Chapter 19 — Thunderbolt. If you aren’t comfortable living in the Chi house, move to my place.

"Wen Yiran, why are you so annoying? Wen Sisi has a high fever. Do you understand human language? This is your cousin. Get out of the way. We need to take her to the hospital right now!" Chi Zhengzheng was also furious.

She was really convinced. How could this Wen Yiran be so annoying?

What did the original owner like about him?

Did she like him for being retarded or for being stupid?

A high fever?

Wen Yiran paused and looked at Wen Sisi and met her red face and eyes filled with suffering and distress.

Only then did he remember that when he picked up When Sisi in the morning, she had a cold.

When she called him just now, she was also breathless.

But then, because he heard Chi Zhengzheng's voice, he didn't think carefully and hung up the phone.

When he saw them, he noticed something was wrong with Wen Sisi. Still, because of the presence of Chi Zhengzheng, he even subconsciously went to pick on Chi Zhengzheng.

After returning to his senses instantly, Wen Yiran realized that Wen Sisi was sick, and Chi Zhengzheng wanted to take her to the hospital.

He misinterpreted such a simple thing.

He had misunderstood Chi Zhengzheng and had even overlooked his cousin.

He stood there, feeling a little embarrassed for the first time, and opened his mouth but was a little speechless.

"Let's go." Chi Zhengzheng said softly as she helped Wen Sisi and looked at Wen Yu.

Wen Yu nodded and reached out to help her hold the water.

There was a rare tacit understanding between the two of them, as if they had a familiarity that others didn't understand.

"Sisi, I'll take you to the hospital." Wen Yiran reached out and supported Wen Sisi on the other side.

Wen Si Si didn't say a word. She felt sick because of her fever and was silent because of the unimaginable scene in front of her.

Wen Yiran touched Wen Sisi's forehead, his eyes filled with worry.

His eyes shifted, and he noticed Wen Yu, who was next to Chi Zhengzheng, and he couldn't help but say, "Why are you here too? This is none of your business."

He had always looked at Wen Yu with contempt, especially today.

Wen Yu didn't bother to talk to him and silently walked next to Chi Zhengzheng.

However, Chi Zhengzheng was upset and pursed her lips, "Why can't Wen Yu be here? He is my fiancé. Why can't I ask him for help if I need him? He's with me. Why can't he be here?"

She stopped and let go of her hand, handing Wen Sisi ultimately over to Wen Yiran. "Since you're here, I'll leave Wen Sisi to you. She's your cousin. You take her to the hospital to hang an IV."

Wen Yiran opened his mouth to say something.

Chi Zhengzheng didn't allow him to speak. She waved her hand and said impatiently, "You'll have time to quarrel with us. Hurry up and take her to the hospital, don't delay."

Wen Yiran, she, and Wen Yu didn't get along. The three of them staying together was a waste of time, so it would be better for Wen Yiran to take Wen Si Si to the hospital as soon as possible.

Wen Yiran's lips twitched, but he didn't say anything else this time. He helped Wen Sisi continue to walk to their parking spot.

Wen Sisi, who had been silent, looked back at Chi Zheng Zheng, her eyes complicated.

When she saw the two of them get into the car and the car quickly drove away, Chi Zhengzheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This location was not far from the hospital. With Wen Yiran's connections and reputation, nothing wrong could happen to Wen Si Si.

But in her heart, she thought she still had to care about Wen Sisi's condition. She had brought her out herself, and seeing her burn up like that, she felt pretty guilty.

But that was a matter for later, and now she could finally put her mind at ease.

After being reassured, Chi Zhengzheng froze again.

-Wen Yu was right next to her!

Shit, she had just told Wen Yiran that Wen Yu was her fiancé!

Although everyone knew about their verbal engagement, Chi Zhengzheng didn't consider Wen Yu to be her "fiancé." Still, their relationship was not better than that of an unmarried couple.

How could a CP-free male lead have a wife?


Very awkward.

Chi Zhengzheng didn't even dare look up to see Wen Yu's face!

She didn't know if he had heard her last comment. Did he get angry?

Her existence as her "fiancée" was a disgrace for Wen Yu.

It was in the original novel!

She didn't say anything, and neither did Wen Yu. The two of them just stood at the intersection of the pedestrian street…

After thinking about it, Chi Zhengzheng gritted her teeth and looked up with a fake smile on her face-

"Wen Yu, I just…"

"Why are you here? Didn't I send you back?" Wen Yu asked.

His eyes were calm, only curious, without the slightest hint of anger.

Chi Zhengzheng: "..." Huh?

Was he not angry? Or did he simply not pay attention to that comment?

She blinked, wisely stopped mentioning the remark she had just made, and explained, "I was in a bad mood and took Wen Sisi out to play, and she ended up with a fever…"

Wen Yu nodded, didn't say anything, and lifted his foot. "Get in the car first?"

Chi Zhengzheng: "Oh."

She was slightly confused but still subconsciously followed Wen Yu to the car.

Wen Yiran took a call from An Qinru on the way, so when they arrived at the hospital, An Qinru was there.

She looked anxious and was full of worry as she accompanied them for the injection, IV, and hospitalization.

Only after Wen Sisi was hung up with the IV did Wen Yiran sigh of relief.

The anger he had felt towards Wen Sisi had long been forgotten, in the end, she was the sister he cared about, and she was lying in bed so weakly. Wen Yiran also felt a little distressed.

In addition to feeling distressed, he also felt guilty. When Chi Zhengzheng was on the pedestrian street just now, Chi Zhengzheng was anxious to send her to the hospital. Instead, he had delayed time…

He walked up and asked softly, "Sisi, are you feeling better?"

Wen Sisi nodded her head.

Wen Yiran squeezed her quilt and added, "Have a good rest. I'll keep an eye on you."

An Qinru poured a cup of warm water and sat next to her, also saying gently: "Sisi, drink some water."

Looking at the glass of water in front of her, Wen Sisi suddenly thought of the water that Chi Zhengzheng had fed her today…

An Qinru tenderly fed her. She opened her mouth and shook her head after two sips.

"Not drinking?"

She nodded her head.

An Qinru helped her lie down again, squeezed the covers for her, and scolded her like a competent sister –

"Sisi, you can't do this again. If you don't feel well, you must go to the hospital earlier. You can't put it off, do you understand?"

She was actually a year younger than Wen Sisi, who was the same age as Chi Zhengzheng, and An Qinru was a few months younger than them.

But her goal had always been to marry Wen Yiran, so she naturally took care of her as an "older sister."

This was a concern for her, and Wen Sisi nodded her head.

As An Qinru put the cup away, she whispered softly: "I heard that Sister Zhengzheng asked you out today? You and Sister Zhengzheng have always been at odds. Why did you go out with her today?"

Wen Sisi didn't say anything. Thinking of how embarrassed she was in front of Chi Zhengzheng today, she pursed her lips.

An Qinru had been watching her. When she saw this, she thought she was angry, her eyes half-curved as she continued, "You and Sister Zingzheng don't like each other, so why did you follow her when she asked you out! Look, how uncomfortable it is to be burning up like this now."

Although she didn't say it explicitly, the implication was undoubted that – Chi Zhengzheng had deliberately caused Wen Sisi to have a high fever.

This could have been true in the past. After all, the two of them didn't get along. They were bound to get into trouble if they were together.

If Wen Sisi had a fever, whether it was caused by Chi Zhengzheng or not, she and Wen Yiran still have thought it was deliberately done by Chi Zhengzheng!

But today was different.

Wen Sisi's eyes instantly remembered how Chi Zhengzheng looked when she supported her…

She was struggling, and her forehead was beaded with sweat.

If it was Wen Sisi, she would have thrown Chi Zhengzheng to the ground and made her lose face.

But Chi Zhengzheng gritted her teeth and insisted on helping her, and when she fell to the ground, she was the one who dragged her up and gave her water. When she held the street lamp, she didn't leave. Chi Zhengzheng kept watch and waited for Wen Yu to come over…

"Sisi, you are simple-minded, but-"

An Qinru's voice abruptly halted as Wen Sisi glared at her.


Wen Sisi raised her hand and pointed at her, her voice tinged with anger, "What happens between Chi Zhengzheng and me is our business. It's none of your business! Don't think that I don't know that you like Brother Yiran just because you don't like Chi Zhengzheng, and you've been playing dirty tricks on her behind her back all the time!"

It didn't matter that An Qinru had these thoughts in the past. After all, Wen Sisi also hated Chi Zhengzheng very much.

Every time An Qinru played dirty tricks behind her back to bring Chi Zhengzheng down, she would be happy.

But today, she suddenly felt that compared to Chi Zhengzheng's words and straightforward personality, An Qinru, who was constantly muttering behind her back, was really annoying.

"Sisi! You…" An Qinru's eyes widened.

"You go and stay away from me!" Wen Sisi rolled over and turned her back to her.

"No, I…" An Qinru's eyes were red, and she opened her mouth to say something else.

Wen Yiran stood up and stopped her, shaking his head, "Qinru, Sisi isn't feeling well, don't quarrel with her. You go back first. I'll go find you later."

An Qinru bit her lower lip and pinched her nails into her palm.

"Sisi, I'm going back first. You pay attention to your body. If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it when you get better." An Qinru's eyes were red as if she had suffered countless grievances, and she turned to leave.

Wen Yiran looked at her back and then at Wen Sisi but eventually stayed inside the ward.

An Qinru, who had run out of the hospital in one breath, stood outside in a daze, her nails still pinching her palm, which was red.

What was going on?

It's only been two days. How could Wen Sisi stand up for Chi Zhengzheng?

Weren't they enemies?

She stood outside the hospital and waited for a while, but Wen Yiran didn't come out after her.

Thinking about everything that had happened in the past few days, she suddenly had a feeling that she was losing control. As if everything had changed in ways she didn't know!

In the car.

Chi Zhengzheng followed Wen Yu into the car and sat in the passenger seat.

Wen Yu sat in the driver's seat, and the car was quiet and clean, with a faint fragrance.

She kept her head down, but she paid attention to Wen Yu next to her.

The air was quiet, but her mind was very lively –

Big Boss ... What's going on?

What am I supposed to do with such silence?

Should I say something?

Do we have to play the "who speaks first" game?

Or should I ask Big Boss to take me back?

But she didn't want to return to the Chi house, so where else could she go?

After a while, Chi Zhengzheng couldn't compete with Big Boss to see who was calmer, so she spoke up: "Wen…"

Wen Yu also opened his mouth, and the moment he opened it, it was a thunderbolt…

"If you aren't comfortable living in the Chi house, move to my place."