Chapter 45 — Opportunity

Wen Yu kept staring at her as if he wanted to melt her into his eyes.

Before, he only wanted to hide Chi Zhengzheng in a place that no one could find, but today, he wanted to make Chi Zhengzheng smaller, and then put it in his pocket. So he could take her wherever he went, and hold her in the palm of his hand at all times.

Thinking of her recent overprotective appearance, the corners of Wen Yu's mouth rose.

Chi Zhengzheng: "…" She looked at him with a smile.

It was over, it was over.

Her image was all gone!

Now Wen Yu must think she's a shrew, woo woo, he definitely doesn't like her anymore!

Chi Zhengzheng was about to cry, she was so sad.

Wen Yu took a few steps forward, reached out, and pulled her into his arms, one of his hands on the back of her head, and held her with the other arm, and he rubbed the top of her head.

"I believe it, you're very gentle." He said.


Chi Zhengzheng was taken aback, feeling the warmth of Wen Yu's embrace, she murmured: "Really?"

She… didn't seem to believe it herself.

Wen Yu heard the uncertainty in her tone and couldn't help but laugh in a low voice, the two hugged each other, and when he laughed, it carried a noticeable vibration.

Chi Zhengzheng: "…" See, in fact, you didn't believe it either!

She rolled her bug eyes, her face seemed to be in despair.

Wen Yu gently stroked her head, the smile at the corner of his mouth couldn't be suppressed, and his voice was also tinged with laughter: "Chi Zhengzheng, how nice."

It had a double meaning.

She always made him feel warm and happy, even when the Wen family was there, because of her, he didn't feel sick. At that moment, he only has her in his eyes.

Chi Zhengzheng paused slightly.

Did he think she was nice because there was finally someone to speak up for him when Wen Jingsen, Xu Wei, and Wen Yiran were attacking him?

Her heart gushed with sourness for a moment.

It was clear that they were relatives, but for the past twenty years, they had always attacked him together for various reasons, they severely wounded him with harsh words, and stimulated him with their chilling behavior.

They always told Wen Yu with their actions and words at all times that – the three of them were family, and Wen Yu was an extra.

Wen Yu was very capable and rational, and for this reason, he didn't like to talk, and he didn't argue with them, let alone quarrel with them.

Whenever faced with verbal accusations and slander, he could only look at them with a cold face and indifference.

After a while, she slowly raised her hand and gently hugged him back, with a gentle voice: "From now on, you have nothing to do with them. You are Wen Yu, the Yu as in having abundance year after year, as in having more than enough, the Yu as in being skillful, and… the Yu as in the rest of your life will go smoothly."

No longer the Yu as in unnecessary.

Wen Yu didn't say anything, he just held Chi Zhengzheng's hand tighter, not allowing her to look up, and not letting her see his slightly moist eyes.

Chi Zhengzheng nestled in his arms pressed her face against his heart, and gritted her teeth: "So if they come again, I will let Liuzhu bite them to death! "

While spinning on the ground, Liuzhu wagged his tail and raised his head: "Woof woof!"

When Wen Jingsen walked out of Wangjiang Manor, the whole person was almost dizzy and totally pissed off.

Xu Wei was also furious, her voice was somewhat sharp: "It's too much, it's too much, it's simply… it's simply too disrespectful, that worthless thing!"

She looked at Wen Jingsen and reached out to support him: "Jingsen, this time Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng have gone too far, you have to teach them a lesson."

Wen Jingsen gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and finally, only three words came out of his mouth: "Good, very, good!"

Xu Wei: "Chi Zhengzheng has left home and she's still so strong-willed, Wen Yu has nothing, she will regret it in the future. And Wen Yu, once he leaves the Wen family, he is nothing! Living in someone else's house, and still…"

She couldn't stop talking, she just kept adding fuel to the fire, making Wen Jingsen even angrier.

Wen Yiran hadn't spoken and looked back at the direction he just came out, his expression was… somewhat envious.

He couldn't tell what he felt at the moment in his heart. He always thought that when Chi Zhengzheng said she liked Wen Yu, she was just playing hard to get. After all, in the past, everyone knew how much she pestered him to pursue him.

However, today, Wen Yiran finally admitted that – Chi Zhengzheng had fallen out of love.

Who she liked now was Wen Yu.

Just now, because they criticized Wen Yu, she acted like a mother hen protecting her baby, she stood up indignant in front of Wen Yu, attacking them and protecting him.

She didn't allow them to hurt Wen Yu. They accused Wen Yu she took it as if they were accusing her, making her angry and indignant.

She didn't need her image, didn't need standards, regardless of everything, she scolded them and even took the broom to drive them away…

That was the truest reaction, and it was evident that she had already fallen in love with Wen Yu.

Wen Yu was really lucky to have a woman like Chi Zhengzheng who protected him so much and who cared so much about him.

But clearly… this used to belong to him.

Her affection had always been so intense, regardless of everything.

At that time, when Chi Zhengzheng pestered him and pursued him, he felt annoyed, embarrassed, disgusted with her, loathed her, shunned her, but after her eyes were no longer on him, he… didn't feel very good.

Especially since he didn't know when he started, surprisingly, it was hard for him to take his eyes off her.

Wen Yiran's lips pursed, his eyes were blank and his thoughts had already drifted away.

Chi Zhengzheng was playing with Liuzhu, and Wen Yu was watching Chi Zhengzheng play with Liuzhu.

"This way! Liuzhu, catch!"

"Beautiful! Liuzhu, you are getting more and more athletic!"

"Wow! Liuzhu, you're amazing!"

He wasn't sure if Liuzhu could understand Chi Zhengzheng's compliments, but his tail was indeed about to wag to the sky.

When Wen Yu looked at them, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up into a smile.

"Buzz-" His phone vibrated.

Wen Yu picked it up, didn't look, and directly answered: "Mmm?"

The voice sounded relaxed and smiling.

Zheng Ye on the other end of the phone paused for a moment, and then immediately exaggerated: "F*ck! A Yu, are you smiling? Oh my god, is there something wrong with my ears, or is there something wrong with my phone?!"

"Cut the crap and get to the point." Wen Yu lowered his voice, afraid that he would disturb Chi Zhengzheng and Liuzhu, his voice was relatively gentle.

"Hahaha, okay, let me get down to business." Zheng Ye also slightly exercised some restraint, Wen Yu was his friend, but now he was also his boss. "It's like this, your father called my family and said that you weren't sensible and that you wanted to take my house away…"

Wen Yu didn't speak, he just sneered.

Zheng Ye also exaggerated on the other end: "Ancestors, how can I have a house in Wangjiang Manor, ah, I still need to save my money for future development! Your family is simply trying to embarrass me, they can't embarrass you, so they come to embarrass me!"

As if thinking of something, Wen Yu's eyebrows relaxed. "I've severed my relationship with the Wen family."

"What?" Zheng Ye was taken aback.

Wen Yu: "Wen Jingsen said it himself."

Moreover, today Chi Zhengzheng and Auntie Wang stimulated him severely. He estimated that the news will really be released saying that they've severed the father-son relationship.

"F*ck! When he called our family today, he was talking about you not going home, resulting in the young lady of the Chi family also not going home, he was also talking about taking back the house, to encourage you to go home first and ease your relationship…"

Zheng Ye scolded: "They want you to live on the street, ah, they are so stupid, what the hell! A Yu don't be upset, he'll regret it in the future, when the time comes, he will kneel and beg you, don't even pay attention to him!"

He was indeed really ruthless. Wen Yu didn't have many friends, from their understanding, it was Zheng Ye who was helping him.

So he went directly to the Zheng family and asked Zheng Ye to take back the house under the pretext of wanting him to go home to ease their relationship. After notifying Zheng Ye's parents, they persuaded Zheng Ye to take back the house.

As soon as they left the Wangjiang Manor, Wen Jingsen immediately released the news that they've severed the father-son relationship, completely cutting off Wen Yu's path.

Was this something a f*cking biological father could do?

Anyone with a little humanity, would just not interfere with each other, how could he leave his son without a place to live!

So ruthless.

Wen Yu wasn't angry. When he thought of them, he thought of Chi Zhengzheng who was protecting him today, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise: "It's okay, I'm not upset.

– On the contrary, he was quite happy.

Zheng Ye: "…" ?? What's going on?

At this time, Wen Yu became more serious, and his voice was faint: "Zheng Ye, pack up and prepare to return home."

"Hmm? What do you want me to do?" Zheng Ye asked.

Wen Yu's eyes were slightly cold and his voice was calm: "I don't want to keep the Wen family."


– Zheng Ye's return to China would be the moment the Wen family would thoroughly suffer Wen Yu's revenge.

Not only Zheng Ye, but Wen Jingsen also looked for Chi Yan.

Because their two families were not too far away, he personally came to Chi Yan at his door and left again after saying something with a cold face.

Chi Yan, Ding Yijun, and Chi Zhouchen sent them out, and as soon as they returned, their faces instantly darkened, so dark that it was extremely unsightly.

– Wen Jingsen's attitude was just too nonchalant!

"What's going on with Zhengzheng now? How dare she point at her elders' noses and scold them?" Ding Yijun's brow furrowed up and sighed with sorrow.

Chi Yan had a sullen face and didn't say anything.

"No, I have to call Zhengzheng back, if she doesn't come back, I'll go look for her." Ding Yijun stood up.

"Mom, Dad, don't go, she won't come back." Chi Zhouchen said calmly, "I went to look for her again but she didn't meet me."

Ding Yijun let out a long sigh and sat down, unable to stop herself from murmuring: "Now that the Wen family wants to sever their father-son relationship with Wen Yu, they want to leave Wen Yu with nothing, what can Zhengzheng do, oh. She's obviously set her heart on being with Wen Yu, she didn't spend the pocket money we gave her."

Chi Zhouchen lowered his eyes slightly and said calmly: "The Wen family weren't going to give Wen Yu anything at all from the beginning. What's the point of severing the relationship between father and son? Wen Yu… I'm afraid he's not simple, maybe he doesn't care at all, instead, it eases his heart."

Ding Yijun was taken aback and then pressed her temples: "It's so sad, Zhengzheng is also really, really heartless, saying that she's not coming back. If by any chance, Wen Yu wasn't some laying low, then wouldn't they all have a bad time in the future?"

"That's outrageous! It's simply outrageous!" Chi Yan could only say this.

The Wen family came to their door today, obviously to complain, and conveniently, let them call Chi Zhengzheng back to control her properly. Their words were full of sarcasm and indignation to embarrass the Chi family.

Chi Zhouchen looked at Chi Yan: "Dad, Wen Jingsen said that he would sever their relationship and would definitely do it. Obviously, he didn't take their marriage contract seriously, in other words – they don't care about the alliance with the Chi family at all."

That's just the way it is, severing the relationship with Wen Yu, then Wen Yu is no longer the young master of the Wen family, if Chi Zhengzheng and Wen Yu were together, it wouldn't be a marriage between the Chi family and Wen family.

Chi Yan's voice was somewhat sarcastic: "The Wen family is now indeed very complacent. Everything is going without a hitch. Before, they still faintly pressed me, but now they are completely dominant and have a strong attitude. They don't care whether they marry or not. I used to be his Chi brother, but now they come directly to my house to tell me that I can't teach my daughter!"

He was very angry, angry with Chi Zhengzheng, but also very angry with the Wen family, angry with Wen Jingsen.

"Yes, they're smooth sailing, a few days ago, even Yu Ding approached them for cooperation, helping them go to the next level."

Chi Zhouchen's pair of eyes flickered: "We guessed that Wen Yu and Yu Ding were related, if before we only had one point of suspicion about the fall of Wen family, now it's three points! Dad, the abnormality must be a demon, the Wen family is so complacent that they can't see it, can't you see it?"

Chi Yan's brows frowned together for an instant, and he looked back at him: "Zhouchen, this is just a suspicion. We don't have any evidence that Wen Yu and Yu Ding are related, but the reality is that our investment cooperation has already gone in, if we were to withdraw, our reputation will be greatly injured."

"Dad, while the green hills last, there'll be wood to burn." Chi Zhouchen's eyes were serious. (t/n: idiom meaning where there's life, there's hope.)

Young people have always been fearless, but everything in the Chi family was Chi Yan's hard work. How could he be willing to ruin most of his hard work with his own hands?

"It's that sentence again, no one can be sure whether Wen Yu is related to Yu Ding, nor can we be sure that the Wen family is going to fall this time."

Chi Zhouchen looked at him, his eyes somewhat bright: "No, someone knows, Chi Zhengzheng knows."

Chi Yan was taken aback.

After a while, he said: "If you find a chance to see your sister again, make sure to find her to ask about Wen Yu's identity, whether there are any plans!"


They planned to find an opportunity, and soon, the weather hadn't yet completely warmed up, it was just the beginning of June, and the opportunity came –

Zheng Ye came back.