Fire and Water - Part 2

The Trans-Siveron Rail Line, Siveron People's Federation



As soon as they split up, Zai finally felt she had a chance. She didn't know where Xu was, but she was damn grateful for her.

The Ascendants of Fire and Water had coordinated their attacks to keep Zai on the defensive. Zai had fought within those limits, and the heat and movement had carved out a hole in the avalanche of snow that gave her some weapons in the form of boulders.

She tossed one at the Ascendant of Fire's face as he approached her confidently.

He caught it with one hand, holding it off to the side like a large ball, one that was growing red with heat.

"So, you think you can take me all by your lonesome?" Zai said through her speakers. The low battery warning was sounding, three chirps that would get progressively slower and lower as the power ran out, until they stopped.