Chapter 23 — Selling houses. What’s going on with Wen Yu?

The size of the ice-cube-faced secretary was obviously relatively large, and she glanced at Chi Zhengzheng's invisible chest. She only glanced at it lightly, but it seemed to be saying—

Oh, sorry, I overestimated you.

For a secretary like her, this glance was naturally done very carefully. The face also didn't change.

But Chi Zhengzheng was staring at her, and her brain ran at full speed. She immediately noticed it. Her face became hotter, instantly red all through.

The secretary: "Yes, ma'am. I'm calling to order some now. The nearest store is expected to deliver it in half an hour. Please wait."

"Well… okay…" She answered weakly.

The secretary made the call and left, followed by the people she brought.

Wen Yu still looked at her.

Her face flushed red, Chi Zhengzheng lowered her head, turned around, and left, her voice very small: "I'll go up first and get dressed…"

After saying that, her feet like a gust of wind, she took her pajamas and went upstairs.

Other toiletries and towels were available in the room, as well as pajamas and underwear.

Once the door was closed, she hugged her pajamas and smashed her head directly on the bed.


It was so humiliating!

The key thing was that the original owner was really too thin. After lying in bed due to the car accident for so many days, she was even thinner.

She wants to gain weight! To grow flesh! To… change underwear!

Auntie Wang cooked very quickly, but obviously, the clothes were delivered even quicker and delivered in less than half an hour.

After being called, she got down lightly and took the box. She secretly glanced at Wen Yu through her peripheral vision, who was on the sofa with a computer in front of him…

The redness on her face had not gone down, she was still a little hot, and she gingerly hurried up again.

When climbing the stairs, Wen Yu's voice suddenly sounded: "Put the things down and come down. It's time to eat."

Chi Zhengzheng: "… Oh."

She put down the clothes and dallied in the room for a while before going downstairs.

Downstairs, the dining table had been set up with three dishes and one soup, and Wen Yu had just sat down.

She was a little surprised: "Huh? Where is Auntie Wang?"

"Auntie Wang went back. She doesn't live here." Wen Yu replied, still with his high and cold face.

He didn't like to have other people living in the house, so whether it was the people who managed the place or the aunties who cooked and cleaned, they did not stay overnight.

Chi Zhengzheng… was an exception, I think.

"Oh ..." Chi Zhengzheng responded.


"Oh." She sat down, picked up her chopsticks, and began to eat.

With her head down, she was still a little embarrassed and didn't quite dare to look up.

Wen Yu paid attention to her and frowned slightly when he saw this. He liked her to be as she was when we ate together, not like this now without raising her head.

He pursed his lips and said, "I'll stay here tonight." In case you are afraid to be alone.

Chi Zhengzheng: "Oh." This was your home, so of course, you could stay if you wanted.

She still didn't look up, so Wen Yu's lips pursed even tighter.

The two ate their meals in silence, and the room was extremely quiet.

Soon, the bowl of rice emptied. Chi Zhengzheng, almost full, swallowed the last bite of rice, then ready to put down the bowl of chopsticks.

At this time, Wen Yu suddenly said again: "Is it because of the underwear that you are unhappy?"

Was she unhappy because she was picking out underwear in front of him?

Or was it because she was shy?

It's been all night, and she still hadn't raised her head.

When he said this, he was very serious and earnest, and such words coming out of his mouth wouldn't make her feel that he was frivolous. But instead, she could feel his worry.

Chi Zhengzheng: "…"

Her ears reddened, subconsciously straightened her chest, and then stifled: "I'm too skinny, I can still grow…"


Wen Yu's eyes were bewildered.

Chi Zhengzheng stood up and went straight to the kitchen.

Wen Yu: "What are you doing?"

She gritted her teeth: "I'll eat another bowl!"

Wen Yu: "…"

He blinked as if he suddenly understood why she was embarrassed.


He lowered his head and smiled.

Chi Zhouchen came home a little late. Chi Yan and Ding Yijun both still didn't eat dinner. They were sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

He looked around and found that An Qinru was not there.

Seeing him coming back, Ding Yijun hurriedly stepped forward and looked behind him. She didn't see another person, and her expression was somewhat lost.-

"Zhouchen, does Zhengzheng not want to come back?"

Chi Yan heavily put down his teacup and hummed: "Forget it if she doesn't come back! She's not young, don't bother with her."

That said, just like Ding Yijun, he glanced at Chi Zhouchen behind him.

Chi Zhouchen shook his head: "I didn't talk to her, but I know where she lives."

"That's good." Ding Yijun let out a long breath with a complicated look.

"Dinner! Don't bother with her." Chi Yan stood up angrily and walked toward the table.

Chi Zhouchen and Ding Yijun followed.

Chi Yan was obviously in a bad mood, sullenly eating. Ding Yijun has been chanting, "Tonight we have talked to Qinru. From now on, she won't come over as often. She will go back to live in the Ding house. There's the An family if she isn't comfortable living in the Ding family. Next time tell this news to Zhengzheng. She should come back once she knows…"

Chi Zhouchen was eating while he was lost in thought.

It was a while before he suddenly raised his head and looked at Chi Yan: "Dad, do you think we were wrong? Wen Yu may not be as simple as it seems."

When Chi Yan heard this, he subconsciously frowned.

Ding Yijun also immediately frowned, a little displeased when thinking of Wen Yu: "How is he not simple? The Wen family won't let him into the company, and he's not young, but he still doesn't do anything and doesn't learn anything! How is he not simple with that character that doesn't say a word?"

She talked about what everyone thought of Wen Yu, including Chi Yan and Chi Zhouchen.

Wen Yu wasn't much. He was Wen Douyu, he couldn't get anything from the Wen family, and he couldn't achieve anything. This impression had been imprinted on their hearts from the past years till now.

But Chi Yan suddenly thought of Wen Yu's eyes, dark and deep, as well as the amazing aura…

He looked at Chi Zhouchen: "Why do you say so?"

In total seriousness, Chi Zhouchen put down the dishes: "He took Chi Zhengzheng into the Wangjiang Manor today."

"Wangjiang Manor?" At these words, Chi Yan's brow furrowed even tighter.

Chapter 23 — Selling houses. What's going on with Wen Yu?

After eating, Chi Zhengzheng returned to her room, and Wen Yu went into the study.

After so many things had happened this day, after a nice bath, Chi Zhengzheng went to bed.

She didn't set an alarm clock, so when she woke up the next day, it was already ten in the morning, and the sky was already bright.

Pulling the curtains, the bright sunlight came in from outside. She smiled and stretched her back.

Downstairs, there was breakfast on the dining table.

But the house was quiet inside. Apparently, Wen Yu had gone out.

She entered the kitchen with light footsteps, heated the breakfast, and ate it slowly and methodically.


This was life.

In her previous life, she had to get up early to go to work, and every weekend she slept enough to get up. She ate breakfast slowly and was happy as she could play on her phone or catch up on dramas afterward.

This was the first time she had been so comfortable since she transmigrated.

After eating, she was not idle.

Today, she wanted to familiarize herself with the place she lived in. Then think about what work she could do since she had no money in her pocket, so she had to think of a way to make money.

She went out, and within less than an hour, she ran back with a pale face.

Once the door was closed, she sat on the sofa, her neck shrunk, hugging a pillow and trembling slightly.

Her hands were shaking so severely that she couldn't type, so she sent a voice-

"W-Wen Yu, are you coming back at noon today?"

At the other end, Wen Yu had just finished a meeting.

Secretary Ning and the female secretary who went to deliver the clothes yesterday were behind him. Secretary Ning reported: "… These four contracts need the boss's signature, and Manager Chen's report has been handed in, so you need to read it…"

Wen Yu nodded his head.

After Secretary Ning finished, he clicked to play that voice.

The secretary Ning and the special assistant Gao, walking behind him, paused slightly while walking. Their faces returned to a calm state, but their eyes continually glanced over at Wen Yu's back.

After listening, Wen Yu frowned slightly.

What's going on?

He could hear the uneasiness in Chi Zhengzheng's voice, and he replied-

"What happened?"

Without waiting for a reply from the other end, he looked at Secretary Ning: "Give me all the documents to be signed, and leave the rest of the information in the office."

"…. Yes." Secretary Ning handed it to him.

He flipped it open while walking, and when he waited until he got to the office, he signed three copies directly on the desk and threw one to the secretary. "Page two, article sixteen, there are revisions to be made."

After saying that, he took out his phone again, and this time the opposite side texted-


[I'm just asking…]

Wen Yu didn't reply, he put away the phone, and while walking out, he said, "Have the driver wait for me downstairs."


Wen Yu had disappeared. Secretary Ning hurriedly called the driver while the rest of the people looked at each other with shocked faces.

Only Secretary Xu, the female secretary who delivered the clothes last night, was expressionless at the moment, looking at the others with faint contempt –

Tch, you guys know nothing about the boss's love life.

Chi Zhengzheng was inside her room but couldn't calm down. She wanted to go out but didn't dare to step out of the door of this house.

She wasn't very brave, and now she was about to be scared out of her wits.

Even looking at the house where she had lived last night, she felt it was so big and scary.

Such a large house, all empty, all on her own…

She's the only one in such a big house…

At that moment, someone opened the door.

"Ah-" Chi Zhengzheng subconsciously screamed, throwing pillows towards the door.

Wen Yu, who hurried back, reached out to catch the pillows and saw her panicked face. He frowned, eyes showing worry: "Chi Zhengzheng, what happened? Don't be afraid."

He stepped forward and walked up to Chi Zhengzheng. His warm hand clasped her wrist, which was trembling with nervousness.

After clasping it, he realized that her hand was frighteningly cold, and his brow furrowed even more.

Chi Zhengzheng saw that it was him, let out a long breath, and breathed with a pale face.

She was already white but also very thin, with a pale face. She was so nervous that her forehead had beads of sweat, eyes with a panicked look. It really made people's hearts move.

Wen Yu's other hand reached out, patted her back, softened his voice, and bowed his head to soothe her: "It's okay, Chi Zhengzheng is okay. Tell me, what happened?"

Chi Zhengzheng stretched out her hand and grasped Wen Yu's clothes tightly, with a bit of fear on her face: "I went out and looked around the community. No one. Not a single person. There was not a single person!"

She originally wanted to see the neighborhood to see what kind of people lived around. Still, it turned out that it was empty everywhere. Surprisingly she couldn't see a single person.

There was no trace of anyone living in any house, all the outer doors were open, and there were no cars.

She was shocked and walked far away, hoping to see someone, but no one was there!

She was alone in the neighborhood. Except for the sound of her footsteps, there was no movement.

Chi Zhengzheng was stunned.

She wanted to get out of the neighborhood, but the community was too big, and she didn't find the entrance gate she came in last night.

This was a community. Even if it was a villa area, it would be impossible that there was no one in broad daylight ah!

"She didn't dare to see anymore and hurriedly ran back.

"It's terrifying. There's not a single person!" Chi Zhengzheng took a deep breath while clutching her wildly beating heart.

When she rented a house in her previous life, the neighborhood she lived in was very lively, and as long as she walked out, she could hear the sounds of children playing.

Even if the villa area was quiet, it wasn't like this!

She ran back and closed the door. The large house was so quiet that she could not hear any movement.

Chi Zhengzheng was not originally a person in this world, and she didn't even know what kind of existence she was. How could she not be afraid?

Wen Yu listened and understood.

He was slightly stunned, and then he laughed and gently reassured her: "Don't be afraid. Normally, there's no one. This neighborhood isn't for sale. No one else lives in it yet."

He liked silence and was never scared that he was the only one living in this community. He didn't expect that when he forgot to tell her, which frightened her like this.

His heart was immediately amused but also a bit distressed.

Chi Zhengzheng smiled and blinked blankly: "Huh?"

It turned out that the community was not up for sale yet?!

Wen Yu patted her back, "Don't worry about it later. I'll let Auntie Wang and the others come over."

She froze for a while before she got over the panic and fear she had just felt and let out a long breath, not refusing to let Auntie Wang stay over.

-She wasn't a brave person.

She wouldn't dare to live alone in this neighborhood.

After not being so frightened, she realized she was still holding onto Wen Yu's sleeve and hurriedly let go.

Her smile was a little embarrassed. Scratching her head: "Uhm… I'm sorry for bothering you. I'm not very courageous…"

Wen Yu also let go of his hand, reached for a cup, and poured her a glass of water, handing it to her: "It's okay, it's more convenient for Auntie Want and the others to live here."

He himself didn't like to have other people living here, but Chi Zhengzheng obviously didn't like it. He was relieved when he asked Auntie Wang and the others to come over.

Chi Zhengzheng took the water and glanced at Wen Yu gratefully.

After taking a sip of water and wiping the cold sweat that had appeared on her forehead, she said: "Wen Yu, you have a lot of guts…"

He dared to live here alone. Wen Yu's courage was really something she admired.

And even if she knew that the neighborhood was empty because it wasn't up for sale yet, she was still scared.

"I'm used to it. There's nothing to be afraid of." Wen Yu said softly.

Of course, he wasn't afraid, he didn't know if there were ghosts in this world, but he had never met any ghosts that harmed him. The people who hurt him were quite a lot. People could sometimes be much scarier than illusory ghosts.

He looked at Chi Zhengzheng, who was still scared next to him. He laughed, and the corners of his mouth rose a little.

Soon, driver Wang brought Auntie Wang over with her things. In addition to Auntie Wang, who was responsible for cooking, there was a middle-aged couple.

"Uncle Li manages the garden, and Aunt Li helps sweep the floor and wash clothes. They both live in the annex next to the main house. You can call them if you have anything." Wen Yu explained.

"Oh, good…" Chi Zhengzheng answered.

She kept her eyes on Wen Yu and was a little lost in thought.

Such a nice person.

Although his face was cold, he was very considerate, letting people feel warm from the bottom of their hearts.

She was lost in thought until Wen Yu tapped her head with two fingers. She covered her forehead, and when she returned to her senses, her eyebrows furrowed, her big eyes looking at him in confusion.

-Why are you hitting me?

Wen Yu withdrew his hand and coughed against his lips: "Get ready to eat. Auntie Wang cooks quickly."

Chi Zhengzheng was still covering her head, looking dumbfounded at Wen Yu's back.

Why in the world did this person tap her?

Auntie Wang was a really fast cook. She sauteed a few small dishes and brought them out. The rice was also cooked at the same time.

In broad daylight, with many people, Chi Zhengzheng wasn't afraid.

Wen Yu also put his mind at ease. After eating, he went back to the company again. During these two days, many things needed to be done in the company, and it was better to show up in person.

When he got to the company, he called Secretary Ning –

"Start selling the houses at Wangjiang Manor, let the person in charge pay attention to the type of buyers, try to sell the houses close to mine to families with more children."

This can be more lively.

Each house was far away from the other, it was impossible that noises would disturb them, but if Chi Zhengzheng went out the door, it would be very lively.

Secretary Ning froze.

He thought Wangjiang Manor was not going to be sold by the boss. Why did he suddenly want to start selling them?

Wen Yu's plan, Chi Zhengzheng didn't know. At the moment, she was in the house eating the small cookies made by Auntie Wang while searching for what kind of work she could do on the computer.

However, it was not easy.

The original owner was a university graduate, but her grades weren't good. She used to like Wen Yiran. When she saw him going abroad to study, she also went to study at a university abroad. As a result, she couldn't stay after playing for more than a year, and he stayed home until he returned.

Now it was different from before. In the past, as long as you returned from abroad, it was always a stepping stone. Still, now everyone could understand what kind of university you studied at. There was a big difference between a good university and a fly-by-night university.

(t/n: Fly-by-night universities: universities where you're supposed to get your degree by paying; many times, people don't need to attend lessons.)


Chi Zhengzheng didn't even get her graduation certificate!

She was not very capable and didn't know what kind of job she should find for a while.

Should she find a job related to the Chi family's business?

That was not good. Even if the Chi family agreed, she didn't want to go.

Chi Zhengzheng was so worried that she scratched her head.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Zhengzheng, have you finished eating the cookies? There are still more here. Do you want some?" Auntie Wang said at the door, holding a plate in her hand.

Chi Zhengzheng was busy waving her hand: "No, I have eaten enough. You can have them, thank you, sorry to trouble you."

Auntie Wang smiled with a loving face: "It's okay. Mr. Wen asked me to take care of you. I definitely have to take good care of you. Mr. Wen has been kind to my man and me."

"Hmm?" Chi Zhengzheng nibbled on a small cookie. Her round eyes looked at her, somewhat curious.

Wang's wife explained: "My man is Mr. Wen's driver. When he was sick and needed a large sum of money, employers usually directly dismissed him. Still, Mr. Wen not only paid for his medical expenses but also gave him a job when he got better. Even after knowing my complicated family situation, he let me come to work as a nanny and cook."

She looked a bit emotional and walked over to put another plate of cookies in Chi Zhengzheng's hand: "If it weren't for Mr. Wen, my man and I wouldn't know how we would be living now. Mr. Wen is a very nice person."

Chi Zhengzheng nodded in agreement. Right, Wen Yu was indeed a good man.

Seeing her nod, Auntie Wang smiled even wider: "Right, Zhengzheng, you are also very good. You and Mr. Wen are so good. The future will definitely be better and better!"

Chi Zhengzheng stiffened and immediately waved her hand, "No, no, Auntie Wang, Wen Yu and I don't have that kind of relationship. I'm just a tenant, it's not convenient for me to go home, so I'm just living here temporarily."

Auntie Wang gave her a face of disbelief as she picked up the kettle and said: "Zhengzheng, don't lie to me. Mr. Wen has already said that you were his fiancée."

With that said, she took the kettle and went downstairs to change the water.

Chi Zhengzheng: "…"

Although as a tenant, it was better. Although she was also his nominal fiancée, she and Wen Yu were really not in that kind of relationship ah!

Chi Zhengzheng worried about what kind of work to do for two days, but in the end, she had no choice but to take on some translation work on the Internet first so that she could still have some income.

She then bought a bunch of books, thinking that it would be necessary to get books to reference.

Although she was a girl in such a family, she could be raised by her family for life. However, she wasn't sure about the Chi family a year later. Even if they were still there, she didn't want the Chi family to raise her.

The books she bought were just delivered.

After being discharged from the hospital, Wen Sisi, who had been upset and was now in a terrible mood, called her.

– Although, Wen Sisi didn't know why she called Chi Zhengzheng when she was in a bad mood.

"Hey, what are you doing? I haven't seen you for the past two days. I heard that you ran away from home again?" Inside the phone, with mockery, Wen Sisi's attitude was not very friendly.

The word "again" was ironic enough.

Chi Zhengzheng opened the package carelessly, "Your fever still hasn't gone down?"

Wen Sisi was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

"Otherwise, why else would you have a brain fart to care about me?"

"Chi Zhengzheng!!"

"I can hear you, say." Chi Zhengzheng pulled out her ears.

"Tonight, a nightclub, do you want to go?"


Wen Sisi: "???"

She took a deep breath and followed Chi Zhengzheng's example of using a provocative method: "Are you afraid of me, so you don't dare to go?"

Chi Zhengzheng: "Yes, I'm afraid of you, so I'm not going."

Wen Si Si sniffed and jumped in anger: "Chi Zhengzheng!!!"

"Say, time, place." Chi Zhengzheng then asked helplessly.

She heard that Wen Sisi was in a bad mood. When she was in a bad mood, Wen Sisi accompanied her to the secret room to escape, and she was hospitalized with a high fever. Now that the other party was in a bad mood, it was okay for her to care about it.

As for the nightclubs or whatever, the original owner was a frequent visitor. All the good nightclubs in the city knew her. Nothing could happen.

So Chi Zhengzheng and Wen Sisi met to go to a nightclub in the evening.

Inside the Chi family's company.

Chi Zhouchen asked anxiously: "Dad, did you find it? What the hell is going on with Wen Yu?"