Interlude - Nieto

Emergency Bunker, The House of Golden Blood, Senzaluc, Sendan

"What is taking those cursed Espada so long?" The Supreme Commander of the Resurgent Sendan Nation, He of Peerless Golden Blood and Terrible Countenance, Generalissimo Nieto Cartez slammed both his fists on the table, spilling an inkwell across the far corner of the map of the city that had been laid before him.

The conversation was occurring in Hispian, for the sake of their advisors, but even so, Nieto managed to get across the indignant rage that acted like a signature of sorts for all of his speeches.

"The entire corps is engaged, last we heard," Isabel de Priso, the Hispian Ambassador assured him. She seemed perfectly prim and proper despite the morning hour, and Cartez hated that he'd been woken, only to be dragged to the bunker's elevator in his night clothes. "Be patient."