Extra 6

My name is Wen Nian, I'm a male, and I'm six years old.

My father is the famous Wen Yu and my mother is the famous Chi Zhengzheng.

My name was given by my beloved mother. Of course, it was a very good thing for me, after all, according to my father's standards and his pitiable attentiveness, he would probably have called me –

Wen Aizheng. (t/n: 闻爱筝, 爱 ai means love 筝 zheng from Chi Zhengzheng's name. Wen Yu basically wanted to call his son "I love Zhengzheng" lol…)

I don't want to be called "Aizheng" at all, so I'm glad it was my mom who had the right to name me. (t/n: 癌症, ai zheng means cancer as in the illness… Yeah…)

I'm about to have a younger sister in my family, and my dad is so nervous that he's already in the hospital with my mom, skipping work to watch over her.

Uncle Zheng Ye always says that my dad is the most irresponsible boss!

But fortunately, God seemed to give my dad preferential treatment, so much so that even though he often skipped work to be in love, it didn't affect his career at all. On the contrary, he used his business talent to make Yu Ding a huge business empire, that no one could compare.

My mother became the richest person.

It couldn't be helped, who let my father have no money, all the family assets belonged to my mother.

I'm also very worried about my beloved mother, I can't wait to go to the hospital to see my mother. Being pregnant and giving birth is too hard, my mother is really worthy of admiration.

So why am I still writing in my diary at this moment?

Because school isn't over yet.

Sometimes, I really hate school, it's so boring.

Especially with a bunch of stupid classmates and a nagging teacher who likes to give meaningless assignments.

I don't really understand the point of keeping a diary?

Is it so that when these kids grow up, they can look back at their stupidity during second grade?

The premise is this – when we grow up, we'll be able to find this diary.

Although they're all older than me, I think they're really stupid. A few of them are so unkempt and their clothes are so dirty that I really don't want to see them.

As I write this, it's important to say why I came to school.

Although my dad is amazing, and as much as he and I love each other deep down, a lot of times, we're just tired of seeing each other.

Especially when it comes to my mom.

My dad thinks that I'm too much of an eyesore, he thinks my mom cares so much about me that she ignores him.

I'm also very angry. He's still my dad, but he keeps hogging my mom. When I was less than three years old he didn't let me share a room with her!

I used to get an elite education, I was home-schooled every day. My mom would take care of me when she was home, and if my dad went to work. That was when I could be alone with my mom, I was really happy.

But dad was so horrible, he told Mom really earnestly that my personality was too cold, that I wasn't in touch with my peers, and that I was a little devil. He suggested that I should come to school to take classes and have more contact with my classmates to change my personality!

Then, mom thought about it for a while and agreed!

Yeah, my dad was a very smart man. He always had good reasons to convince Mom to achieve his goals, like sending me to second grade, sending me to school, and letting me sit in a classroom with a bunch of stupid kids.

I've obviously learned up to junior high school knowledge. Now I'm even asked if I know how to read. It's an absolute waste of time!

Life is short with just a few decades, it's such a waste of a life. It's outrageous!

I'm now worried about my mom. Although her due date is still three days away, who knows if my sister will come into the world early?

My sister's arrival was actually an accident, well, actually, I was an accident too.

Mom was looking forward to it, but Dad felt that having a baby was dangerous and that it would disturb their world as a couple.

I didn't know how dangerous having a baby was before, so when I knew I was an accident, I hated my dad so much.

But now that I've learned that having a baby is a dangerous thing. My mom took the risk of having me and now she's taking the risk of having my sister.

She is really great.

I also understand my dad. He really cares about Mom too much, that's why he's scared and nervous. He doesn't really dislike me, he just doesn't like me as much as Mom.

My sister is about to come into the world. My dad is so worried about Mom that he can't sleep well all night long. I've seen him several times distracted at work.

Well, dad is actually still very good to me, he's just a bit strict, and keeps going against me.

Ah, I don't know what my mom is doing right now, I miss her so much.

That should be it for this diary. I'm sure I've exceeded the word count a long time ago, but it isn't even the time of the end of the class yet.

I'm going to hand it to my teacher and then go see my mom in the hospital.

Wen Nian checked it carefully, and then stood up with a poker face and walked to the teacher at the teacher's desk.

He was very calm, with a small bun face, he looked very refined and good-looking, but he was a little devil, with a face of "I'm an adult" and "I'm not a child", which made people really couldn't help but laugh.

No matter how smart our little Wen Nian was, being in the second grade at the age of six, in their class, he was still a little too short, so could only sit in the first row.

Therefore, he took a few steps toward the teacher on the teacher's desk and handed the diary to her.

His language teacher felt really helpless and she was very fond of this child, such a smart child. What teacher wouldn't like him? But sometimes he was so smart that they were a little at a loss for words, she felt helpless.

"Little Niannian, didn't the teacher say? You can't hand in your assignment until the class is over." The language teacher blinked.

Wen Nian's little bun face frowned and said: "But I want to get out of class early and go home."

"No, little Wen Nian, sit back and read for a while, you can't leave class early." Of course, the language teacher disagreed.

The children in the second grade were still young, and this school was a top-notch international school, so of course, they had to pay attention to the safety of these children.

They could only rest assured when they release the children to their parents or nannies from school in a unified manner.

Wen Nian had expected it a long time ago, he sighed and sat back.

When the language teacher saw him sigh, she couldn't help but smile.

She looked down at the diary, the more he looked at it, the more complicated her expression became.

Little Wen Nian was really smart. The other children had to work hard to write two hundred words, they also had many misspellings and pinyin, but he had already written so much.

But when he called her "a nagging teacher who likes to give meaningless assignments", the language teacher didn't know what to say for a while!

This child, what could she do about him?

And this was Wen Yu's and Chi Zhengzheng's son!

This child was Wen Yu's and Chi Zhengzheng's child, naturally, this little boy received attention at the beginning of entering school. His growth process must be accompanied by certain pressures.

But looking at him, the language teacher's heart was soft again.

She actually really likes this child, he was such a talented child, she had never met such a talented child before, but this child was really quite disobedient which gave her a bit of a headache.

This time, seeing him at the back, she knew why he wanted to hurry up and leave class early today, he wanted to go to the hospital to see his mother, she couldn't help but feel touched.

If only her family's children could be as thoughtful as this child ah!

The language teacher put down his diary, stood up, walked up to Wen Nian, bent down, and lowered her voice: "Niannian, has your nanny come yet? If she's already here, I can send you out early."

"I'm coming!" Wen Nian's eyes lit up.

He quickly jumped down and stood beside the teacher.

The language teacher shook her head and led him out early.

The writing class was still a while away, but apparently, Wen Nian had already exceeded his quota. She led him to the school entrance and saw that the nanny from the Wen family, surnamed Wang, was really waiting, so she handed the child over to her.

"Thank you, teacher. Goodbye teacher!" Wen Nian thanked her in a rare lively voice and bent over to salute her.

The teacher waved her hand and said goodbye to Wen Nian.

And then, Wen Nian, who had left class early, hurriedly went to the hospital with Auntie Wang.

Chi Zhengzheng was walking around, and Wen Yu was holding her up nervously.

She was a little speechless: "Aren't you a little too careful?"

She couldn't be considered old, she wasn't a geriatric pregnant woman at all, and she didn't have a difficult delivery when she had Wen Nian. Of course, there won't be any problems this time!

(t/n: geriatric pregnant woman refers to women usually older than 35 that can have complications during pregnancy.)

Wen Yu was obviously still very nervous, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and pulled the corners of his mouth: "I'm not nervous, it's your second child. It will be fine."

– If his voice hadn't been trembling when he said this, Chi Zhengzheng might have believed it.

"Yuyu, don't worry. We have an appointment for a lifetime, I'll definitely not miss the appointment! Soon, I'll go into the delivery room, my baby and I will definitely come out safe and sound!" Chi Zhengzheng's voice was tinged with laughter as she comforted him.

"Okay…" Wen Yu looked at her and answered.

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice: "We're really not having any more in the future, okay?"

He had already made up his mind, that after the birth of this child, he would get a vasectomy. He absolutely wouldn't let Chi Zhengzheng take the risk of giving birth again!

Chi Zhengzheng laughed: "Hmm, okay."

She looked at the panicked Wen Yu in front of her and suddenly thought of when she was pregnant with Wen Nian.

She wasn't pregnant the first few years when they got married, Wen Yu didn't that intention, and Chi Zhengzheng also felt that she was still young and it wasn't on her mind.

She also found herself a job as a simultaneous translator at that time.

Not to mention, it was quite easy for Chi Zhengzheng to find a job. She thought she was going to have a tough time finding a job, but to her surprise, she was hired by the first company she was interviewed.

It was also a large company that often outsources its services and the interview requirements were very high. Originally, she was just giving it a try, but she never would've thought that the other party would immediately accept her.

She thought it was because of Wen Yu, after all, her name was known to many people because of Wen Yu.

But then after a while, she knew why she was admitted.

It really wasn't because of Wen Yu.

Wen Yu actually protected her very well. He didn't let the media have much coverage about her, even fewer photos. The person who recruited her in the first place, in fact, didn't know who she was!

That person later told her – because she was too good-looking!

Simultaneous translation, as long as the level was good enough when going out to meet and translate for the foreign guests, Chi Zhengzheng just had to stand there. Their projected image was definitely enough!

Chi Zhengzheng really didn't expect that she would end up eating because of this face!

However, her level was indeed very good, and she was also highly valued. Chi Zhengzheng was full of fighting spirit, she worked hard, and wanted to do her own career as a translator well!

Then, in the middle of a translation, she suddenly experienced vertigo and almost couldn't stand still.

Originally, at this time, an outstanding worker would've pressed on, after all, the dizziness was only for a moment, and then they would be fine.

But Chi Zhengzheng was someone who cherished her life, and she didn't rely on this job to eat.

Before, she almost died because of attacks of vertigo.

Chi Zhengzheng's face turned pale at that moment, and then, she dumbfounded everyone present. She stopped translating, found a seat, took out her cell phone, and called Wen Yu.

After that, she just sat there, unmoving. What was the point of translating?

The people of the company kept giving her looks, and the boss' face darkened.

The German man was also confused.

As soon as she walked out, they almost couldn't talk anymore. One of their managers communicated with Chi Zhengzheng to no avail, so they could only bite the bullet and speak in English.

The German man's English was average, so they could only communicate the bare minimum and wanted to agree on another time to negotiate.

Not long after, the German man reluctantly agreed, before he left, Wen Yu rushed in.

His face was pale and his legs almost gave out, he fell down in front of Chi Zhengzheng.

After a long time, he shakily picked up Chi Zhengzheng and took her to the hospital for examination.

For Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng, the sky was about to collapse, so they didn't care about anything else, but the boss of Chi Zhengzheng's company, he was simply – shocked.

It was only at this time that their company knew, actually, their mysterious simultaneous interpreter was actually the wife of the boss of Yu Ding, Wen Yu!

Not to mention how shocked the people from the company were, after Wen Yu rushed Chi Zhengzheng to the hospital in a panic, he waited for the results of the examination with a pale face.

For a moment, fear struck, and Wen Yu almost couldn't support himself.

But Chi Zhengzheng was also panicked, she needed him, so he got his act together.

Then they waited for the result –

"… You're in good health ah, it's just that you're pregnant, just four weeks."

Chi Zhengzheng and Wen Yu were taken aback at the same time.

Then, Wen Yu collapsed on the floor and almost fainted.

Wen Nian arrived during his parents' panic. Fortunately, after knowing that he had arrived, their parents breathed a sigh of relief, and his father almost fainted on the spot because of that sigh of relief!

After she was discharged from the hospital, the company told Chi Zhengzheng that she could go back to work at any time, and it was like they wanted to hold her up.

The German man also happened to want to cooperate with one of the subsidiaries of Yu Ding. He didn't get angry at all because Chi Zhengzheng walked out at that time, instead, they quickly finalized the cooperation.

However, Chi Zhengzheng still couldn't stay, so she left.

After giving birth to Wen Nian, she changed to a small company that didn't know her and continued to work as a simultaneous translator.

Returning back from the memory, Chi Zhengzheng looked at Wen Yu, her voice was very confident: "Yuyu, don't worry. It'll really be okay!"

Wen Yu nodded.

At this moment, Wen Nian arrived.

"Mom! Mom!!" Compared to his composure in front of strangers, when he was in front of Chi Zhengzheng, he was just like a chattering little sparrow.

When he came in, he call out several times Mom before calling out Wen Yu in an awkward way –


Wen Yu nodded and didn't say anything.

"Huh? Niannian, isn't it time for you to leave school yet? How come you're back?" Chi Zhengzheng asked as she propped up her stomach and glanced at the time.

Wen Nian explained seriously: "Because I finished writing my diary, the teacher sent me out early."

"Oh." Chi Zhengzheng responded, and didn't say anything more.

She reached out and wrapped her arms around Wen Nian.

Because her belly was big, it was very inconvenient.

Wen Nian also didn't dare to move, he was afraid of hitting her.

"Mom, is sister well behaved today?" Wen Nian raised his hand and gently touched Chi Zhengzheng's belly with his small hand.

He was very smart, but the fact that there was a sister in his mother's bulging belly, he was quite confused.

But he didn't ask more questions, because he knew that he would definitely know in the future.

"She's very well behaved, sister is as well behaved as Niannian!" Chi Zhengzheng's voice was tinged with laughter as she gently stroked Wennian's little head.

Wen Nian touched her belly, and said seriously: "Sister, don't make mom uncomfortable when you come out, otherwise I'll beat your little butt!"

He glared and his little bun face looked fierce.

Chi Zhengzheng couldn't help but smile.

"Niannian don't worry, sister is sensible." Chi Zhengzheng praised.

But she didn't expect that this "sensible sister" would come to this world early that night.

When Chi Zhengzheng entered the delivery room, Wen Yu and Wen Nian stayed outside.

The father and son sat together, both looking at the delivery room with anxiety written all over their faces.

When a nurse saw this and came to call his attention, it was then that Wen Yu seemed to have thought of Wen Nia, he said in a hoarse voice: "Niannian, you should go to bed first, I'll stay here and keep watch."

"No, I want to keep watch too." Wen Nian insisted.

Wen Yu didn't say anything more.

His mind was blank now, it was full of worry, how could he care about anything else.

And Wen Nian already made up his mind, he didn't want to go in and sleep. He just wanted to guard his mother and sister, so he also respected him.

The rest of the time felt like years to Wen Yu.

When Wen Nian was born, he was inside the delivery room and witnessed the whole process, at that time, he was about to collapse.

When Chi Zhengzheng finished giving birth, she found that Wen Yu not only had tears on his face but also pinched his palms so much that they bled.

So, this time, when she gave birth to her second child, she didn't let him in. There was still Wen Nian outside who needed his attention, so Chi Zhengzheng went into the delivery room alone.

Wen Yu knew how much pain she was in at the moment, even if there were the so-called epidural, it was impossible to really have no pain at all. Even if he didn't see it, but also felt as if his liver and guts were cut to pieces. (t/n: means grief-stricken or heartbroken.)

Absolutely no more children!

Wen Yu swore.

This baby was actually quite good and the baby wasn't too big. In the early hours of the morning, the door of the delivery room opened and the nurse came out with the baby in her arms. –

"Congratulations, it's a daughter of five and two jin." (t/n: 5.2 jin means 2.6kg or 5.7lb)

Wen Yu and Wen Nian, one big and one small had already rushed to the nurse. Wen Yu asked anxiously: "Where's Zhengzheng? Is Zhengzheng okay?!"

The anxious and worried looks of the big one and little one made the nurse slightly taken aback, and then she revealed a smile.

"The mother is fine, she's safe and sound."

The nurse sighed from the bottom of her heart, this family was really warm and happy.

Chi Zhengzheng fell asleep and when she woke up, she saw that Wen Yu had been keeping watch and been staying in front of her bed all the time, watching her without blinking.

Seeing her wake up, the unshaven man pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing a smile.

"Where are the children?" Chi Zhengzheng asked.

"I've asked for a leave of absence for the eldest, he's catching up on sleep in the other room." Wen Yu's eyes looked to the side, and his voice was soft, "The second is also still asleep, this girl is in good health."

Chi Zhengzheng glanced to look at the child.

The newborn baby was very very small, and couldn't be considered good-looking, but she just warmed Chi Zhengzheng's heart.

She looked at the child and whispered: "Suisui, her name is Suisui, okay?"

"Okay." He would never say no to her.

Chi Zhengzheng smiled, year after year, year after year, having abundance year after year, it was her most sincere expectation.

(t/n: 年年 Niannian means year,岁岁 Suisui means year (as in years old),年年有余 means having abundance year after year and it's special here because it has Wen Yu's name 余.)

They were also in her life, the three people she cared most about.