost blinded.

However, soon after, she couldn't care less about the heartache of spending so much money or the blindingly handsome male lead in front of her…

She shrunk her neck and trembled.

It was over.

She was a member of the Chi family. Wen Yu was setting up the Chi family and the Wen family, usually pretending to be his unproductive waste of space in front of everyone, being called "Wen Duoyu." Still, he was taking care of business in front of her, with no intention of hiding it at all.

Obviously, he didn't care that Chi Zhengzheng knew – he wasn't what others thought he was.

What did this mean?

It meant that she was most likely going to be silenced!!

Will she really survive this year?!

Forget the heartache or his handsomeness. Chi Zhengzheng didn't care at all anymore.

Could these be more important than life?!

"During this cooperation, we, Yu Ding, will lead it. All the proposed modifications to the conditions of the Parkside Metropolis are mostly…."

The two were still talking seriously, Chi Zhengzheng so anxious she was about to cry.

– Big Boss, please, don't say anything anymore!

– I really don't want to know! And I don't want to hear it either!!!

As if sensing her anxiety, Wen Yu raised his hand, and Secretary Ning immediately shut his mouth.

Wen Yu looked at Chi Zhengzheng and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chi Zhengzheng took a deep breath. The smile on her face was as fake as it could be, and her voice trembled slightly: "Uhm… you can continue with your work. I-I'll go back first…."

Without waiting for Wen Yu to respond, she hurriedly left "thump, thump, thump" and rushed with her high heels as if she were walking in sports shoes. Only her back could be seen.

Wen Yu looked in the direction where she had left. First, he was stunned, then a smile flashed across her eyes again.

"Let's go back to the company. "Wen Yu said.

Secretary Ning: "… Didn't you have something to do later?" You didn't even go to sign the contract and asked me to send it over. Didn't you tell me that there was something important to do?

Wen Yu walked towards the lift, leaving behind the words: "It's fine now."

Secretary Ning: "???"

Chi Zhengzheng walked outside, and it was a busy street.

It was getting late, but there were still quite a few people outside, couples passing by, people who had a busy day were getting off work, and people taking a stroll and shopping around.

She had just walked too fast, and her feet were a little tired, so she sat beside a bench.

Looking at the fountain, her eyes relaxed.

There were two options in front of her now. One was to go back to the Chi family, but, having just gone out in such style, it was a bit humiliating to go back now.

Then there was the option of going to the hotel and staying out tonight.


She didn't have her ID with her!!!

Ugh, what a tragedy.

Chi Zhengzheng sat for a while, still didn't decide what to do.

At that moment, her ears twitched, and she heard a familiar voice-

"The hell I know. It's annoying me to death. I'm not going back. I'm running away from home!"

"I'm not going to tell them where I am. Let them get anxious! I won't tell you either. If not, you're going to betray me!"

"Why shouldn't I be angry? I didn't say that about Yiran. Chi Zhengzheng did! Why should they all scold me? Brother Yiran didn't even look at me, and my auntie ridiculed me. She's just a small star who married into a rich family. How dare she put on such airs?"

"I just hate Xu Wei. Of course, the one I hate most is Chi Zhengzheng! Don't let me see her, or I'll beat her to death!!!"

The runaway Wen Sisi was holding her mobile phone and cursing people to death when someone tapped her on the shoulder behind her.

Wen Sisi's shoulder shook, and she said angrily: "Don't touch me!"

"That bitch Chi Zhengzheng, she's so fucking annoying. I thought she'd be more restrained after the accident, but now she's even more annoying. I'm so…."

Tapped her again.

Wen Sisi was angry, turned around, and scolded, "What do you want?! Can't you see that I'm making a call right now, don't your eyes-"

Her voice stopped abruptly.

In front of her, Chi Zhengzheng was looking at her with a wide smile.

Wen Sisi: "!!!"

Chi Zhengzheng: "You ran away from home? What a coincidence, me too."

Wen Sisi: "???"

"Come on, let's go get a room." Chi Zhengzheng urged.

Wen Sisi couldn't wait to bite her to death and sneered, "I'm not going! Why should I listen to you?"

"If you don't want to, I'll tell the Wen family you're here, and I'll tell them you came to see me beat me up." Chi Zhengzheng smiled, repeating her words, threatening her to come to the hotel.

Wen Sisi: "??? You f*cking-"

"Shhh, we're civilized people. You don't need to swear, quickly, let's get a room." Chi Zhengzheng nudged her.

Wen Sisi almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

She shook off Chi Zhengzheng, walked to the front desk with a face full of anger, slapped her ID card, and said angrily: "A room!!!"

Chi Zhengzheng stood watching from a short distance away with a calm face as if she was just an escort and not another resident.

Compared to Wen Sisi, who was so angry that she vomited blood, Chi Zhengzheng was quite satisfied.

It was a lucky day. The world was so big, and so was this city, but it was a coincidence that she was at a loss as to what to do. She met Wen Sisi, who had also run away from home.

The two held a grudge and could even be considered two famous rivals within their circle.

However, that was in the past.

When she recalled her memories of Wen Sisi, she found that she was just as arrogant and bad-tempered as Chi Zhengzheng. She didn't know how bad she was. However, she was not as bad as An Qinru.

The two were always openly confrontational and rarely played dirty tricks.

Of course, it also had to do with the fact that they didn't have the brains for it.

Wen Sisi only had one ID card, so of course, she only booked a room with a king-sized bed. She went upstairs in a rage, and Chi Zhengzheng followed calmly. No-one stopped her.

Inside the lift.

Wen Sisi cursed: "Chi Zhengzheng, are you out of your mind? I haven't even settled the score with you yet. You've come on your own to my door. Are you not afraid that I'll kill you tonight?

Chi Zhengzheng was wearing high heels. She was already a little taller than Wen Sisi. Now, she looked at her with her eyes slightly lowered, smiling with an arrogant expression: "You can't beat me."

Wen Sisi: "…"

Her chest heaved with anger, her face flushed, and she stared at her bitterly. "Chi Zhengzheng! I'm not finished with you!"

Chi Zhengzheng ignored her, walked to the room door, and said, "Open the door."

Wen Sisi was so angry that her deep inhalation became heavier as if she was about to explode at the next moment.

She threw her card at Chi Zhengzheng and said angrily, "I'll take that as if you've been bitten by a dog. The grand Miss of the Chi family can't even afford to book a room, what a disgrace!"

After saying that, she turned around to leave.

Chi Zhengzheng reached out to pull her back, "You have to stay in the room you booked, don't be afraid. I won't do anything to you."

Just kidding, she had nothing now. If she let Wen Si Si go, what would she do next?

Wen Sisi: "??? Chi Zhengzheng, I'm going to kill you!!!"

"We live in a society ruled by laws. You can't go killing people at every turn." Chi Zhengzheng took the card herself and opened the door.

Once inside, she turned around and said in surprise, "You're not coming in because you're afraid, aren't you? Wen Sisi, I didn't expect you to be so afraid of me!"

"Who the hell is afraid of you?" Wen Sisi walked in and slammed the door closed with a 'bang,' "Funny? Do you think I'm afraid of you? Chi Zhengzheng, you've already lost. You can't beat me!"

Chi Zhengzheng didn't want to continue listening to her babbling, she reached out, "Phone."

Wen Si Si froze: "What?"

"Give me your phone. I want to order a takeaway. I'm starving."

Wen Sisi: "???" For a moment, she doubted her ears.