Chapter 32 — Going back home

All of the complex emotions disappeared because of the impact of Chi Zhengzheng's outfit.

Wen Yu also didn't know why he came or what he came to say, but all the unhappy emotions disappeared the moment he saw Chi Zhengzheng.

His voice was tinged with laughter: "Chi Zhengzheng, open the door."

Inside the room, there were "rattling" sounds.

A few moments later, the door was opened again.

Chi Zhengzheng was still wearing the same pajamas, but the mask on her face had been discarded, and her face was clean and beautiful.

She glanced at him and immediately lowered her head with an embarrassed blushed face, showing him only a crocodile head.


She now wanted to kill Wen Sisi!!!

The pajamas were bought by Wen Sisi, just now the two of them went to buy a four-piece bed set, Chi Zhengzheng thought of buying a pair of pajamas, Wen Sisi followed her into the store.

Wen Sisi, who had been mocking her taste, suddenly picked this set.

Of course, Chi Zhengzheng refused it!

But Wen Sisi said: "If you get this set, I'll check it out for you."

Chi Zhengzheng: "… Deal."

Was she the kind of person who would wear such pajamas?

With the premise of not spending any money, of course, she was!

She was so poor, Wen Sisi was willing to spend money on pajamas for her, would she refuse?

The four-piece bed set was not cheap, and she still didn't pay the rent, so it was a good idea to save some money.

It was cold tonight, she was still in her period, and this set was not very thick and it could be worn entirely.

She washed it and dried it.

After preparing herself psychologically… she put on the pajamas that didn't cost her any money.

It was just that… she never thought that Wen Yu would come!

How did he know she was here?

Oh… he was Wen Yu, of course, he could know if he wanted to know.

But he didn't even call, so why did he suddenly come here?!

Wen Yu put his fist in front of his lips and coughed: "Uhm, it's quite cute."

Chi Zhengzheng's head almost dropped to the ground.

She had maintained her image in front of Wen Yu for so long, but she destroyed all her hard work because of a pair of pajamas!!!

So angry!

"Oh… why are you here?" Chi Zhengzheng stammered, her voice was mosquito-like.

Wen Yu: "You moved out without saying anything, can't I come and have a look?"

Chi Zhengzheng: "…"

Then shouldn't you call and ask before so I could get started on my second step?

Yes, Chi Zhengzheng had a plan. She moved out dragged her suitcase, if Wen Yu cared for her at all, he would definitely call her or send her a message.

If Wen Yu didn't care, following his character, he wouldn't ask Chi Zhengzheng why she moved out.

She had already done countless entanglements and speculations about whether he would call or not, but who would have thought that he would come directly to her!!!

"Let me in." Wen Yu said.

Chi Zhengzheng: "…"

The hand holding the doorknob slowly loosened, she then moved and scooted to make way for him.

Wen Yu strode in.

His gaze swept across the "size of the palm" place, and his brows frowned together all of a sudden.

He then looked at the kitchen, it was empty and had nothing.

His brow furrowed even more.

"Are you going to live here?" He asked.

"Uhm… it's pretty good…" Chi Zhengzheng still had her head down.

Her mind was filled with only one thought at the moment –


She really wanted to go and change her clothes!!!

She had her white fairy dress!

Wen Yu frowned so much that he could catch mosquitoes, watching tenaciously at the house, he really couldn't tell where the house was good.

"Wen Sisi's place, don't live here." He said this after much thought.

"Ah?" Chi Zhengzheng was taken aback and looked up at him.

She knew he hated the Wen family but did he dislike even her temporary staying at Wen Sisi's place?

She looked at him innocently with her big eyes, her small face was wrapped in a hat, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and there was a big square pocket on her belly. The tail on the back moved slightly, and it was very… cute?

Wen Yu really didn't hold back, he stretched out his hand and pinched her soft face.

"Ahem." He withdrew his uncontrolled hand.

Chi Zhengzheng: "!!!"

Wen Yu: "Come back with me."

"Ah, this…" Chi Zhengzheng was taken aback.

Moving out of Wangjiang Manor, was her first step to scheming against Wen Yu!

Wen Yu took a step forward, and there were only a few centimeters left between the two of them.

Chi Zhengzheng's breathing stalled.

Wen Yu lifted a hand and placed it on her shoulder, slightly lowering his head, his breath hitting her face: "Come back with me."

It was a commanding tone!

As if she didn't agree, he would lift the back of her neck and carry her back!

They were so close, his deep and beautiful facial features were right in front of her eyes, and his breathing was also in her ears.


She didn't even know what she was saying!

Her legs were weak!

Her brain was also blank!

Where the f*ck was her ability to think!

Wen Yu laughed and gently pinched her face again, walked over to her suitcase, and packed her things.

She hadn't taken most of her things out, only… sanitary pads that were placed next to the suitcase.

Wen Yu paused slightly and put it back, and he also packed her change of clothes.

"Hey! I need to change my clothes!" Chi Zhengzheng cried out.

Wen Yu: "No need to change, it's very cute."

Chi Zhengzheng: "???"

Wen Yu had already dragged her suitcase, stretched out his hand, picked up her mobile phone on the table, and put it in her pocket.

"Big Boss… let me change my clothes? How can I go outside wearing this?!" She looked miserable.

"It's dark and the car is down there." Wen Yu said.

Once this outfit was changed, he may not see her wearing it again.

—Just consider it as a punishment for her suddenly "running away from home".

It was little cold outside. All she brought with her were skirts, which were not thick enough. She was in her menstrual period and couldn't catch a cold.

These clothes were quite good.

After speaking, Wen Yu dragged the suitcase with one hand and stretched out his other hand to hold the unwilling Chi Zhengzheng.

Chi Zhengzheng didn't move.

Wen Yu looked back at her: "Shall I carry you back?"

Chi Zhengzheng: "I can go by myself…" QAQ

So, Wen Yu, who was still wearing a suit, dragged the suitcase in one hand and… a small crocodile in the other?

The moment the door closed, Chi Zhengzheng burst into tears in her heart.

This afternoon's bold words still seemed to be in front of her, her plan to scheme against Wen Yu, she just the first step, and then –

Unfortunately, the plan was aborted.

Her heart was broken.


With such a domineering Wen Yu and such a handsome face, he ordered her to follow him back. How could she refuse?!

Her legs were weak, how could she find a reason to refuse ah!

Lowering her head, Chi Zhengzheng mourned silently for her aborted plan.

Wen Yu walked in front, Chi Zhengzheng walked behind him swinging her tail.

She kept her head down, afraid of seeing someone.

Wen Yu looked back at her from time to time and saw her head down, only showing the crocodile head, her tail swinging around, he couldn't help but smile at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were full of smiles.

She wanted to rua. (t/n: internet slang, it is usually used when you suffer or you're embarrassed)

But she had to bear with it.

This girl had just "run away from home", she had to be reasonable, she couldn't let herself blow up again.

On such a night, there really weren't many people.

It was just a coincidence that when the elevator reached the tenth floor, a couple carrying garbage came in.

The young couple saw them and were taken aback.

Chi Zhengzheng: "!!!"

She was so embarrassed that her face had turned red, she moved with small steps, one after another, hiding behind Wen Yu.

Wen Yu… moved a step to the side.

Chi Zhengzheng was shocked, she raised her head, and looked at Wen Yu dumbfounded as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

He actually got out of the way?

Wen Yu looked at her, the corners of his mouth hooked slightly.

Chi Zhengzheng: "…"

—Boss, could you please be a person?

Her small face wrapped in the crocodile's head finally showed up, her big eyes looked at him in disbelief, her small face bulged into buns, her cheeks were white and red.

The lights in the elevator were very bright, and the pair of eyes were like two bright and dazzling stars.

Her eyelashes were like two small brushes, twinkling and scratching Wen Yu's heart.

He chuckled and exerted some force in his hands, he hugged Chi Zhengzheng into his arms.

"Huh…" She let out a little surprised sound.

Wen Yu reached out and pressed her head down in his arms.

—He didn't want to give anyone else the chance to have a closer look at her.

Inside the elevator, the couple was in front of them, they didn't look at them, they just kept looking at each other.

Chi Zhengzheng's face was buried in Wen Yu's arms, her ears were red and flushed, and her face turned pink.


The elevator door opened.

Wen Yu led Chi Zhengzheng who had her head lowered, and he strode out.

Chi Zhengzheng could only follow him taking small strides because the lower parts of her pajamas were too low, and her tail was still swinging behind her.

She was embarrassed to death!!!

How could she not know how those two laughed at her just now!

In fact, she didn't know that after they left, the two people in the elevator came out in a daze.

"So kawaii." The girl muttered: "She looks so good without makeup!"

The boy agreed, and couldn't help but look at Chi Zhengzheng's back: "She's really cute, her boyfriend is so lucky!"

The girl: "???"

She reached out and grabbed the boy's ear: "What did you just say?"

"I-I was just stating the truth…"

"You! Look at others' boyfriend's face, and then look at yourself!!"

"Okay, okay, you're actually much cuter than her!"

"You think I believe that?"

"I don't believe it either…"

"You're looking for death ah!!!"

Wen Yu pulled the co-pilot seat and Chi Zhengzheng got into the car.

The tail was not very easy to place, she twisted her body, and she could only hold it in her arms.

Wen Yu got into the driver's seat, noticed her at the corner of his eyes, and paused.

"Chi Zhengzheng." He suddenly spoke.

Chi Zhengzheng: "Uhm?"

Wen Yu: "Keep this outfit."

Chi Zhengzheng: "…"

No, I refuse.

After going back and changing out of these clothes, she never wanted to see it ever again in her life!!

Wen Yu's hand was itchy again, he held back, for a moment, as if he had noticed something, he suddenly leaned over and pressed against her.

His body approached in an instant, and the strong masculine aura seemed to be between her breaths.

Thump thump thump!

Chi Zhengzheng's eyes widened, and the hand holding her tail tightened, pinching her tail tightly.

"Click." Wen Yu buckled her seat belt. "Remember to fasten your seat belt."

After saying that, he lifted his hand and it landed on her head, gently rubbing it.

Seeing her big eyes staring at him without blinking, he didn't hold back, he reached out and gently pinched her face again.

Chi Zhengzheng felt that Wen Yu's small movements were a bit too much tonight, so much so that her heart was about to jump right out.

The car started.

Chi Zhengzheng hugged her tail, she pulled and pulled, almost tearing it apart. After a while, she asked: "That, Wen Yu, you… why did you come looking for me ah…"

She was just waiting for a phone call, and then let him understand –

Chi Zhengzheng and his "fiancée" were two identities.

What she wanted was for him to like her, not for him to take care of her because of her identity as his "fiancée".

"Chi Zhengzheng." Wen Yu's voice suddenly became serious, calling her name.

Chi Zhengzheng's heart tightened, and she looked at him with round eyes: "Ah?"