History Lesson

Mt. Dakun / Lutis, Rebellion-Held Aviye


As she found the energy to pace inside the back room of the infirmary, Zai tried not to lose her calm.

Amri had remained unresponsive even in the face of shouting, pinching, and smelling salts. The biggest comfort she had was that Amri's eyes were moving beneath their lids, an indicator, according to Quynh, that she was dreaming.

Her concern for Amri had superseded the need to address her own pain, as the spidery blue bruises all over Zai's body alternated between feeling disturbingly cold and sharp, heated spikes of sensation and pain.

While she was not debilitated by the pain all over her body, she had refrained from testing herself in any form, not wanting to make things worse. What she'd discovered since then was that her lower back felt particularly stiff, as did her legs, feet, neck, and shoulders. It reminded her more than a little of the first time she'd used a frame.