
Mt. Dakun, Rebellion-Held Aviye


Amri woke up to darkness.

Getting up, she stepped on nothing, felt nothing, touched nothing, yes she could feel the space around her like walls of crystal, a no-light refracting herself in a familiar way.

She was back in the crystal palace of her mind.

Somehow, she'd awakened in her own mind again, only this time, she felt like the body of light that was her Self was moving in syrup.

There was a turning, a sense of being turned, and suddenly she felt another person sitting behind her.

A well of space, and a familiar sense of depth approached, resolving into the oceanic presence of Shenmi.

"You've barely been gone a day and already you're crying for help," Shenmi's voice felt lighter, but far more solid than the first time they'd communicated this way.

"Shenmi... how-"