Chapter 66 — Soulmate

In the original novel, Wen Sisi married that old man, but that man's domestic violence made Wen Sisi's life worse than death.

It could be said that marrying for the sake of the Wen family was the beginning of her tragedy.

Chi Zhengzheng sighed again, reached out, and poured a glass of wine. She just took a sip and put it down, her voice was soft-

"Sisi, it's useless. Do you think that someone will really help the Wen family when they are like this? Can he really be pulled them back up? Marrying you off to that person in exchange for hope for the Wen family is just so that Wen Jingsen keeps indulging in fantasy."

How could Wen Yu possibly let them get up again?

How could anyone be so kind as to help the Wen family without asking for anything in return?

Anyway, in the original novel, after Wen Sisi was married, nothing worked whatsoever, the Wen family was still miserable, and she lost her life.

Wen Sisi, who had nothing, couldn't fight back against that powerful old man at all, even if she wanted to leave, she couldn't.

Wen Sisi paused slightly, staring in a daze at the wine glass on the table.

At this moment, several men and women who had been paying attention to the two of them not far away came over.

"Chi Zhengzheng?" Someone's voice was cautious.

Chi Zhengzheng raised her head and looked over.

That person immediately came over and smiled: "Oh, it turned out to be sister Zhengzheng, I'm Li Ranran, do you remember? We've met several times before, and we met last time at Zheng Ye's welcome reception!"

Chi Zhengzheng was taken aback for a long time before pulling the corner of her mouth: "Oh, I remember."

Remember, my ass.

It was a familiar face, but she didn't remember who that person was.

She must have met at several banquets before, but she definitely didn't know her well. At least at that time, this person looked down on her, so he had never interacted with her.

Seeing Li Ranran speak up, several others also came forward, holding glasses of wine –

"Miss Chi, I'm Weng Gaoming, we've met before. Are you also here to drink ah? Do you want to play together?"

"Yes, it'll be my treat tonight, so Zhengzheng, come with me ah."

"Miss Chi, I'm Qi Ji. You should still know me, right?"

Chi Zhengzheng's smile remained unchanged, her eyebrows curled, but her tone was distant: "Thank you all for your hospitality, but Sisi and I have something to talk about, so I won't join you."

Several people glanced at Wen Sisi, contempt flashed in their eyes, and just walked away.

"Okay, then let's get together again next time."

"Sister Zhengzheng, we don't have each other's contact information yet. This is my phone number."

"Zhengzheng, this is my phone number. Let's keep in touch in the future."

"You guys can drink as much as you want, I said that it would be my treat, so put it on my account later!"


Chi Zhengzheng kept a polite but distant smile, and if you looked closely, you could find the impatience on her face, so several people smiled and dispersed, they were very tactful.

When the people left, Wen Sisi suddenly sneered: "Li Ranran, to please me in the past, he drank dry four bottles and also helped me carry my bag. Qi Ji, you must have seen him, he was at my birthday party when she was still together with An Qinru, she said lots of things about you. That day they were laughing and complimenting me, and today, they are complimenting you exactly the same way."

Times had changed. What an arrogant person she was at that time, these people used to flatter her and curry favor with her.

It didn't take long for these people to look down on her and mock her with cold expressions.

Chi Zhengzheng nodded: "I know they are all people who go whichever way the wind blows, so I am now sitting opposite you, not among them." (t/n: opportunist.)

At this moment, if she went to play with those people, those people would certainly treat her like they used to do to Wen Sisi, they would cup all the stars around her. (t/n: all the stars cup themselves around the moon is an idiom that refers to a group revolving around a preferred or loved leader.)

Wen Sisi was taken aback and looked at Chi Zhengzheng with watery eyes.

The other party was also looking at her, and those big eyes were full of pure-heartedness and clarity.

"No wonder Wen Yu likes you…" Wen Sisi murmured.

"What did you say?" Chi Zhengzheng didn't hear it clearly.

Wen Sisi: "It's nothing, I'm just lamenting."

"Don't lament, they used to flatter you because of the Wen family, now they flatter me because of Wen Yu, not because of ourselves, there's nothing to lament." Chi Zhengzheng took another sip of wine and said comfortably.

"But there are also advantages, at least they have to buy us drinks, right? I can't afford to treat people now, before you blackmailed me, now I can only blackmail you. They invite you, you must be very tightfisted, and save some money." Wen Sisi couldn't help but hook the corners of her mouth, this was the first smile she showed tonight.

Chi Zhengzheng shook her head abruptly with a hesitant expression: "I don't want them to invite me. I don't want their elders to run to Wen Yu saying that we have a good relationship, just because they've bought a couple drinks… tsk."

"Chi Zhengzheng, do you want to pay for it yourself? I don't have any money." Wen Sisi glared at her.

Chi Zhengzheng grinned: "Wen Yu knew that we were coming to this nightclub. He had greeted them in advance, it should be recorded in Wen Yu's account."

Of course, the purpose of his greeting in advance was to pay attention to her safety. After all, she had come twice before and both times problems occurred.

Wen Sisi: "???"

"He may not even let me come if he didn't report in advance."

Wen Sisi: "???"

"Tsk tsk, although I think he's a bit strict, his thoughtfulness still makes me happy."

Wen Sisi took a deep breath: "That's enough! Didn't you see my situation now, and you're still showing your love in front of me? Your blooming and loving affection for Wen Yu. Aren't you afraid that I will be jealous and beat you up?"

Chi Zhengzheng grinned: "You can't beat me."

Wen Sisi: "…" Sometimes, this friend of hers didn't deserve only one beating.

She glared hard at Chi Zhengzheng and said: "I'm dying of misery, and you can still laugh…"

"Haven't you already made a decision?" Chi Zhengzheng suddenly said, looking serious.

Wen Sisi was taken aback. For a moment, she pulled the corners of her mouth, and drank another glass of wine, with a hoarse voice: "Yes, I have actually made a decision, but I still feel guilty…"

Perhaps at first she was really torn, but there was already a voice deep inside her heart, and Chi Zhengzheng's words talking about how "the Wen family couldn't be saved" helped her make a decision.

– There was no way she would get married.

"In the past, you told me that you thought that the Wen family wasn't that good to you. In fact, they were good to you for a reason, I told you at that time, you don't need to sacrifice your future for the Wen family. Wen Sisi, you're still young, you deserve another world, a world that has nothing to do with the Wen family, nothing to do with Wen Yiran, and nothing to do with Wen Yu." Chi Zhengzheng's eyes looked at her, full of seriousness.

Wen Sisi looked back at her, frozen in place.

After a while, she blushed and nodded: "Mm…"

Another life, another world, that had nothing to do with the Wen family, that had nothing to do with anything, just hers, Wen Sisi's world…

"Chi Zhengzheng, thank you." Wen Sisi said seriously.

Thank you, for still being willing to treat me as a friend.

Thank you, for still willing to take me into consideration.

Wen Yiran had recently seen the fickleness of human nature, and Wen Sisi was the same. Wen Jingsen asked her to marry for the sake of the Wen family, seeking an impossible hope, but Chi Zhengzheng still asked her to find another world.

This made her think again of the time when she had a high fever and Wen Yiran was busy asking questions, but Chi Zhengzheng only thought of sending her to the hospital.

That was the beginning of her change of heart towards Chi Zhengzheng, that was the beginning of their friendship.

Chi Zhengzheng suddenly showed a smile: "You can wait before thanking me."

"Hmm?" Wen Sisi was taken aback.

Chi Zhengzheng took out a piece of paper and a key from her bag pushed it in front of Wen Sisi and said lightly: "This is an address in City A, the environment in the community is very good, security is reliable, transportation is convenient, it's not far to go anywhere. I've had someone look at it, it's perfect for you to live temporarily."

Wen Sisi froze and opened her mouth, but didn't say a word.

"The rent isn't cheap, so I've only rented it for a year. It's a year, it should be enough for you to transition and enough for you to find your own world." Chi Zhengzheng said softly: "As for the Wen family, feel free to send money, send things or visit. There's no need to lose your happiness and life over it."

Wen Sisi didn't speak, after a while, she suddenly raised her hand, covered her face, and cried bitterly.

Chi Zhengzheng didn't comfort her, she just sat on the opposite side, calmly looking at the girl who burst into tears and had snot all over her nose.

It was as if she was crying out all her emotions, like happiness and sadness.

Across whatever emotions, the feeling of breaking down that had been suppressed for so long, at this moment, in the hustle and bustle of the nightclub, was released.

"Chi Zingzheng…" Wen Sisi cried enough and looked up at her.

Chi Zhengzheng kept looking at her, waiting for her to speak.

"It's enough just to have you as my friend for a lifetime, thank you." Wen Sisi said seriously, looking carefully at Chi Zhengzheng's face as if she wanted to keep this person in her heart.

She had never had so many emotions fill her heart.

Chi Zhengzheng, this woman with a poisonous mouth, laughed at her, mocked her, blackmailed her, and valued his lover more than her friends. This woman… was genuine, warm, clear, and unforgettable.

Wen Sisi used to have many friends, as well as an enemy, Chi Zhengzheng.

But then, all her friends left her, leaving only one Chi Zhengzheng, the person who she had been serious friends with for a few months, and only she was still there.

The emotions on Wen Sisi's face were too obvious, and Chi Zhengzheng sighed.

She reached out, handed Wen Sisi two pieces of tissue paper, and said: "Wipe your snot, dirty ah."

Wen Sisi, who was still very emotional: "…"

She glared at Chi Zhengzheng fiercely, reached out, took the tissues, and seriously wiped her face clean.

Then, Wen Sisi stood up and said: "Let's go, Chi Zhengzheng. My uncle is now going crazy, stubbornly believing that they will be saved if I get married. To keep him from going crazy again, I'll probably leave tomorrow morning. In the future… I'll be able to see you again in the future."

The friendship between her and Chi Zhengzheng was still there, but they were separated because of the Wen family and Wen Yu. Anyhow, they wouldn't be able to be in touch a lot.

Chi Zhengzheng also knew that that's why she hadn't been in touch, but prepared a place for her to stay.

"So soon?" Chi Zhengzheng was a little surprised.

Even if she was open-minded, she understood that if Wen Sisi left, they wouldn't know when they would meet again.

The world was so big, people living in two cities, if they don't make a special effort to contact each other, they may never see each other again.

Would they make a special effort to contact each other?

Chi Zhengzheng knew they wouldn't, Wen Sisi wouldn't, and neither would she.

"Since it had been decided, there's no need to delay it any longer." Wen Sisi reached out, put the keys and address properly, pursed her lips, and whispered once more: "Thank you."

"Let's go then, I'll see you off." Chi Zhengzheng stood up and picked up her bag.

The two walked out together, Chi Zhengzheng didn't put it on Wen Yu's bill, took the card, and went to check out.

And then, send Wen Sisi into a taxi.

"I'm leaving then." Wen Sisi said softly, her voice a little hoarse.

Chi Zhengzheng waved her hand: "Hurry up and get lost, you won't be a young lady outside, stop being so lawless."

After a pause, she said softly: "If there's anything, call me, I won't change the number."

Wen Sisi didn't speak.

After a while, her voice became more hoarse, she didn't look up and said: "I know, Chi Zhengzheng, although Wen Yu doesn't seem like a person that is going to change his heart, if he really changes his heart, or you feel wronged, come to me…"

"Okay." Chi Zhengzheng nodded in response.

"Drive." Wen Sisi's choked voice rang out.

The car left slowly.

Wen Sisi turned her head abruptly, Chi Zhengzheng was still standing there, watching her leave.

She covered her mouth and burst out crying.

Looking for a soulmate was like high mountains and flowing water. She never knew that she would have a friend like Chi Zhengzheng, who pulled her out of the mud and gave her the courage to take a new path.

(t/n: Referring to the harsh reality that talent and ability can rarely meet people who can really appreciate them. In this case, she's referring to being so lucky to meet someone and being able to appreciate their friendship.)

Such a good woman as Chi Zhengzheng will definitely have a happy life. She should have the best life.

The car drifted away.

Chi Zhengzheng took a deep breath and blinked her eyes which were a bit red.

After Wen Sisi will go to live in another city, she will have nothing, she will be destined to start all over again, and she wouldn't know how much suffering she will have to encounter.

But this was the path she had to take, and she couldn't help her anymore.

It was just that she only had one friend, and she wouldn't be able to see her much in the future.

Chi Zhengzheng patted her face, let out a deep breath, turned around, and was prepared to leave.

However, as soon as she turned around, her footsteps stopped.