The New Fight

Aviye Liberation Forces Headquarters, Mt. Dakun, Democratic Union of Aviye


"Take a seat," General Suleika ordered, and Zai moved around to sit in front of her desk.

Zai was here alone, having decided on leaving Amri and the kids in Lutis. They were staying at the new hotel.

"Sergeant Eresh informed me you'd lost a friend in town. Allow me to offer my condolences," General Suleika said.

Zai was not surprised to learn her driver had reported to the General in the time it had taken to get into her dress uniform. Everything Risers did was subject to some form of scrutiny.

"Amri is taking it harder than I am," Zai replied neutrally. "I'd rather not discuss it here, General."

"Understood," Suleika said, dropping the topic. She switched to making a little bit of small talk, asking about the flight and Zai's arrangements in Escator. Zai answered truthfully, and after only a few minutes, the General was ready to truly proceed.