Chapter 13 — The fight. How dare she get into Wen Yu’s car!

Wen Jingsen frowned. "Chi Zhengzheng doesn't like him."

Xu Wei couldn't help but smile: "If they're spending the night together, maybe Chi Zhengzheng will come to accept A Yu? Then the marriage between the two of them would be set in stone!"

Wen Jingsen was taken aback.

If they could get the neglected member of the Wen family to captivate Miss Chi, the Wen family would have made a profit.

With this thought, Wen Jingsen also relaxed, without the tension he had felt just now.

After some thought, he said, "Let's not bother with Chi Zhengzheng. We still need to look for Sisi. My brother has just one daughter…"

Xu Wei's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction, and she nodded slightly. "Okay, I'll help to look for her again."

Although Wen Sisi was only their family's niece, Wen Jingsen doted on this niece more than he did on Wen Yu. He had no daughter, and his brother was particularly good at nurturing their relationship. This always made Wen Jingsen love Wen Sisi a lot.

Wen Yu was an existence that Wen Jing Sen did not want to see, a stain on him that Xu Wei could bully at will.

But Wen Sisi, a girl, was Wen Jing Sen's favorite younger generation, so naturally, Xu Wei could not do much about it.

Yu Ding.

Wen Yu finished signing all the contracts he had to sign, and his eyes looked out of the floor-to-ceiling window at the bustling market below.

Working in the office made him much happier than being in that filthy place, the Wen house.

– He liked working.

At that moment, his phone rang.

Wen Yu looked at the caller ID and picked it up, "Hmm?"

On the other end of the line, a voice said respectfully, "Mr. Wen, Ms. Chi Zhengzheng has not returned to the Chi family."

Wen Yu frowned and subconsciously stood up, reaching for the car keys.

But the other end of the phone said, "She and Ms. Wen Sisi is staying in room XXXX of XXX Hotel."

Wen Yu froze and repeated, "Wen Sisi?"

"Yes, the room was booked with Ms. Wen Sisi's ID card, and Ms. Chi Zhengzheng took Ms. Wen Si Si there." The caller replied.

Wen Yu figured it out in an instant.

– She didn't have her ID card with her.

But didn't Wen Sisi hate Chi Zhengzheng? She often scolded her in the Wen family.

Thinking that it was Chi Zhengzheng who had taken Wen Sisi to the hotel, he raised his eyebrows, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

And then he sat down calmly and spoke indifferently, "Just knowing about them is fine. No need to continue to pay attention."

– They were just ensuring she was safe and didn't want to pry into her privacy.

So after hanging up the phone, Wen Yu turned on his computer and returned to work.

The hotel.

Unaware that she was worrying some people, being speculated about by others, and that someone had found out her whereabouts. Chi Zhengzheng had just finished washing up and was beautifully lying on the bed.

Next to her, Wen Sisi was jumping up and down again: "Chi Zhengzheng! Are you really going to sleep in the same bed with me tonight?"

Chi Zhengzheng gave her a blank look. "What's wrong with that? Have you never shared a bed with anyone before? I won't even bother you. Why would you mind?"

Wen Sisi's chest rose and fell violently, raising her hand to point at her, unable to speak.

She hated Chi Zhengzheng very, very much and had hated her since she was a child!

They both had similar names and were the envy of their sisters in their circle. Still, Chi Zhengzheng was better looking than her and spoke arrogantly, and for almost as long as she could remember, the two had been at each other's heads.

Yet previously, it was always Chi Zhengzheng who lost to her!

Chi Zhengzheng had already closed her eyes beautifully and was ready to sleep.

"You come down! I'll sleep on the bed!" Wen Sisi finally said angrily.

She could have gotten another room. However, inexplicably, Wen Sisi felt that giving up this room to Chi Zhengzheng was similar to admitting defeat and that she couldn't win against Chi Zhengzheng.

How could this be?

She, Wen Sisi, could never lose to Chi Zhengzheng!

"What are you thinking about?" Chi Zhengzheng gave her a blank look, "I'm sleepy. You can sleep if you like, sleep on the sofa if you don't want to sleep on the bed, don't disturb."

After saying that, she closed her eyes.

When Wen Sisi, who had had enough to eat and drink and was holding her anger, heard this, she was so angry that she jumped on her and shook Chi Zhengzheng on the bed, roaring, "I booked this room. I'll sleep on the bed. You go sleep on the sofa!"

Of course, Chi Zhengzheng refused and also shook: "Wen Sisi, why are you so annoying? Can you not be so childish?"


Wen Sisi was so angry that she reached out and started pulling her.

The two of them wrestled on the bed, and Chi Zhengzheng initially held back a bit, but when she ripped her expensive jumper, Chi Zhengzheng exploded.

She had just arrived in a strange world. It was already hard enough to accept a bunch of people she didn't know. Still, so many upsetting things were also happening to her, and a miserable ending was due in a year. You can imagine that she hadn't broken down because she had a very strong mental capacity.

This time, when her anger was aroused, it was directed at Wen Sisi.

Between the two, you a bit, me a bit, you bite me, I pull you, they fought ferociously.

– "Wen Sisi, let go of me!!!"

– "Chi Zhengzheng, you let go first!!!"

– "Let go of my hair!"

– "Ah, my ear!"

– "Wen Sisi! Don't touch my face! Don't you have any fighting ethics?!"

– "Don't you dare touch my face, Chi Zhengzheng! F*ck! My hair!"

– "Bang, bang, bang."

– "Clang, clang, clang."

Having found out that Wen Sisi was staying in a hotel room, the Wen family was relieved.

Early the following day, Wen Yiran drove his car to pick her up.

Although he hated how outspoken she was, she was the cousin he grew up with. After the night had passed, Wen Yiran wasn't that angry anymore. At the request of his uncle, he drove his car to pick up Wen Sisi from the hotel.

What Wen Yu could easily find out, the Wen family could naturally find out the location as well.

He went upstairs and headed straight To the room upstairs that Wen Sisi had booked.

"Bang, bang, bang!" He knocked on the door.

No sound came from inside.

Wen Yiran continued knocking impatiently.

Finally, a female voice sounded from inside, hoarse and lazy: "Who is it! Knock gently!"

– Obviously, she just woke up.

Wen Yiran paused slightly, not knowing why he felt as if this voice was not Wen Sisi's?

He shook his head and thought to himself that he must have heard wrong.

It was Wen Sisi who lived here.

"Wen Sisi, open the door!" Wen Yiran's voice was a little deep, with obvious impatience.

After a long moment, the door was opened.

"Wen Sisi, you-" Wen Yiran's voice stopped abruptly.

In front of him, the one standing was clearly Chi Zhengzheng!

Wen Yiran froze.

Chi Zhengzheng had just woken up. Her hair was messy, her eyes were still hazy, and although she was dressed, she wasn't unattractive. Actually, she was so good-looking that even like this, he was dazzled.

Seeing that it was Wen Yiran, Chi Zhengzheng rolled her eyes unnoticedly, yawned, and shouted inside: "Wen Sisi! Someone's looking for you!"

After shouting, she stepped on her slippers' "tap, tap, tap" and went into the bathroom.

Wen Yiran was still standing in the same place with a shocked look on his face.

Chi Zhengzheng and Wen Sisi lived together?

"Brother Yiran…" Wen Sisi soon came out, looking at him with a guilty conscience.

Wen Yiran returned to his senses and asked with a frown, "Why are you living with her?"

These two are notorious rivals, and they stayed in the same hotel? This was a king-size bedroom!

Wen Sisi's eyebrows tightened instantly, and anger immediately burned under her eyes.

Chi Zhengzheng knew how to fight. Last night, Wen Sisi fought hard, but It was fruitless. Not only did she receive a good beating, but she was almost kicked out to sleep on the floor.

Luckily, Chi Zhengzheng was sleepy and fell asleep after restraining Wen Sisi.

Wen Sisi wanted to take revenge, but her scalp still hurt, and she didn't dare to hit Chi Zhengzheng. She was afraid of being beaten.

In addition, she was indeed feeling sleepy. She also pulled the quilt on and fell asleep.

Yesterday, she was threatened by Chi Zhengzheng, and last night she didn't win the fight, so she was utterly abused by Chi Zhengzheng, which was quite a shame in Wen Sisi's eyes. How could she tell Wen Yiran?

So she pulled the corners of her mouth and simply said: "It was a coincidence… A coincidence…"

Afraid that Wen Yiran would ask again, she hurriedly added, "I'll pack up first and go back as soon as possible."

What running away from home, she doesn't care anymore.

Inside the room, Wen Sisi's roar could be heard soon after…

"Chi Zhengzheng, hurry up!!!"

Inside the bathroom, Chi Zhengzheng washed up slowly and methodically, not paying attention to her at all.

When she finished washing up, she opened the door and justified to the angry Wen Sisi standing at the door-

"You tore the clothes I just bought yesterday. The tear is still there. Remember to pay for it."

Wen Sisi: "???"

Wen Yiran: "..."

Hotel entrance.

Wen Sisi followed Wen Yiran with a face full of anger, while Chi Zhengzheng was in a good mood.

Even if Wen Yiran frowned and glanced at her several times before getting into the car, it did not affect her good mood at all.

Her jumper had been pulled from the collar, but she could still wear it.

She was in a good mood because although Wen Sisi was cursing and swearing, she paid for her jumper!

She felt distressed after spending so much money last night, but she turned it around and returned with more than 6,000, finally feeling better.

The money was transferred to her card, and Chi Zhengzheng was planning to withdraw cash to take a taxi and buy a mobile phone. It was very inconvenient to be out without one.

She was about to turn to leave when a strange car stopped in front of her.

The window rolled down, and the man in the car said, "Get in."

– Wen Yu.

Chi Zhengzheng froze and immediately said, "There's no need!"

How would she dare to get into Wen Yu's car!

She had just heard his secret yesterday. Who knew if he was here to silence her?

Wen Yu didn't say anything. He just kept looking at her.

Chi Zhengzheng: "..." You win.

Silently, carefully, she would stop three times for each step forward. In the end, she was forced to get into the car.

After getting into the car, Chi Zhengzheng did not dare to speak, shuddering.

Wen Yu did not speak either. He drove silently.

As for the destination…

Chi Zhengzheng: I don't dare ask anything, I don't dare say anything.

Soon after, while waiting for the traffic lights, Wen Yu spoke first, took a box from the side, and handed it to her. "For you."