The Duel - Part 1

Skiljebrygga (Arbiter's Bridge), Storspann, Svizra Confederation



After that bit of public grandstanding, waiting for the fight itself was taken as its own contest between nations.

Zai had already spent the morning stretching and warming up by lightly sparring with Rui. Vanya had watched, silently, but her eyes were quick and observant. Fulcrum said he would be recording the match on camera, but Zai had yet to see any sign of him or Vanya since that morning.

Now, waiting for the duel to begin, Zai took her time and meditated, focusing on inner calm and trying not to feel queasy because of the pill she'd consumed. This was the first time she'd felt such an effect, so she wondered if maybe it was the light breakfast she'd had or something else.

A part of her chastised herself for not trying it sooner to discover the effects. Then at least she could have avoided taking it right before such an important fight.