
Bolao Valley, Democratic Union of Aviye


After all was said and done, Zai's time in Linan ended along with her career. In just two weeks, she readied as much as she could before handing over command of the Dawnravens, which as predicted fell to Major Hong as acting commander. While a new one was being selected, it would take some time.

In between her final duties, she collected her back pay, combat pay, and the pay for her unused leave, which she decided to take all at once.

"Um, is this number correct?" Zai had asked the financial officer at the Tenth Starday Building.

"General Suleika said to give you every Qian owed, and I triple-checked it myself," the man behind the desk had said.

Qian used only whole numbers for its currency, but even so, Zai hadn't expected to see a nearly eight-figure sum.

Assuming she didn't move anywhere expensive, Zai would have enough to last her family a lifetime.