
Mt. Dakun, Rebellion-Held Aviye



"... and so it is with humility that I affirm this: the role of Ascendants will be to serve the People, just as the Jinwu served all of creation by returning the sun to us, we as the First Ascendant Battalion, the Dawnravens, shall herald the return of an Aviye restored!"

Amri clapped enthusiastically as Zai finished her speech before the Command staff. She didn't want to admit it, but she was in some distress. After going into Zai's mind, she'd reflected deeply upon the strangeness of the event, how her sense of self had dissolved almost entirely into the memory.

It had disturbed her then, to say the least, wondering how such a thing was possible, and she wished she had access to a university library so she could find some sort of text that might help. She'd never been a student of philosophy, at least not until she'd started learning of Mea, but she felt that in philosophy she'd find some sort of answer.