Interlude - Jiang

Nurezhin,  The Kingdom of Aviye

General Jiang stared at the map.

It didn't change the situation.

He'd set up in the most fortified building his troops could find, a storehouse in the northwest corner of the city, its meter-thick walls safe against all but the heaviest artillery. The place had been designed to be proofed against thieves, in service of the banks and businesses that kept their goods in it, and even the roof was a half-meter of reinforced concrete.

It was perfect as a headquarters, if a bit obvious, but that's what Jiang's artillery was for. His batteries kept the enemy artillery at a far enough distance to keep his fortress impenetrable, and it helped that the bombers Sommer had provided were now on the move.

There was a hitch though, and Jiang had the nagging feeling that the lone enemy bomber, which had mysteriously escaped with the cost of eight Usonian fighters, had been far more important than he thought.