Illustration and Character Sheets

~Illustration (Paragraph Comment):

Accel Age 8056; or for those still using that ancient calendar, 10.121 CE.

Humanity had long made itself known far and wide in a corner of the Milky Way galaxy. They had discovered innumerable new worlds, each one adorned with its unique environment which was truly unknown to people.

They had discovered alien lifeforms, but so far, humanity was still alone. No sentient was found between those stars and for now, their only equals and companions were themselves and their creations.

But would it stay that way forever? Nobody knew. There was still no way to learn the future, but that was alright. Let it be so. For there was also a whole realm that could be as mysterious as the future.

"What is it?" you asked. Well, it was none other than the past. That unknown place where those who came before walked to reach the present.

I wonder what marvel it hides.

~Character Sheets:

• Milanor Milestone (Male/20)

* Homeworld: None (Starship born)

* Occupation: Freelancer Captain

* Description: Our protagonist! The master of the void with various talents and questionable fortune. During the last year, he was financially menaced by his own starship Helios, a gloriously extravagant piece of the ultimate in aerospace technology. With a bank account as empty as outer space, he needs to do something to fix this urgent situation!

• Naya (Female/??)

* Homeworld: ??

* Occupation: ??

* Description: A mysterious girl Milanor met in Runanthor. Has a crude way of speaking, particularly to strangers or those she disliked. Weirdly dignified and graceful sometimes, which added to the enigma. Employed Milanor to do her bidding using her overwhelming wealth.

• Fianna (Female/18)

* Homeworld: Camaeloth, Centurion Empire

* Occupation: Freelancer crew; Helios' Executive Officer (Self-Proclaimed)

* Description: Star Cruiser Helios' second-in-command! A red-haired young girl who grew up with Milanor, with a childhood bond stronger than anything. Not even their daily spats and bitter arguments could sour their relationship! Loves alternate-reality dives and movies.

• Miledi (Female/Looks like she's in her 20s)

* Homeworld: Hiranyapura, Padmenagar (Built)

* Occupation: Helios Central Operating System + Helmswoman

* Description: Star Cruiser Helios' computer system, in the flesh! Fleshy in outer appearance, at least. She's a biological android built to help run the ship, the apex of artificial intelligence. Often acts as Milanor's maid and clothed herself like one too. Deeply loyal, deadpan, and sarcastic. Fun to hang out with.

• Aratus (Male/In his 30s?)

* Homeworld: Runanthor, Krulic States Alliance

* Occupation: Mafia, V-Idol Super Fan

* Description: A disconcerting man living in Runanthor's underworld. Certain coincidences brought his attention to Milanor. Just what is he planning? Disclaimer: Avid Yulia fan. Single.

• Yu Lia (Female/Forever Secret)

* Homeworld: Xanadu, Hegemony of Xanadu

* Occupation: Virtual Idol

* Description: The current most popular v-idol in the galaxy! With a fan of over 10 billion people across hundreds of systems and clusters, she's unmatched in all the rage! Affiliated with the idol group Stellaris.