
Mt. Dakun, Rebellion-Held Aviye



Zai and Amri returned to the bench that they'd left by the stairwell shack. The whole chase had taken mere minutes, but running had left Zai's feet blistered.

"Well, that was a good reminder why you should never run in formals," she said as she peeled off her shoes and socks before inspecting the bottom of her feet. The night air felt good against the heat of her sores, and she could already feel the pain fading as, free from their confinement, her regeneration started kicking in. The steam rising off her blisters felt a bit unnecessary though.

"I can't believe you ran up all those stairs..." Amri responded. "You don't even sound winded anymore."

"Yeah, well... you had me in quite the panic when you jumped off the balcony... Honestly, I've thought of riding a crane up but I have an example to set, you know?"