
Mt. Dakun, Rebellion-Held Aviye



Getting Rabbit downhill was much easier than the climb up.

Zai spent much of the walk in silence, wondering if she'd been completely wrong about the connection she'd thought she'd felt from Amri. She found herself sighing a lot, especially when she had to be careful of Rabbit's steps. She dropped Amri off at the entrance to the cleft before heading to the motor pool to dismount, sighing as she undid the buckles of her frame. The rain chose that moment to arrive in full force, and she spared a moment of gratitude knowing she'd kept Amri safe from it.

K'le came up to her and didn't even ask what was bothering her before nodding in sympathy and patting Zai on the shoulder.

That act reminded Zai that there were more important things than a botched date to take care of.

"K'le, can you make sure everyone's in the barracks tonight? I have something I need to tell them." Zai asked.