What Was Broken

Lutis, Democratic Union of Aviye


On her way to the room, Quynh was in a low mood. Coming back, knowing that Shenmi was gone, even though she'd been instructed not to blame herself, was depressing. She felt responsible, even if objectively she knew Shenmi had made her own choices. She could accept that. She just didn't know how to feel about it.

The hall was typical of boxed hospital designs, with windows on one side giving a view of the rectangular park at the center of the building. That park was covered in a thin layer of snow from the early valley winter. She looked out over the gently falling snow, slightly golden in the dawn light.

Today, she was to perform an unprecedented surgery. Healing? Quynh didn't know if there should be a correct term for repairing the damage to a soul, but 'healing' felt softer. More in line with the fact that what she was doing was not entirely scientific yet.

The entire idea had come to her from Amri.