Chapter 77 — Young lover

Wen Yu's burns looked a little scary, but because he came for treatment to treat them at the hospital in time, it wasn't a problem, within two days, it was almost all healed.

On the other hand, Chi Zhengzheng, although she woke up from the previous state, unlike the time when she just transmigrated when as soon as she got better, she was lively and jumped around, she was a bit weak and still needed time to recuperate.

But Chi Zhengzheng didn't want to stay in the hospital.

"Let's go through with the discharge." After seeing off another wave of doctors, Chi Zhengzheng looked at Wen Yu.

Wen Yu's face was a bit unsightly.

Of course, this wasn't because of Chi Zhengzheng, but because of these curious doctors.

Of course, his power can stop these experts and scholars from all over the world outside, but in the face of the other party's pretext of "consultation to see if there are still many problems", he had to let them in, thinking that in case there are any hidden danger, they could also find out.

And then, no hidden dangers were found, it was just a bunch of amazement and shock.

– Chi Zhengzheng's situation was unprecedented!

In the beginning. Zheng Ye tried his best to invite them here. Now that they don't need to be invited, they came here on their own and lived in this hospital, wanting to see Chi Zhengzheng's "head" all day long.

But if they are discharged from the hospital…

"This…" Wen Yu hesitated.

He was worried that Chi Zhengzheng's body wasn't yet fully recovered.

"I understand my own situation in my heart. I'm just a little weak now. There aren't problems anymore, perhaps leaving the hospital, may help me to recuperate?" Chi Zhengzheng blinked her eyes and looked at Wen Yu.

He couldn't take this kind of look.

After thinking about it, he called Zheng Ye: "Help me find Dean Xu and ask him quietly if Zhengzheng can be discharged from the hospital and go home to recuperate."

Zheng Ye: "…" You're in the hospital, can't you go and ask yourself?

He didn't need Wen Yu to say anything, he knew – Wen Yu must be guarding Chi Zhengzheng, never leaving.

As his classmate and boss, he could only see Chi Zhengzheng in his eyes now.

Although he wanted to call out Wen Yu, this was his boss, in the end, so Zheng Ye answered clearly –

"Okay, boss."

The answer to Zheng Ye's inquiry came quickly. In front of Wen Yu's and Zheng Ye's inquiries, the dean honestly said that Chi Zhengzheng could be discharged from the hospital, but he also had the doctor give her a very long list of medical advice and said that she had to come to the hospital every other day.

Her current condition was really a medical miracle and the subject of the curiosity of many experts.

So she must live well and be healthy so that those experts can have a set of data to refer to.

As a matter of concern for Chi Zhengzheng's health, Wen Yu especially carefully read the long list of medical advice and put it away well, and then, carefully led Chi Zhengzheng out of the hospital.

As for the discharge procedures, someone would naturally take care of them.

The car drove slowly from the hospital towards the Wangjiang Manor.

The last time when he went out to the hospital, needless to say how painful Wen Yu's mood was, at that time, Chi Zhengzheng was so thin, he held her in his arms and she wasn't moving.

This time, he also held her, just that the person in his arms had the temperature and she was breathing and that she would move from time to time.

This was how Wen Yu kept his eyes on her, as if by mistake, she may disappear.

The car drove into Wangjiang Manor and drove to the entrance of their home.

Wen Yu originally wanted to walk holding Chi Zhengzheng in his arms, but she didn't agree: "I'll move around by myself, I haven't walked properly for so many days, this feeling is really good…"

Her face was still a bit pale, but her eyes were full of radiance.

It was good to be alive.

"Then be careful, your body isn't well yet." Wen Yu's brows kept frowning, reaching out to support her and walking slowly.

Chi Zhengzheng was amused: "Yuyu, are you not happy that I woke up? Why are you frowning so much?"

When Wen Yu heard this, his brows loosened, and looked at her, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked: "I'm happy. I'm just worried about you, it's still a little cold outside, let's go inside."

He reached out and touched her face, it was warm to the touch, and his eyebrows relaxed even more.

Chi Zhengzheng looked at him but felt a bit distressed.

The interlocking hands tightened, and along with his support, they stepped into the door of Wangjiang Manor.

"Yuyu, we're going home."

"Hmm, we're home."

Their eyes were moist.

Chi Zhengzheng remembered the time when she fell into the white world, Wen Yu's "we're returning home", woke her up from that world.

Fortunately, she woke up, otherwise, what would Wen Yu do?

"Mr. Wen, Zhengzheng! Come on in!" The door was wide open, Auntie Wang, Uncle Li, and Auntie Li were all smiling, each holding something in their hands.

There was also a fire bowl on the floor.

Auntie Wang greeted them, her eyes watering, and said: "You're finally out of the hospital, Zhengzheng, you scared us to death."

"I made you guys worry, I'm fine now." Chi Zhengzheng showed a smile, her face was pale, but there was light in her eyes.

Auntie Wang also showed a smile and hurriedly said: "Zhengzheng come, cross the fire bowl, leave the sickness and all the bad things outside, from now on Zhengzheng will be safe and live a long life!"

"Yes, yes, yes, you've just escaped a calamity, seek luck and avoid calamity, change misfortune into good fortune, Zhengzheng and Mr. Wen's good luck is just beginning."

Chi Zhengzheng and Wen Yu, at the same time, revealed a smile and nodded their heads, and then she with the help of Wen Yu's strength and crossed the fire bowl.

(t/n: it's an ancient tradition, people would cross a fire bowl or pot trying to change eliminate all the bad fortune and turn it into blessings and good luck)

Auntie Wang and Auntie Li were saying auspicious words, even Wen Yu looked serious and said –

"May you live without disease, without pain. May you live a hundred years."

This was his greatest expectation.

The house was bustling with excitement, and the smile in Chi Zhengzheng's eyes was even stronger.

After entering the house, Uncle Li began to pack their things, Wen Yu took out the medical advice: "This is the medical advice, her body is still very weak, Auntie Wang take a look at it and pay attention to it. In addition, I hired a chef who specializes in nursing one's health, from now on, she will arrange the three meals."

"Good, it's time to replenish Zhengzheng's body."

"There's also Wen Yu." Chi Zhengzheng added.

Wen Yu looked at her.

"You've lost so much weight, you're not even handsome anymore. You should also hurry up and replenish your body and nurture it back to its original appearance." Chi Zhengzheng showed a distressed expression.

Actually, he hadn't become ugly after losing weight, he was still incredibly handsome, but Chi Zhengzheng's heart ached for him and wanted him to hurry up and nourish his body.

Wen Yu touched his face, thought for a while, and said: "Then I'll supplement too…."

You couldn't be ugly anymore, Zhengzheng liked his face very much.

After eating, Chi Zhengzheng's spirits were a bit low.

"Go upstairs and sleep." Wen Yu reached out and picked her up.

Chi Zhengzheng yawned and nodded her head.

He was steady on his feet, he carried her upstairs and put her on the bed.

After covering her with the quilt, he was ready to leave.

When his eyes moved and noticed a piece of paper on the table, Wen Yu paused slightly, then, calmly walked over and pressed the piece of paper under the book as if he was tidying up the table.

Chi Zhengzheng: "Yuyu, come and let me have a look."

She looked right at him with her pair of eyes and yawned, but she perked up to look at him.

"Do you want to read a book? Go to sleep, don't read, if you want to read, read once you wake up in the afternoon" Wen Yu's attitude was unusual and vaguely condemning.

Chi Zhengzheng blinked her eyes and said: "I don't want to read a book, instead, I want to read the 'will' you wrote."

Wen Yu: "…" She knew?

Chi Zhengzheng gritted her teeth: "Are you not going to bring it over to me? Wen Yu, you're really good…"

"Zhengzheng…" Wen Yu wanted to go forward.

Chi Zhengzheng lifted the quilt: "Then I'll go get it myself."

"Don't move, don't move, I'll get it for you!" Wen Yu said hurriedly, his face changed slightly.

Chi Zhengzheng pursed her lips and kept looking at him.

As soon as she thought that he had written a will and planned to follow her, her whole heart was as if it was twisted by a knife, painful and unbearable.

Wen Yu finally brought the "will" over.

Chi Zhengzheng took the "will" and looked at it with pursed lips.

The content on it wasn't much, it could even be said to be too simple.

1. To be cremated together after death, inside an urn, no need for any funeral, to be buried in the sea.

2. Hand over the house in Wangjiang Manor to Zheng Ye. This was his and her home, hope that Zheng Ye will keep it for him.

3. Hand over Liuzhu and the annex house of Wangjiang Manor to Auntie Wang, as the cost of taking care of Liuzhu.

4. Establish Chi Zhengzheng Charity Fund. Hand over Yu Ding to Zheng Ye, and thirty percent of the annual profits to be donated to the charity fund.

Chi Zhengzheng looked at the will, didn't say anything, and kept her head down.

Wen Yu was somehow nervous and kept staring at her closely.

After a while, he finally found that something hit on top of the paper, a teardrop fell, wetting the handwriting on it.

Wen Yu panicked: "Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng, what's the matter with you?!"

Chi Zhengzheng didn't say anything, she just hang her head and looked at the will.

Wen Yu went forward, reached out, and gently wrapped his arms around her, somewhat at a loss: "Zhengzheng, I'm sorry, don't cry, are you uncomfortable? Zhengzheng, don't scare me…"

His face turned pale.

Chi Zhengzheng's voice was hoarse: "Wen Yu, why are you so stupid…"

Wen Yu stiffened slightly and didn't speak.

"Promise me, no matter what happens in the future, you have to live well, okay?" Chi Zhengzheng raised her head and looked at him, her face full of tears.

Wen Yu pursed his lips: "You promise me first, promise that you won't leave me again."

Chi Zhengzheng cried out, she wanted to condemn him, wanted to tell him – even if she died, he should still live a good life.

But she couldn't say it.

In the past, she always said that even couples needed space, she always felt he was overbearing and paranoid, but now that she knew how much he loved her, how could she say such things?

Even if it was her, if Wen Yu left her, she wouldn't be able to accept it.

She reached out, hugged his neck tightly, pressed her cheek to his heart, listened to the sound of his heartbeat, and promised: "Yuyu, I promise you."

Wen Yu smiled: "I promise you too."

This time, after walking between life and death, they seemed to have become one, they couldn't leave each other alone, and could never be separated.

As long they were by each other's side, in this life, no matter what trials and hardships, they could go on with a smile.

But only if the other person was around.

Chi Zhengzheng recuperated at home for more than a week, and her health was much better. Wen Yu didn't go to work and kept watching over her.

– She was far more important than his career.

"Yuyu, aren't you going to work?" Chi Zhengzheng tilted her head.

Next to her, Wen Yu was reading her a novel with a serious face, it was a romance novel called "Love of the Century: Heavenly Wife, Buy One Get One Free", which was nearing the finale.

Before this, he also read her a sadomasochist romance, Chi Zhengzheng heard half of it, listening carefully.

As a result, when she got up the next day, she found that the book was gone.

Wen Yu frowned and said: "It's not good, I lost that book, so let's change to another one."

Chi Zhengzheng: "…" Don't think she didn't know, he read it secretly all night last night and wiped away tears!

It must have been good!

But probably too abusive, Wen Yu disliked that and picked a sweet pampering novel to read to her.

This book was more satisfying to Wen Yu, and he was quite serious about reading it.

How about going to work?

Wen Yu said: "I work from home."

He didn't lie. He still had to take care of the company's affairs a little bit. It had been delayed for a long time before.

So every day when Chi Zhengzheng was napping, he would be in video meetings and dealing with business matters.

"My health has improved a lot. Why don't you go to work at the company? I want to go to work too!" Chi Zhengzheng's eyes shone brightly and she just looked at him.

Wen Yu's eyebrows instantly wrinkled to death.

Chi Zhengzheng raised her eyebrows: "What? Do you want to stop me from looking for a job, so that one company after another will dare not hire me and ruin any possibility for me to go out to work?"

– The things he said when was in the coma, she could occasionally recall some.

Wen Yu: "…"

He hurriedly said: "No, you aren't well enough, wait until you are well enough and then go, okay?"

He held her hand against his lips, and gently dropped a kiss: "I won't stop you, if you want to go to work, go to work, as long as you are happy, I will be fine."

– Those so-called domineering and cautious thoughts, during the time she was in a coma, were all crushed.

He still wanted her to be around all the time, to see no one, but more than that, he wanted her to be happy.

He never wanted to see her lying in bed, motionless, ever again.

Chi Zhengzheng blinked her big eyes at him.

She knew that her coma had changed him a lot, and in front of life and death, everything else was trivial.

They would, in the future, get along very well.

All those problems she had worried about were solved because of Wen Yu's change.

Of course, even if Wen Yu didn't change, it wouldn't be a problem anymore.

– The reason was that she had also changed after waking up.

Chi Zhengzheng smiled and rushed over to Wen Yu, hugged him, and gave him a "mwah" kiss with a joyful expression.

"Yuyu! I'm going to work, I don't know whether you Yu Ding would want me or not? I'm still recuperating, can I be your little secretary first? Little secretary, young lover, hehehe." He didn't know what she was thinking, she had a naughty smile. (t/n: 小秘 xiao mi 小蜜 xiao mi, same sound)

Wen Yu was taken aback, and then he was happy: "Really?"

"Of course!" Chi Zhengzheng smiled brightly.

He didn't know why, he looked at her smile and always felt – she seemed a little too excited?

Actually, Chi Zhengzheng was indeed very excited.

The next day, when Wen Yu wrapped her up tightly and took her to work, all along the way, she was in high spirits with anticipation, and now and then she thought of something and even laughed mischievously.

"What are you happy about?" Wen Yu couldn't help but ask.

Chi Zhengzheng coaxed him: "Of course, I'm working with you, so I'm happy."

Wen Yu was taken aback, and then, the corners of his mouth rose and the roots of his ears reddened slightly.

Very easy to coax.

Chi Zhengzheng continued to grin.

In the book "Love of the Century: Heavenly Wife, Buy One Get One Free" Wen Yu read to her. There was the female lead who went to work in the male lead's company, and then suffered a lot of hardships, everyone looked down on her and bullied her.

And then, the male lead jumped out, wrapped his arms around the female lead, and exclaimed –

"This is my woman, heh, who gave you the courage to bully her?"

Thinking about that plot, Chi Zhengzheng trembled all over.

So cool!

She wanted to see if it was Wen Yu, the tyrant, what he would say then!

She didn't know anything, so she just appeared out of nowhere and entered the company as a secretary, and the people in Wen Yu's company, would they also ostracize her? Saying bad things about her in the toilet?

When the time comes, she must go to the toilet and listen to it.

What to do.

She wasn't afraid, but was excited and looking forward to it!

Chi Zhengzheng rubbed her hands and grinned secretly.