Hell - Part 1

The Desert Near Maezul Village, Democratic Union of Aviye



Qal's pointing indicated a tarp-covered set of pallets. Painted on the green-brown tarps was a large, red skull, and there were even a pair of guards with weapons at rest, standing alert at two corners of the deadly cargo.

Not wanting to take a risk, Xu had Qal hide nearby. By pulling her antipathy field so close it was mere centimeters from her body, Xu was able to get behind the guards, decapitating them both with a simultaneous strike using both of her bayonets.

"Fuck," Qal exclaimed as she approached.

Xu relaxed her antipathy field and sighed out her long-held breath. "Masks and gloves on from here on out," she said, pulling out her mask from the kit she'd brought with her. A pair of black leather gloves followed, and she and Qal tested each other's gas masks with a good shake.

Only once that was done did Xu cut away the ropes binding the tarp to its cargo, revealing...