Stepping Back

The Trans-Siveron Rail Line, Siveron People's Federation



In restless dreams, Zai tossed and turned as her body dreaded the day to come. Xu had passed her the message just before evening, keeping the information just between them as she pretended to try to interview Zai at the very entrance of her cart.

Zai was impressed by how well she sold the impression of being a reporter, but the news Xu whispered along immediately put her on edge. Her father wanted to speak with her. He was willing to hold the threat of her own heritage over her head.

Now she suffered in her sleep, her last dream being one of her father killing her mother with a garrot, while she watched helplessly, struggling against an amorphous black ooze that held her in place. At the last moment, when it was already too late, she broke free, rushing at him, trying to grab him and pull him away.