An Efficient Date

Escator, The Kingdom of Aviye


Quynh had never expected to see Escator in her life. It wasn't exactly a tourist destination for people from the Rebel half of Aviye, especially since the Kingdom was re-mobilizing against the Rebellion.

While she'd fantasized about going to a big city to learn to be a proper doctor, her dreams had been non-specific, and she much rather would have gone to a place like Port Jita over the half-sweltering city that had once been the winter capital of Aviye before becoming the de-facto capital in the wake of the Iconoclast's war of liberation.

But at least Xu had picked a good restaurant for their date.

"How are we even going to afford this place?" Quynh asked as she browsed the menu. The dragon steak had a paragraph-long description and a price that could have fed her family for months. Given most of Aviye's dragons lived in the north and east, Rebel territory, it made sense that the price would be so high.