Friendly terms?

"Give it to me NOW!" he growled dangerously.


Laughing hysterically, she tossed the strand of hair toward him.


It landed perfectly in front of his nose, making him jump backwards instinctively.


After catching the piece of evidence, he inspected it thoroughly and nodded approvingly.


Satisfied with the results, his expression softened somewhat.


"Thank you very much, Miss." He bowed respectfully. "Please excuse my rudeness; I apologize for acting rashly in our previous encounter."


'I can't afford to get into any argument that could jeopardize my identity.'


"Nonsense, Clyde." The woman chuckled softly. "No hard feelings whatsoever. Think about my offer; I'll be back for your response."


Clyde gave her one last curt nod, then left without another word, disappearing into the darkness.

