Interlude - Yuu

Nurezhin, Kingdom of Aviye

Yuu Xia whistled.

It was a simple tune, one that started high, cascading lower and lower in collections of eight notes until returning to its start.

He knew where it was from, but he couldn't think about it. He didn't want to think. He just wanted to hear the noise.

Yuu didn't want to remember that yesterday he had a family... but was it really yesterday and not a lifetime ago?

Now he was in a cage, alone. There was only one other prisoner in the cage across from him. They were in a building he thought was the city's prison but could not be entirely sure. He hoped family was okay... Baozhai and Qing...

"Oy!" The other prisoner shouted, standing at his bars and banging his handcuffs against them. He shouted something Yuu couldn't understand in Canthic, likely telling him to stop.

Yuu looked at him blearily. The man was blonde and a foreigner, just like the woman who killed his family in front of him...