Search and Rescue

Escator, Democratic Union of Aviye



Sitting in the palm of Zai's frame, Amri lost herself for a moment in the feeling of the wind against her face, the thudding steps, and the focus of Zai's mind, like a river carving a new path, desperate for that unobtainable goal of saving everyone.

She felt more than heard Zai's words as she called in the First Ascendant, eager to get as many helping hands as she could.

By the time they arrived at the scene of devastation, the firefighters and volunteers had already surrounded the rubble of what had once been a secondary school.

An improvised cordon had been set up close to the main street, and outside of it, parents shouted and cried, waiting for their children to be pulled from the ruins.

Zai had to wait for a long moment as the volunteers opened up the cordon for her frame to pass through. Keying on her speakers, she asked the nearest firemen, "How can we help?"