
The Ranch, Bolao Valley, Democratic Union of Aviye


Watching Amri being out of her element wasn't as much fun as Zai anticipated. Not when the subject was one she'd had a lot of negative experiences with in college, albeit from a somewhat different angle.

She finally stepped in after Amri stammered her way through a third request to start over at the beginning.

"Alright everyone, I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner," Zai said as she stepped between Amri on one side and Yuu and Sergeant Chadha on the other. "I think it's safe to say that this was just a misunderstanding and we've more than talked it out at this point." She turned. "Sergeant Chadha, you understand now that men should not be expected to just "want something all the time" because they are men, yes?"

Chadha nodded, looking away awkwardly.

"Yuu, you made your position clear, and you both have said multiple times it was just a case of mistaken communication, yes?"