
The Olvafordt, Freiresval


That evening, training with Colonel Sedar provided Xu with plenty of additional insights.

For one thing, she learned that his unpowered reflection was actually genuine, a form of "qi bursting" that was continuous and debilitating. If he seemed normal, it was because he was normal while he kept his qi lowered.

Qi bursting was basically forcing qi out from one's self in one giant push. It was difficult to control, and so the practice was considered both foolish and desperate when Aviyan Risers performed it. What Xu learned from Colonel Sedar was that it could be controlled.

Still, she felt he got more out of the exchange than she did, as she gave him three techniques. One to counter mental intrusion. One to rapidly infuse unfamiliar weapons. And one to focus attention on himself.

With regard to the latter...