
Linan Military Dock, Democratic Union of Aviye


Xu waited in the lobby of the base headquarters, knowing her task today would be difficult and unpleasant.

Yet someone had to do it, and there was no one better for the job because there was no one else. So she inhaled and exhaled, maintaining her meditation until the moment she saw the motorcade arrive, three cars bearing Zai and her entire command staff from Kota.

Standing, Xu walked out the front door of the lobby and watched as Zai and her staff were escorted around the corner. The relatively warm winter in the capital was marked by the gray storm clouds of the winter monsoon, though today there was thankfully no rain.

"Xiaodan!" Zai smiled, offering a hand which Xu shook briefly. "I didn't know you would be debriefing us."

"A bit more than debriefing, Colonel," Xu said stiffly.

"So what's it to be then? A court martial?" Zai asked.