The Right Place

People's Ascendance Center, State Ascendant Industries Complex, Democratic Union of Aviye



The walk to K'le's office ended up taking twenty minutes, and by then Juiz had returned with a small bottle of lychee-flavored elixir spirits. Amri frowned at seeing it was 30 proof but added it to her purse.

When at last they were led into K'le's office, it was to find a woman waiting with a mass of photographs in front of her on a table. She stood as they entered the room.

"Meet Doctor Askari Var, Chief Archaeologist of the West Aviye Institute of Archaeology," K'le introduced them. "Dr. Var, this is Dr. Amri Jeng and her child, Yue."

"I'm honored, Doctor," Dr. Var bowed sincerely. "You have a lovely child. Boy or girl?"

"It's a secret!" Yue said with a clever smile.

"My wife and I are allowing Yue to pick their gender. It's a common practice in Kota, where she is stationed." Amri explained, approaching the table with Yue.