Nemesis - Part 2



The conversation continued that night.

As Quynh slept, she dreamed she was back in that warehouse with the Spider, only instead of her being tied up, it was Xu. She didn't have Xu's abilities, and so when Hume's "siblings" started shooting, all she could do was stand there and take the bullets...

Except that the bullets never reached her.

Before she was shot, she felt a pulling sensation and suddenly she was in a no-space, sitting on nothing, surrounded by her fellow Risers, Amri, Xu, and Zai. Shenmi sat opposite the four of them, looking cranky as always.

"There. Finally got her. It's already hard enough doing this from home," Shenmi complained. "How's your head feel?" she asked Amri.

"Like a hunk of lead," Amri replied. "Is it supposed to feel like this?"

"That's normal. If it starts to feel like an on-fire hunk of lead, let me know," Shenmi answered back.