Make it up to me

Gina looked over at Samantha. "I'm not sure."


Tristan turned his attention back to Samantha and realized that she hadn't moved since he released her. The blood pooled under her had dried.


"I think we might be able to turn her into one of my slaves," Tristan muttered. "She seems pretty docile."


Gina nodded. "Sounds like a good idea, master."


"No," Tristan replied with a shake of his head. "I want to kill her slowly and have her pay for what she did to you."


His outright lie about his interest in Gina's welfare went unnoticed by the lovesick half of a Vandrik.


'I need to win the utmost favor with Seraphina,' he thought to himself, 'or this will all have been for nothing.'


"Would you do the honors of calling on Sera for me? I promise to reward you if you do."


Gina nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! I'll let her know that you're here."