The Healers

Lutis, Rebellion-Held Aviye



Sleeping in a proper bed did wonders for Zai's mood. She awoke to the scent of tofu and bell peppers, her hostess scrambling them together in a wok before adding them to a large bowl of rice.

"Since you're up, why don't you get off my operating bed and help with the dishes," she said as she sat. "After you eat, of course."

After a quiet breakfast, Shenmi checked Zai's bandages before changing them. Once she was done, Zai limped outside to check on Rabbit. Her joints felt completely fine after a good sleep, and even her bullet wound pained her far less than others she'd had in the past. She wondered if that was because of Shenmi's treatment or the fact that she'd been shot before, but the thoughts were not long in her mind when she found what had been done with Rabbit.

Sometime before she woke, someone had decided to attach garlands of green ribbon to her frame. Since there was no head, it was tied on top of the armor, and something like a pair of capes were made of similar green cloth tied to each shoulder. Next to it was a new basket that seemed to have been improvised out of a metal one for storing firewood, with the straps of her old basket laced through. A bundle of cloth had kept her remaining ammunition and ether batteries safe from the morning dew.

"They wanted to use red for good luck, but I told them it would make you stand out to enemies," a voice spoke from behind Zai and she almost jumped from surprise.

She turned to face the speaker, "You scared me, Auntie."

The Chief of Zuret who-Zai-would-never-think-of-as-Qinqui (no-not-ever), walked up to her, Quynh at her wounded side. "I hope green is alright, even if it is a bit out of place. Red for a wedding, white for a funeral..."

"And green for a new-born babe." Zai finished the quote, smiling.

"I told you she wouldn't mind," Quynh said.

"Hush," the chief replied. "I'll let her say if she minds or not."

"It's alright, Auntie. I quite like it... it's like everyone is saying 'Grow well, young lady.'"

"Because you're old enough to be a mother by now..." Quynh muttered.

"You sound like an old woman," Auntie chided her, before turning to Zai. "You're going back to the Nightravens today, yes?"

"That is the plan." Zai said.

"Quynh has volunteered to be your medic. I understand you need one after Sh'zi..."

Zai's eyes widened. "Are you sure about this?" she asked Quynh.

"I'm sure. I still hate you though," she replied.

"I can accept that... as long as you trust me to keep you safe, and you follow my orders."

"Just because I want to doctor for the Nightravens doesn't make me a soldier. I'll judge for myself if I should listen to you, and if that doesn't suit you, I'll just stay here." Quynh crossed her arms. "I'm sure Shenmi can use the help."

Zai chuckled, looking around the square as she thought of what to say to that. She saw the former Kingdom trucks were back and more villagers from Zuret were around the Community Hall, meaning they'd driven through the night to retrieve the family and friends left behind. "Alright Quynh, I accept your terms."

Suddenly a man's voice broke the calm. "The soldiers are back!" he called out, jogging towards Zai.

"What soldiers?" Zai recognized the Chief of Lutis Village. "What's going on?"

"I thought you knew," he said when he came to a stop, panting a bit. "Yesterday morning some men drove through. Rebels. Said they were with... some number or other. 38! They said they were with the 38th."

"I didn't know. Why are they here?" Zai asked.

"They said they were going to reinforce you. That's why I thought..."

Zai had a bad feeling as the dark-green canvased truck pulled in from the northern side of Lutis, coming to a stop next to Rabbit.

It lasted until out of the back leapt the Nightravens, running towards her with Amri and several children in tow.

The Nightravens embraced their Captain in a group hug, causing her to cry out as she warned them about her leg. Zai was proud to see everyone made it, but she couldn't make out anything they were saying as they rushed to tell her things all at once.

Amri released the children to go running back to their parents, though a couple ran to Auntie instead. Zai watched her, feeling a deep appreciation of the fact that without Amri's teachings, she knew that she would not have made it.

She parted her way through her soldiers and approached the woman. After only a day apart, something felt different. There was a sense of connection that hadn't been there before. Instinct told Zai to hug her, but instead she offered her hand. "Welcome back, Amri. I'm glad you're still with us."

"Amri?" a man's voice said, loud enough that it was clearly not for his benefit alone, and Zai looked past Amri to see a man in rebel green with Captain's ranks on his collar. "I thought you said your name was Sh'zi." He looked at the Doctor with calculating eyes. "Though I can't say I'm surprised... given you didn't know a heron from a turkey."

"What's going on?" Zai asked.

Sergeant Lorn approached, "We were trying to warn you..."

"Men of the 38th!" the other Captain shouted, and his soldiers immediately unslung their rifles and pointed them at the Nightravens. "We have our spy! Dr. Amri Jeng."

Zai pulled Amri behind her and spread her arms protectively. "What is the meaning of this, Captain?"

"Ah, you must be Captain Zai. Your NCO was highly uncooperative. I hope you'll prove more-so. It would be a shame to suspect you of sedition."

"And you are?"

"Captain Khou. 38th Infantry Division... Anti-Intelligence Squad."

Spy hunters... Zai's memory traced its knowledge. The 38th fell under Northern Theatre Command, which fell under General Jiang. "Explain yourself. We only rescued Dr. Jeng the other day, from the hands of the enemy. She's cooperated with us so far."

"No doubt to spread lies and dissent," Khou retorted.

"Captain I will stake my career that that is not true."

"You already are," he said, cockily raising his arms to indicate the improvised firing squad aimed at the Nightravens, "you and your entire squad's careers could end right here if you stand in my way."

Amri touched Zai on the shoulder. "It's alright, Captain... just let them have me. You don't have to-"

"Shh. I'm thinking." Zai tried to sort things out in her head. Something was off. If the 38th was indeed coming to reinforce the Nightravens, that should have been radioed in days ago, and certainly not after the general retreat ordered for Central Command's region... and to come from the North... Zai set her sights on the Captain's eyes.

"Well, Captain Zai? Are you going to kill your squad for an enemy spy?"

"Just a moment Captain Khoe." Zai shouted. The villagers had started gathering nearby. "Who gave you your orders?"

"Major Qirees. What of it?" He named someone Zai didn't know.

"When did you get your orders?"

The Captain sighed. "Around midnight, the day before yesterday. Why?"

"Because the day before yesterday is when we rescued Dr. Jeng, a prisoner of the Kingdom and the Hegemons. There is no way anyone could know she was passing through here."

"Are you underestimating Army Intelligence?"

"I'm overestimating yours, it seems. Dr. Jeng gave us an important secret. A secret that can help end the war. A secret that I have verified, personally."

"And what secret is that?" Khoe scoffed.

"The secret of becoming Ascendant!" Zai shouted. She could see instantly that the soldiers behind Khoe comprehended exactly what that would mean for the cause. Several villagers started whispering amongst themselves, and her eyes were drawn to Shenmi, standing in her doorway with the cane she'd given Zai the other day.

"Actually Captain it's called apotheosis..." Amri whispered.

"Quiet... let it sink in," Zai whispered back.

Khoe raised a hand to his face, rubbing both of his cheeks with his fingers as he pulled down against his chin. "You really believe that nonsense? The Hegemony wouldn't dare let that fall into the hands of someone outside their control, much less someone from Aviye."


"I've got this..." She cleared her throat. "Captain Khoe, from everything I learned, becoming Ascendant is something all of humanity has the potential to do. It is not exclusive to the Hegemon nations, and the only way they have kept the secret for so long is to kill or steal anyone they find who has stepped on the path. That is why they occupied us for a century, to wipe out any trace of the knowledge so that collaborators like the Kingdom could do their work for them, which is exactly what you will be doing if you kill her now!"

Captain Khoe fumed. "You have no right to accuse me when your men lied to my entire squad. And if you will not move, I'm well within my right to execute you as a traitor to the rebellion!"

Zai was about to speak when Auntie stepped in front of her. "You will do nothing of the sort. At least not while I live," she said calmly. The villagers from Zuret ran Rhosi began to surround the Nightravens. Even some from Lutis joined in.

They stood defiantly, staring down the soldiers opposite them. Zai sensed the tension in the situation. If the soldiers fired, they would no doubt be beaten to death, but not after killing and hurting a lot of people. Everyone was supposed to be on the same side... she had to do something.

She took a breath... and stepped out from behind Auntie. "Captain. There is a way to do things in the Sunrise Sword. Executing each other without a trial is not it. Our intent, regardless of her identity, was to take Dr. Jeng to Major Riel. To trust our superiors in learning whether what she has to offer us is real or not."

"It doesn't matter what your intent was, Captain. I have orders from General Jiang himself. Find all spies here, but especially her, and see to it they die. If I do not, it will be my head, Captain. I'm sure you understand my position."

"No, Captain, I do not. Because there are clear irregularities in your orders. How did the General know to have you kill a specific civilian? That she would be here, in General Vaan's theatre?"

"General Vaan is dead. As are Generals Yeung, Kir, and Song. All killed by the Ascendant of Lightning two days ago. Jiang is the seniormost leader in the Rebellion now." Captain Khoe said. The news hit Zai like a bucket of cold water.

"Captain Khoe... don't do this, I'm begging you. Something else is happening here. We need to get to Command and sort this out with our leaders."

Khoe gave Zai a regretful look, then straitened and pulled the tabs of his coat to adjust it. "I'm sorry, Captain, but I have my orders." He raised an arm and lowered it. "Fire!"

Zai braced, but nothing happened. Behind the men of the 38th stood the villagers of Lutis, many of them armed with shovels, axes, and guns far older than the weapons of the rebels. The 38th's soldiers had lowered their guns, realizing that to fire would mean their end.

Captain Khoe's face grew red, apoplectic with barely contained anger as he saw how he'd been disarmed. "Traitors!" he shouted at the villagers. "All of you! The Sunrise Sword will come down on your heads if you don't let my men go right now!"

From behind the villagers of Lutis, Shenmi was given passage to step through the crowd. "Calm yourself, Captain. Is your mission really worth your life?"

Amri stepped out to join Zai, reaching for her hand. Zai clasped it, standing with her as they watched the people they'd helped come to their aid.

"And who are you?" Khoe shouted at Shenmi.

"Just an old woman who knows more than you." Shenmi replied cryptically, coming to stand within arm's reach of Captain Khoe before turning towards Zai and the villagers behind her. "Mea taught... that the reason and will of the many can overcome the short-sightedness of the few."

Her voice carried surprisingly well. Almost like she'd grown younger somehow. "She taught that for people to determine the right direction together, they must reason together. Decide together. We are all participants in the Rebellion. Regardless of how we contribute, we have learned from them. Accepted them. Given them our aid and shelter. Helped them fight against a foe whose cruelty has been to turn our people against themselves."

The villagers sounded their assent, a shout that echoed in the valley before Shenmi continued.

"We have all watched these two Captains shout their arguments at each other. For the sake of ending this conflict, I call on you to vote. Shall we let Amri Jeng be killed by this man?"

There was silence. Captain Khoe cast about, looking for support, even from his own men. None raised their hands or their voices.

"None." Shenmi pronounced. "Shall we give Amri Jeng to Captain Zai, to be taken before the leaders of the Sunrise Sword and be judged in their hearts and minds?"

As one the villagers shouted, "Yes!" raising their hands, their weapons, their voices. Someone started a chant, calling out "Captain Zai! Captain Zai!" over and over until Shenmi raised both her hands and the cane in her palm for calm.

"The will of the people is known then."

Zai saw Amri smile at her out of the corner of her eye. Before her however, Captain Khoe was losing his calm. He kept looking around, at the villagers, at Amri, at his own men. Zai recognized the look of a cornered predator too late. Khoe pulled his gun, he aimed it at Amri. A shot rang out...

...and missed, striking a rooftop behind the Nightravens.

Shenmi's cane had knocked Khoe's gun off course, and Zai saw it hovering in the air above Khoe's head before the old woman brought it down on his hand, forcing him to drop the pistol before she batted him in the knee, the shin, and finally the temple. Khoe collapsed to the cobblestones, his face unconscious and drooling.

The Nightravens pushed their way to the front of the crowd behind Zai, several exclaiming and chuckling at the sight of Khoe beaten by an old woman.

Shenmi took a step away from Khoe and turned to Zai. "Now, Captain, what should we do with them?" she gestured at the men of the 38th. "Do you plan on taking them with you?"

The soldiers very much looked like they wanted to go.

Zai felt a tap on her shoulder, and she released Amri's hand to turn, finding Lorn waiting. "I advise we leave them here. They are not the best soldiers," she whispered.

"How so?" Zai asked.

"Drunkenness in uniform, uncouth behavior, lacking knowledge of codes and protocols..."

"Ah." Zai turned to Shenmi. "Please disarm them and keep them as guests. I will requisition their truck for the Nightravens and our mission to escort Dr. Jeng. When I arrive at headquarters I will arrange to send someone back to retrieve them."

Shenmi turned to her people. "You heard the Captain." They hustled quickly, taking the weapons from the 38th and tossing them in the back of the truck bed.

Shenmi turned away from the spectacle, heading back towards her house.

Amri strode to catch up, and Zai heard her ask, "Who are you?"

"Just an old woman... who knows more than you." Shenmi replied.