Terms and Conditions

Lutis, Rebellion-Held Aviye


Amri's eyes fluttered open. For a moment she was unsure if she heard the door closing, but regardless, her body felt too heavy to move for the moment.

She lay on the cot, staring upwards into a hanging light that was thankfully turned off, and listened to the birdsong coming in from outside as she felt her circulation increase.

While she did not recognize Shenmi's practice room, she knew that was where she was because she'd conversed with Shenmi in her mind for almost all of the night.

In fact, she had trained with Shenmi, who had helped her stretch the subjective experience of time to allow them days upon days to fix what Amri had done to herself.

A sound drew her attention, and Amri worked up the strength to turn her head, only to find Zai asleep in a chair less than a meter away, her head flopped back against the wall, and her hands crossed around her belly.