The Siege of Maezul - Part 1

Maezul Village, Democratic Union of Aviye



Xu awoke at the appropriate hour to start the day, which was 0500. She did not expect to awaken to Quynh muttering to herself in the kitchen, books open all over the table.

"Is everything alright?" Xu asked.

"I had a breakthrough," Quynh said. "The problem is, I don't have an antidote... and I'm not sure there is one..."

Blinking slowly, Xu decided to focus on something she could control. "I'll make us some tea then," she replied, moving to do just that.

As Xu put the kettle on the electric plate, Quynh launched into an explanation, very concerned that it was traditional Aviyan medicine that lay at the root of the toxic gas that had concerned them.

For her part, Xu suspected the enemy had more. Their sudden change in tactics suggested that what they had was likely rarified after Xu and Hong's strike on their staging warehouse.