The Night Of Falling Stars

Outpost 44,  Kota



It was only two days after the warning.

The blast that woke Rui threw her from her bed, collapsing her tent on top of her and her unit, the 11th Armored Squad.

Learning to sleep with her defensive core active saved her life, but she had no time to think about that as she stood up, ripping through the canvas with her qi claws as she cast about.

In the rampant firelight, she saw the nearby crater of an artillery shell, a jagged pit of darkness amidst the mud. Beyond it were even more fires, and people rushing about. And in the distance, a haze of deeper red...

"Gas! Gas! Gas!" Rui turned, shouting into the fallen tent as those who remained alive rushed to gather their things. The side Rui was on had been devastated, and she saw no movement from the three cots that had been near hers.