The Interrogator

Mt. Dakun, Rebellion-Held Aviye


"Why did you side with General Jiang?" Amri asked.

Sensing that Po had closed himself off somewhat, Amri changed the nature of the questions.

It was a trick she'd learned through hours of talking with Zai after her past was revealed. The sudden space to be more honest had been like opening a floodgate of information, and having access to her girlfriend's past had taught her so much about the mysterious woman.

For one thing, Zai had countless personal examples to draw upon when it came to her journey towards Meaism, examples she never shared except in oblique terms when it came to Amri's political education.

Amri had learned how to get Zai to open up, by inviting conversation instead of verifying points, and she intended to do that now as she projected a sincere desire to understand into Po's mind.

She felt suspicion in his mind as he looked at the Army officers in the room.