Chapter 60 — Bankruptcy

"Hey, what are we going out to do today?" Chi Zhengzheng asked curiously while changing her shoes.

Wen Yu said softly: "To do a very important thing…"

"Huh? What?" Chi Zhengzheng was at a loss.

"We're going to the hospital, to see someone…" Wen Yu had a dark expression, a cold light faintly flashed across.

She glanced at him suspiciously but didn't ask any more questions. She also found that today Wen Yu was somewhat strange.

Although she was curious in her heart. But she also knew that she would later find out naturally once they went to the hospital to see the said person.

The two of them went out, and Wen Yu took a large parasol and opened it, and put it over Chi Zhengzheng's head.

The driver was already waiting outside in the car.

It was a very hot day at the end of July, so Chi Zhengzheng hurriedly got into the car, and only when the air conditioner blew did she feel alive.

Wen Yu was to put away the parasol unhurriedly and got in.

"Aren't you hot?"

"It's alright."

Chi Zhengzheng suddenly reached out, hugged him, and sighed: "It's a really good physique, warm in winter and cool in summer."

Wen Yu was taken aback, then revealed a smile, even the cold light under the eyes faded a little.

He lowered his head and his cheek gently rubbed the top of her head, feeling warm in his heart.

The car set off.

The hospital.

When An Qinru came, Wen Jingsen was still in the emergency room and didn't come out.

"Yiran, mom, how is Dad?" An Qinru went up and asked in a soft voice.

Wen Yiran didn't say anything, his eyes kept staring at a place, no one knew what he was thinking.

Next to him, Xu Wei rushed over.

"Slap!" An Qinru was slapped in the face, and Xu Wei's voice was sharp: "You jinx! It's because of you, only when we took you in, we had such bad luck, you're such a calamity, you must have brought bad luck to the Wen family! You're such a jinx! You get out of our Wen house!"

This slap was so strong that An Qinru's brain "buzzed" and became dizzy.

She fell to the ground, and Xu Wei wanted to go up and continue hitting her but was stopped by a servant of their family.

Wen Yiran had a lifeless expression, he slowly looked at them. It took him a long time before he could say in a hoarse voice: "Mom… she's still pregnant with a child, don't hit her, it has nothing to do with her…"

"Yiran, Yiran, what the hell is going on? Is there something wrong with the company? Can it be solved?" An Qinru crawled over on her knees, she clutched Wen Yiran's sleeve tightly, looking terrified.

Today was the second day she married into the Wen family, she couldn't be this unlucky, she definitely couldn't be this unlucky!

– She didn't care about Wen Jingsen who was in the emergency room at all, she only cared about the company.

Wen Yiran was taken aback. Before he could say anything, the door of the emergency room opened and the doctor came out.

"Doctor, how is my husband?!" Several people crowded forward, even An Qinru stood up and stumbled over.

The doctor's face was a little heavy, and let out a long sigh: "The patient has high blood pressure, and suffered a stroke from stimulation. The situation is quite serious, at the present time, he's now been rescued, but because…"

The doctor's explanation summed up that Wen Jingsen had been rescued, but because of the seriousness of the situation, he was very likely to be paralyzed. Follow-up observation and treatment were necessary and they had to pay attention to take care of his health, not to be stimulated again.

Xu Wei cried out with a "wa" sound and would have fallen to the ground if not for the support of the servants.

Even Wen Yiran also had red eyes.

Wen Jingsen was pushed inside the ward, and they all followed.

Wen Yiran's cell phone had been vibrating all morning, and it hadn't stopped, and only after Wen Jingsen was out of the emergency room, did he get up and take out his phone.

Looking at the flashing number on it, Wen Yiran was actually a little scared.

"Hello." He finally answered it with trembling hands.

"Manager Wen, what should we do now? We can't get in touch with CEO Wen. The shareholders are all inside the company, and the companies that we're working with are all looking for him, and now they are all waiting for…" The secretary's voice was anxious. He was now stuck in the company, panicking, and threw all the problems toward Wen Yiran.

Wen Yiran listened, and as he was answering the secretary's call, several other shareholders called.

He said in a hoarse voice only after a long time: "Let me think… Let me think about it…"

What could Wen Yiran do?

From receiving the bad news to hearing that Jingsen had a stroke, what happened one morning was as terrifying as a nightmare, it was one after another, making him feel overwhelmed.

Probably knowing that this wasn't the time to faint, on the hospital bed, Wen Jingsen's weak voice rang out: "Yiran…"

"Dad! You're finally awake!" Wen Yiran rushed over.

"Jingsen, you've finally woken up, are you going to scare me to death? I just…" Xu Wei howled out all of a sudden.

Wen Jingsen interrupted her with a weak voice: "You all shut up, l-let me hear the sound of crying, t-then get out of here!"

Xu Wei immediately shut her mouth, An Qinru kept standing in the corner, her face full of fear and in a daze.

"Yiran, how is it now?" Wen Jingsen wanted to sit up, but his feet didn't listen to the command and he couldn't move.

He didn't put too much thought into it and just assumed it was because he had just woken up.

Wen Yiran helped him sit up and let him lean against the head of the bed.

Then, he said in a hoarse voice: "Dad… the situation is very bad. The company is now in a mess. The shareholders and senior management and partner companies are in chaos, they are all inside the company."

The phone he placed next to him was still vibrating.

Wen Jingsen closed his eyes, heavily gasped for two breaths, and almost fainted again.

In the end, he held on, his voice trembling: "How is it possible? How is it possible, how can there be a problem with the energy?!"

Since the news had spread, there was no possibility of blocking the news, now they had to find a way to solve it.

But… how could there be a way to solve it?

"Yiran!" Wen Jingsen held Wen Yiran's hand and said anxiously: "You go and find our connections now, call Mr. Li and ask him to find a way to stop the document from being sent, then find the technical team and PR and have them write immediately…"

Wen Yiran listened attentively, and his panicked heart calmed a little.

There was no way to rush now, it must be fixed! Find a way to salvage it!

"Don't bother." At the doorway, a voice sounded.

Everyone was taken and they looked up.

Zheng Ye stood at the door with his secretary, with a smile on his face.

"Zheng Ye? W-What do you mean?" Wen Yiran's had a blank expression.

"What can it mean? Of course, I'm here to demand repayment, we have a contract. This project has been completed. Shouldn't you return my investment and interest to me?" He walked in with a smile on his face.

"The project can't be launched at all now!"

"What does that have to do with me? My contract is to just complete the project. It has nothing to do with me whether I can be launched or not. Indeed, the time to collect the debt hasn't yet come, I just came to remind you in advance." Zheng Ye rubbed his chin.

As if struck by lightning, a thought flashed through his head, all the separate pieces connected all at once.

Wen Yiran stood up abruptly and said in shock: "Zheng Ye, you knew this project wouldn't work out. You were scheming against us!!!"

Zheng Ye smiled silently.

Wen Jingsen gasped heavily, his eyes blackened, and he almost fainted again. He held on in the end and stuck his neck out and asked: "Zheng Ye! What enmity do we have? Why are you taking the trouble to scheme against us?!"

He knew the news ahead of time, but instead of alerting them, they were set up!

Zheng Ye also invested money, if the Wen family collapsed, what would he get back? Wasn't this an unrewarding task?

"Sorry, I'm just following orders, I'll do whatever my boss tells me to do." Zheng Ye blinked.

"Your boss…" Wen Jingsen was taken aback: "Who is your boss?"

Zheng Ye pushed his glasses, with the posture as if watching a good show: "My boss ah, of course, he's… hehe, why do I need to tell you? I just came to demand repayment, lest, after your bankruptcy, I won't be able to collect my money."

His words made Wen Yiran's eyes dark with anger. He almost fell down, and finally stopped holding the hospital bed.

On the hospital bed, Wen Jingsen took a deep breath and glared at Zheng Ye –

"Zheng Ye, our Wen family isn't over yet! There aren't any problems with XXX energy! What chances of explosion. From the beginning of the research, there haven't been any problems! No one has gotten cancer, and we aren't the only ones working on this XXX energy. Don't you know that Yu Ding's research on it is much deeper? Yu Ding can't let these rumors spread!"

Zheng Ye laughed out loud: "Hahahaha! I said Wen Jingsen, you're really senile. You still haven't found out what went wrong until now! Yes, you decided to do this new project. Was it because Yu Ding was also involved? You saw the Yu Ding's boss's vision and thought that if he wanted to get involved, how could there be no big profits?"

Wen Jingsen's face sank and glared at Zheng Ye.

Wen Yiran also glared at him, and they both inexplicably had a premonition in their hearts – Zheng Ye probably had nothing nice to say!

Sure enough, Zheng Ye shook his head: "Who told you that Yu Ding was researching XXX energy? They started earlier than you, and you have already produced results. If Yu Ding was researching this, how could there be no results? Moreover… Who told you that – because your research stayed on track, there weren't any problems with XXX energy? Do you really think with a research team, is it so easy to research? Do you really think that team of yours was capable?"

When he said that, he also really admired Wen Yu in his heart.

When scheming, every calculation had to be accurate. The layout had been laid out a long time ago, step by step, he helped the Wen family get into the set, step by step, to let them go bankrupt.

"No! You're talking nonsense!" Wen Jingsen pounded the hospital bed, the veins in his forehead jumped, and his eyes were about to split: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Wen Yiran also had a face full of disbelief, he gave Zheng Ye a deadly stare: "What do you mean? Did someone scheme against us? From the very beginning?"

He didn't believe it either. Who could it be?!

But deep down in his heart, there was another suspicion gradually arose.

"No, no, you were with us when the Chi family withdrew…" Wen Yiran suddenly shook. "The withdrawal from the Chi family? Was the termination of the cooperation intentional?!"

"Yo, you're quite smart, but unfortunately it's too late, you see, the people from the Chi family knew what while the green hills last, there'll be wood to burn meant." Zheng Ye clapped his hands. (t/n: Where there's life there's hope.)

"You lied to us, right? Zheng Ye, you wanted to loot a burning house!" Wen Jingsen couldn't believe it, he shook his head abruptly, and pounded his hand on the hospital bed, feeling dizzy. (t/n: to profit from someone's misfortune.)

Yu Ding didn't research XXX energy, the team they found had problems, everything went extremely smoothly like a godsend, the withdrawal from the Chi family, Zheng Ye's loan, the new research coming out from abroad…

All these strung together, it was simply terrifying. He couldn't believe it, and didn't want to believe it!

But they all got along in the business world. After having these clues, who could have thought that – they fell into the trap

Someone had been scheming against them since a long time ago!

They had invested fully in this project, money could be lost, but the Wen family could barely afford it. However, this project died even before the launch, this was equivalent to everything being washed away, they didn't even get a penny back!

This was as if the Wen family had nothing!

Wen Yiran clenched his fists tightly, and in his mind, many things that hadn't been in his mind for a long time were strung together again…

"Wen Yu, Yu Ding…" He muttered in a low voice, then went forward and reached out to grab Zheng Ye's collar: "Tell me, is Wen Yu related to Yu Ding?"

The Chi family had told them at the beginning – Wen Yu wasn't simple, and he might have something to do with Yu Ding!

But at the time, they didn't even take it seriously.

Wen Yu?

Everyone inside the ward was taken aback and full of disbelief.

Zheng Ye pushed Wen Yiran away, and before he could speak, another voice rang out from the doorway –

"A good show, what a wonderful show."

When the words landed, Wen Yu walked in holding Chi Zhengzheng, obviously, in a good mood, his usual expressionless face was now with mockery.

He wanted to come and see the faces of his family with his own eyes, and he also wanted to see with his own eyes how his father would face losing everything, and how would his stepmother face it?

As soon as Zheng Ye saw Wen Yu come in, he was busy standing up straight, putting on a respectful face, blinking, in the unbelievable eyes of the Wen family, he addressed –

"Boss, boss's wife, you're here too."