
Mt. Dakun, Rebellion-Held Aviye



Zai felt a moment of confusion as she stood before her father again. The world felt... mushy... blurred out... noises and colors were indistinct at the edges of her perception... but her father... he stood out clearly, as did his desk, and his massive chair.

He was standing, a stack of papers in his hand as he talked and talked, though it sounded as if he was underwater.

Zai felt for a moment like she was two people... and then the memory took her, and she knew exactly what her father was shouting... Had shouted... all those years ago...

"... Gods-damned disgrace! Your mother's probably spitting in her grave from all this... Meaist garbage! My own son, pretending to be a woman just so he could write nonsense about the Alliance... about me?! You're lucky I don't turn you over to gods-damned Security Bureau for sedition!" Ambassador Colton Sommer slapped the papers into a metal bin.