Chapter 39 — Pervert

Wen Yu didn't look away, looking ahead, his voice became hoarse, "Look at the road, stop looking at me."

He felt that a certain part of his body had awakened, she was obviously just looking at him but it caused such a big reaction…

This made Wen Yu a little afraid to look at her, for a moment, he felt like a pervert.

But he couldn't help it, as if he also was unable to suppress the beast in his heart that was about to burst out.

Chi Zhengzheng would never know that when she stood next to him, "protecting" him and glaring at Wen Yiran when she said that Wen Yiran couldn't even compare a strand of his hair when she covered her face and didn't dare to look at him…

He just wanted to hide her, hide her in a tight surveillance space, hide her in a place where only he knew, never show her to others, and in a place where there would never be a possibility of her being snatched away.

He was really a pervert.

Wen Yu thought.

"Huh?" Look at the road, stop looking at him?

Chi Zhengzheng blinked, then immediately looked forward, her face was flushed.

Oh, God, could it be that her gaze was so hot that Wen Yu couldn't stand it anymore?!

Was her gaze so obvious?

Woo woo woo, she just liked him ah. When he just rushed out and hugged her in his arms and beat Wen Yiran ruthlessly, she felt that was blinded by his handsomeness!

At that moment, she wanted to devote herself to him.

But he didn't want her to see him!

Chi Zhengzheng stared at the road ahead, not daring to look at Wen Yu.

Wen Yu took a deep breath and steadied his heartbeat, then drove towards their house in Wangjiang Manor.

Outside, the lights were bright and the traffic was heavy.

The car was very quiet, and neither of them spoke.

After a while, Chi Zhengzheng couldn't stand the silence and secretly shifted her eyes from the window onto Wen Yu.

He was driving the car seriously, his facial features were deep, the profile of his face looked extremely handsome and perfect, which was so mesmerizing.

Mm, as handsome as ever.

"T-thank you for picking me up…" Chi Zhengzheng finally spoke, blinking her eyes.

Wen Yu looked at the road ahead but kept an eye on her through his peripheral vision.

At the sound of her voice, he responded: "Hmm."

Was that it?

Chi Zhengzheng was a little discouraged. This Wen Yu, he really said too little!

While thinking this way, Wen Yu suddenly said: "Today, was it fun?"

Chi Zhengzheng: "Not bad." What was fun about it? It was probably just fun to see An Qinru's blackened expression, but it wasn't fun at other times.

At first, she felt it was very boring, but then she was frightened because of the Dreams of Deep Sea.


Dreams of Deep Sea?

Chi Zhengzheng sat up straight, touched the necklace around her neck, and then hurriedly said: "Wen Yu, why did you give me such an expensive thing ah? What if I lose it? It scared me to death!"

Wen Yu explained naturally: "This necklace is perfect for you."

After a pause, he said, "It's just a necklace."

"What do you mean it's just a necklace? Wen Yu, it's worth 230 million!!! You know, when the news was leaked today, all I had inside my mind was that someone else had come to steal the jewelry, you know, there weren't many bodyguards at the party today, if it was really stolen, I'd be done for." Chi Zhengzheng patted her heart.

So much money, she may not earn it in her lifetime, if it was really lost, how could she compensate it?

Hearing this, Wen Yu couldn't help laughing, somewhat helpless: "If you lose it, you lose it, it's just a necklace, I've given it to you so you could wear it."

Chi Zhengzheng: "!!!"

Her eyes were wide and full of disbelief: "Give it to me? Are you kidding, I don't want it! Wen Yu, if you have told me the value of this necklace, I wouldn't have even worn it out."

As if thinking of something, she asked: "You didn't spend this much money to buy this necklace to match my outfit just for me to attend the party, did you?!"

She actually wanted to say-

What kind of loss was this?

With so much money, wasn't it quite pretentious?

And it was just to match her outfit? She felt bad all over.

Earlier she was thinking that Wen Yu might have some deeper meaning, after all, this big boss had always taken one step to see a hundred steps ahead, in the original novel, he never did anything boring that wasn't beneficial!

Wen Yu saw her sitting up straight, her eyes widened, as if he was to say that he simply bought it to give it to her, she may not be able to breathe and may faint.

After thinking about it, Wen Yu smiled and said: "High-end jewelry is also a valuable collectible, this Dreams of Deep Sea is unique and can retain its value, and may even increase in value."

This was true, but what he gave to Chi Zhengzheng, it wouldn't be possible to sell it.

She was so good, and only the best things were worthy of her.

He just didn't think it was enough, how could he think that it was expensive to give to her?

He also didn't tell Chi Zhengzheng that during the development period of his business empire, all the money from the sale of the houses in Wangjiang Manor House some time ago was also re-invested in Yu Ding.

Taking out 230 million working capital to buy the necklace wasn't a big deal and wasn't a hindrance, but it would cause him to be unable to stay with her at home for the next period of time, and he would have to go to the company every day to "work overtime".

Chi Zhengzheng didn't know this. When she heard that the necklace could appreciate in value, she breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed and leaned on the seat, and then said seriously: "Then you put the necklace away when we get back. Put it away properly."

"You keep it, so you can wear it anytime…"

Chi Zhengzheng interrupted him: "No, you should keep it, it's such a valuable thing."

"Chi Zhengzheng." At the red light, Wen Yu stopped the car and turned to look at her with a serious expression. "You keep it, don't reject me."

Don't reject me.

These words… wasn't this like a confession?

Chi Zhengzheng's face flushed and her heart beat faster. By the time she reacted, she was already clutching her chest and nodded in response.

Wen Yu smiled contentedly, and the traffic light turned green. He started the car and continued driving towards Wangjiang Manor. His eyes were full of smiles, and he was obviously in a very good mood.

Chi Zhengzheng: "???"

She was taken aback for a long time, and then looked at Wen Yu with a shocked expression.


He actually used his beauty, this man, was so calculating!!!

That was so sneaky!!

What a loss!!! How could she look after this thing? If she lost it, how could she pay for it?

The birthday party came to an end after Chi Zhengzheng left, Wen Yiran also left, and Wen Sisi obviously didn't want to party with them all night.

An Qinru and Xu Jiahong left together, and Wen Si Si sent them to the door intentionally.

"Sisi, you haven't been with us for a long time, what have you been up to lately?" One of the little sisters asked.

Wen Sisi shook her head: "I'm not busy with anything, I just don't want to go out."

She didn't know when it started, she felt that she would rather quarrel with Chi Zhengzheng than go out with them, they were either showing off this and that or muttering about others.

"Let's get together again in a couple of days." Xu Jiahong tugged the corner of her mouth.

She had lost a lot of face tonight and was desperate to maintain her position in this circle.

"We'll see." Wen Sisi only replied with this one sentence.

And after that, she went to see the others away again.

Only An Qinru and Xu Jiahong were left to walk out slowly.

"Sisi has changed, she and Chi Zhengzheng have a really good relationship now…" Someone said.

An Qinru didn't speak, with a calm and collected face from beginning to end.

The intuition that she once had after Chi Zhengzheng woke up in a car accident seemed to have come true. The Chi family, Wen Sisi, Wen Yiran, everything was moving towards Chi Zhengzheng…

Her nails pinched the palm of her hand, pinching out blood.

She felt that she could take her time before. Even if she wanted to marry into the Wen family, Wen Yiran would pursue her to marry, so that she would be cherished after all the hard work, and she would have a position in the Wen family.

But now was she in a hurry, she had a hunch, if it were further delayed, it would be very difficult to marry Wen Yiran…

– She must take initiative.

She must marry Wen Yiran, no matter how many tricks Chi Zhengzheng used, the future wife of the Wen family could only be her, An Qinru!

Chi Zhouchen also left after Chi Zhengzheng left. He had some thoughts and hurried back to talk to Chi Yan.

"Did you have fun at the second Wen house today?" Chi Yan asked.

Next to him, Ding Yijun also asked anxiously: "Have you seen your sister? How is she? Does she want to come back? "

This time Chi Yan didn't "humph", but instead looked at Chi Zhouchen, waiting for the answer.

Chi Zhouchen shook his head.

Chi Yan's face instantly darkened, and his voice was angry: "Then let her live outside. I'll see if she's capable of not coming back for the rest of her life! "

Ding Yijun's brow furrowed and she sighed: "Ah, I should go and talk to Zhengzheng tomorrow."

"Don't look for her, what's the point of looking for her? The door is right here and she won't come back by herself!" Chi Yan was still angry.

What else could Ding Yijun want to say, Chi Zhouchen said softly: "Dad, mom, she's living well outside, so let her live outside. I can feel that she's much happier outside than at the Chi house…"

This awareness didn't sit well with him either, but the fact was this, Chi Zhengzheng was just happier outside.

Every gesture she made, every word she said, was only something a carefree and confident person could say.

She smiled more often, was more fearless, and was no longer like when she was in the Chi house, who was always angry and her hands clenched into fists.

Sometimes when he thought about the present, and when he thought about the time when Chi Zhengzheng was in the Chi family, he realized that she, the eldest miss of the Chi family, had been suffering.

Was that the reason why she would rather leave the Chi family and have nothing?

Chi Yan and Ding Yijun were silent all of a sudden.

For a while, their hearts were complicated, and they didn't know what to say.

Chi Zhouchen said at this time: "There's another thing, Dad, I feel the need to tell you."

"What?" Chi Yan opened his mouth, his eyes still in a daze.

He was still immersed in the fact that Chi Zhengchen was happier outside than at home.

"Wen Yu is not simple." Chi Zhouchen said.

This wasn't the first time they had discussed this, they had discussed Wen Yu many times.

Chi Yan immediately retrieved his thoughts and frowned, "Wen Jingsen has already investigated, the house in Wangjiang Manor is Zheng Ye's and Wen Yu is still the same Wen Yu. We guessed wrong."

Basically, Wen Yu wasn't a man of too many faces and borrowed someone else's house to please Chi Zhengzheng.

Chi Zhouchen shook his head: "Dad, I've always had a feeling that something was wrong, sister is living with Wen Yu outside, and she has no other friends and she hasn't looked for other relatives…"

Chi Yan looked at him, waiting for him to finish his words.

"But tonight, the necklace that sister wore when she attended the party was worth 230 million yuan. It is a necklace of Mingfu jewelry. It was sold yesterday and my sister wore it today." Chi Zhouchen took a deep breath.

Chi Zhengzheng didn't tell him where the necklace came from, but Chi Zhouchen only felt that – it was probably given to her by Wen Yu.

When the voice landed, Chi Yan and Ding Yijun both took a cold breath of air.

"Dad, although I don't know what Wen Yu is hiding and what his identity is, all the hints now indicate that he is remarkable."

After a pause, Chi Zhouchen said again: "Dad, although Wen Yu is the eldest master of the Wen family, he also has grudges. He hides his identity and pretends to be the Wen Yu that people ignore and despise… What on earth is he going to do? The Wen family has been in high spirits recently, but with so many things, but the more you think about it, the more terrifying it becomes."

There were so many details that they didn't dare think about. They felt that Wen Yu wasn't simple several times in a row.

The thing was that it happened three times, once or twice could be a coincidence, but three or four times?

Moreover, the Wen family had been advancing smoothly recently, and it has been incredibly smooth.

The Liu family fell, they should've had to work hard to get things going again, but inexplicably, the project went smoothly as if someone was helping them.

Everything had gone so smoothly that it was unbelievable. Wen Jingsen had been flushed with success recently. The Wen family had advanced by leaps and bounds. In terms of cooperation with the Chi family, he had also pressed the Chi family more and more.

It seemed that suddenly there was a driving force for their momentum, and their momentum couldn't be suppressed.