
Mt. Dakun, Rebellion-Held Aviye



Zai was furious. "Is this a joke? I asked for ten officers," she loomed over the desk where Lieutenant Xiaodan Xu's service record sat in an open folder.

"Captain, I have been instructed to tell you I am worth ten officers in Colonel Riel's estimation." Lieutenant Xu replied. "She wishes you to know that she is making a great sacrifice to ensure your command is a success."

Amri stepped into the room, drawing Zai's attention as her guards took up positions on both sides of the door.

"Doctor. Meet Lieutenant Xu," Zai said, a little bitter over the Doctor's interest in the woman. "Apparently she's ten officers rolled into one," she joked.

"I assure you all ten of us are quite efficient." Lieutenant Xu returned the joke. "If it will spare you some time, the Doctor and I met this morning," she said in a matter-of-fact tone.