Heaven on Earth

Escator, Democratic Union of Aviye


On silken sheets and a soft mattress, Amri and Zai made love in the King's Palace.

As with their first time, they shared a transcendent experience of mixing souls, water and light, blending and twisting and merging only to come apart in little moments.

Shared gasps and moans, mingling sweat, and bodies so distant from exhaustion that they knew no tiredness even well past the dawn.

They tried every position they could think of, and each time they climaxed, they did so together. They could do no less, joined together as they were. Sharing across the bridge of Amri's power.

The sense of her, of Amri, was so vast compared to before her apotheosis. Zai wondered how she did not get lost in her, in that calm and centered sea of light.